Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Will of Cicelie Beaver, Widow, of Kingsclere - The National Archives, probated 15 Jun 1619

The spelling of the surname in this will is Beaver and Cicelie Beaver widow lived at Ecchinswell near Kingsclere which is just 10 miles WNW of Basingstoke and 12 miles NE of Andover so again rather interesting as this is 1618 and my Anthony Beaver/Bever was probably born around 1680 (earlier or later) and I have no information on him prior to his marriage with Susanna Johnson 20 Jul 1710 at Upper Clatford. There are 25 Bever wills and 71 Beaver wills (5 of these overlap). At the time that I picked them I was choosing on the basis of location but glancing once again there are probably several interesting ones but they will wait for another time.

This is the sort of will that you wish all of your relatives would leave naming so many of her kinsmen and kinswomen. What a treasure for her family. I have no idea if she is related to my Bever/Beaver family at Upper Clatford and Goodworth Clatford. This is too early as Anthony Bever married Susanna Johnson 20 Jul 1710 at Upper Clatford nearly one hundred years later. Interesting though the reference to Fareley as one of my great grandfather's sisters married David Farley in 1853. Perhaps I should attempt to trace David back - I know his parents were John Farley and Mary Yeates who married 25 Jul 1822 at Andover.

Cicely only names her side of the family it would appear and does not mention any children. There is a Bever/Beaver family at Kingsclere on the IGI. I discovered the birth of an older brother to my Dinah Bever on the IGI Anthony baptized 5 Nov 1710 at Upper Clatford.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 21 Jan 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/133/693
Testator: Cicelie Beaver, widow
Place: Kingsclere Hampshire, England
Date of document: 11 Dec 1618, probated 15 Jun 1619
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Cicelie
[Margin]: Beaver

