Saturday, December 1, 2012

Will of Ellen Blake, widow Croydon Surrey - The National Archives PROB 11/201/361, probated 10 Jul 1647

Interesting will by Ellen Blake widow of Croydon with her enthusiastic support of King Charles as she states Lord Kinge Charles over ever England.

Morgan Gryffith is an unusual name and I did find a number of entries online at Croydon but too late to be this individual. No mention of husband or children or land. One is left to think she has just her household goods and wanted to be sure that there wouldn't be a difficult for Ellen Gryffith to take these goods for her own use.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded:  30 Nov 2012
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/201/361
Testator: Ellen Blake, widow
Place: Croydon, Surrey, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 25 Dec 1646, probated 10 Jul 1647
Read: Electronic copy images
Condition: middle English writing fine, good contrast copy

[Margin] T[esta]m[ent] Ellen
[Margin] Blake

1    In the name of God Amen
2    I Ellen Blake of Croydon in the countie of Surrey widdow beinge weake in body but
3    in perfect mememory praised to God) doe ordaine and appoint this my last will and
4    Testament made this five and twentith day of December anno domini One thousand
5    sixe hundred forty sixe And in the two and twentith yeare of the Raigne of o[u]r soveraigne
6    Lord Kinge Charles over ever England etc in manner and forme followinge And first
7    and principally I commend my sinfull soule unto God Allmighty Creator thereof
8    solely trustinge in the merritts of my blessed Savio[u]r Christ Jesus for the salva[t]ion
9    thereof And my body to the earth whence it came to be therein interred at the discretion
10    and appointment of my Executrix and Overseers herein nominated and appointed And
11    for my personall estate it hath pleased my Creator to blesse me w[i]thall I give and be-
12    queath as followeth First I give and bequeath unto my kinsewoman Ellen Gryffith
13    the wife of Morgan Gryffith all and every my goods chattells and implements of
14    household stuffe whatsoever and debts, whom I make my sole executrix shee payinge my
15    debts and defrayinge my funerall charges And I intreat my lovinge Neighbors George
16    Hodges and Francis Hilles to stand and be my Overseers for the performance of this my
17    said last will and Testament where unto I putt my hand and seale the day and yeare first
18    above written Ellen Blake Signed and sealed in the presence of Francis Hilles
19    Jane Owen her marke

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