1    In the name of God Amen The eleaventh day
2    of December Anno D[o]m[ini] 1618 I Cicelie Beaver of Ecchinswell in the parish of Kingsclere
3    and countie of South[amp]ton widdowe beinge weake of Bodye but of good and perfect remembrance
4    thanks be unto God, doe ordaine and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and
5    forme followinge, utterlie frustratinge, cancellinge, and makinge voyde all former
6    wills, and testaments whatsoever heartofore by mee made First and above all things
7    I bequeath my soule unto Almightie God my maker trustinge most assuredlie to bee
8    saved by the death, passion and bloudshedinge of Jesus Christ my onlie savio[u]r and Redeemer
9    and my Bodie to be buried in the Churchyarde of Kingsclere aforesaid. Item I give and
10    bequeath to the Mother Church at Winchester fouer pence. Item I give and bequeath to
11    the parish church of Kingsclere two shillings. And to the Chappell of Ecchinswell
12    twoe shillings Item I give and bequeath to widdowe Robnnt twelve pence. Item I give and bequeath
13    to all the other poore people in Ecchinswell aforesaid fouer shillings to be bestowed at the
14    discre[t]ion of my overseers. Item I give and bequeath to everie of my Godchildren iiij pence apeece
15    Item whereas I lent unto my sister Elizabeth Helyer, the some of three pounds, longe since
16    I doe freelie give and forgive her the said Elizabeth the sayd three poundes. Item I give
17    and bequeath unto Jane Fareley my sister the wife of William Fareley, the somme of Tenne
18    poundes of lawful money of Englande, my best gowne, my best hatt, one brasse pott of
19    two gallons, one brasse kettle of fouer gallons, or upwards and one other lesser kettle
20    w[i]thout abassed, three pewter platters, one lockram sheete, and one canvas sheete, a bed
21    w[hi]ch is in her owne custodie, a feather boulster, one greene saye aprone, and one cofer
22    Item I give and bequeath to Jane Farelie, the daughter of Jane Fareley, my sister,
23    the some of Tenne poundes of lawfull money of Englande, my Fustian waistcoaste, and a
24    brasse pott neare aboute a pecke, one brasse chaffinge dish, one skillett neare aboute
25    a quarte, one payre of tonges, and Fiershovell, my best cofer, and my beste petticoate
26    Item I give and bequeath to Agnes Fareley, one other of the daughters of the said Jane
27    Fareley, my sister, the some of Tenne poundes of lawfull money of Englande, one Feather bed
28    and feather boulster, my best coverlett, my Joyned Bedstede, one brasse kettle aboute a
29    pecke, my second best Gowne, my seconde best cofer, one canvas sheete, and one Table
30    cloth neare aboute three ells. Item I give and bequeath to my sister Jane Fareley,
31    her two daughters, all my weareing linnen aparell to be equallie devided amongest them
32    Item I give and bequeath to John Fareley the sonne of the said Jane Fareley my sister
33    the some of three pounds of lawfull money of England, and one cofer Item my Will
34    and true meaninge is that the money hearein given to my sister Jane, and her children
35    shal[l ]be paid one yeare nexte after my decease yf either of them shall dep[ar]te this life before
36    the same shal[l ]be payable, I doe notwithstandinge, ordayne and appoint that he, she
37    or they soe dyinge shall have full power to give, and bequeath, or otherwise assigne
38    the portion to him, her, or them to be due, w[hi]ch shal[l ]be paid accordinglie as if the partie
39    hearein named, were lyvinge, and at the time hearein appointed. Item I give and
40    bequeath to John Lingam my kinsman, the some of Seaven poundes of lawfull money
41    of England, to be paide w[i]thin sixe monethes next after my decease, And to his daughter
42    Agnes, tenne shillings. Item I give and bequeath to John Burneface my kinsman
43    the Twentie shillings w[hi]ch he oweth mee, To John the sonne, tenne shillinges, to Mary
44    his daughter, tenne shillings, To Jane his daughter twentie shillings, And to
45    Dorothie his daughter, my goddaughter, Thirtie shillings. Item I give and bequeath
46    to John Stone th[e ]elder, the twentie shillings w[hi]ch he oweth me, and other twentie
47    shillings. And to Dorothie his daughter my kinswoman, Fortie shillings Item I
48    give and bequeath to Eedie P[en]tone my kinswoman, three poundes of lawfull money
49    of England, to be paid w[i]thin sixe monethes nexte after my decease. Item I give, and
50    bequeath to Dorothie Smyth, the wife of William Smith, x s w[i]thin three
52    monethes next after my decease w[hi]ch I will shee shall ymploye to p[ro]vide her cloathes
    [Page 2]
53    Item I give and bequeath to Walter Camber the younger Twentie shillings Item I
54    give and bequeath to William Winckworth the Twenty shillings w[hi]ch he oweth me And to
55    Ellen his weiffe Tenne shillings Item I give and bequeath to Grahame Legatt my
56    kinsman Twentie shillings Item I give and bequeath to John Stone the younger
57    Twentie shillings The residue of my goodes and chattells unbequeathed my debtes
58    legacies and funeralls discharged and paid I give and bequeath to Richard Walter
59    my kinsman, whome I doe make my sole and onelie executor of this my will and testament
60    Item I ordaine and appointe Overseers of this my will and testament to see it
61    performed and kept Nicholas Winckworth and Richarde Clemence th[e ]elder
62    And I give to them for their paines Five shillings a peece, Those bearing witnes
63    Abraham Walter John Rumboule John Penton William Winckworth John
64    Stone th[e ]elder and Walter Camber Cicely Beaver's marke
65    The sixteenth day of December Anno D[omi]ni 1618 I the above named
66    Cicelye Beaver doe adde this followinge to be p[ar]cell of my will and testament
67    And I charge my Executors to performe it Item I give and bequeath to Alice
68    Kember otherwise Camber my kinswoman Thirtie shillings Item I give and
69    bequeath to William Painter Thirtie shillings Item I give and bequeath to
70    the fouer children of Paule Stone my kinsman deceased Fortie shillings to
71    be equallie devided amongst them And my true meaninge is that the stock
72    shal[l ]be p[er]formed for them untill they shal[l ]be of the age of Twentie one yeares and the use
73    thereof towardes theyre breedinge Item I give and bequeath to Marye Pinnocke ten
74    shillings Item I give and bequeath to William Fareley my brother in lawe twentie
75    shillings Item I give and bequeath to Jane Farelie my sister Three poundes of lawfull
76    money of England above her portion formerlie given and one brasse panne, my cloke
77    and my newe red petticoate Item I give and bequeath to Agnes Fareley my kinswoman
78    Fortie shillings above her former portion and one brasse pott neare about a gallon
79    Item I give and bequeath to John Lingam the younger Tenne shillings Item I give
80    and bequeath to Nicholas Walter my kinsman Fouer poundes of lawfull money of
81    Englande If Richarde Walter shall heareafter refuse to be my Executor, then I
82    nominate Richarde Clemence and Jane Fareley my sister to bee ioynt Executors to
83    performe this my will and testament Item I give and bequeath to Alice Martin
84    Twentie shillings Item I give and bequeath to widdowe Francklin Five
85    shillinges Cicelie Beavers marke. Witnesses so are into Nicholas
86    Winckworth and Walter Camber and Ellen Francklin

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