Monday, January 7, 2013

Will of Edward Baynard of Lackham - The National Archives PROB 11/57/579, probated 14 Feb 1575/76

I have deliberately missed the will of Robert Baynard probated 12 Oct 1537 because it is in Latin and will require rather more effect on my part at this time to transcribe it. It is quite short actually and does not mention members of the Blake family other than Robert I do not think so for that instance it is not of interest to me but I will eventually transcribe and translate it. Robert Baynard and his wife Anna Blake had a large family:

Edward Baynard was Robert's eldest son and heir and more on him in this post
Gertrud married Ambrose Adlame of Westbery Wiltshire
Robert (second son) was a scholar of Winchester aged 11 in 1532
Lawrence (third son)
Richard (fourth son) died without issue
Cicile married Robert White and later Thomas Berington of Hereford
Anna married John Willoughbye of Turner Piddle Dorset (and this John is mentioned in Roger Blake's will)
Jane married Leonard Knoell of Sandford Orcas Somerset
Thomas (fifth son) married Elizabeth daughter and coheir of George Barnes Alderman of London (this is the Baynard line found at Wanstrow Somerset and Cliffe Tincleton Dorset) and Thomas lived at Barton Gloucester

Yesterday's will was for Henry Baynard a brother to Philip and uncle to the present testator Edward Baynard. Edward is not the son with whom Henry had a problem that son was Robert and I know almost nothing about that Robert. Edward was the eldest son and he married three times. His first wife was Mariam daughter of Leonard Poole of Saperton Gloucester and there was no issue from this marriage. His second wife was Elinora Walsingham daughter of Edmond Walsingham of Chesilhurst (near Bromley Surrey) and again no issue. His third marriage was to Elizabeth Warnford daughter of John Warnford of Sevenhampton Wiltshire. Edward and Elizabeth had a large family and as mentioned in the will Robert was his eldest son and heir. He also mentions his five younger sons and this is perhaps the order of birth Nicholas, John, Giles, Philip and Edward and later Benjamin sixth son I think mentioned in a codicil perhaps just newly born with daughters Mary and later Anne is born after the will is written and mentioned in a codicil. The visitation lists both an Edward and an Edmondus. Mary married Edward Perce and Anne married Edward Reade of Corsham. Robert the eldest son married Ursula Stapleton daughter of Robert Stapleton of Wighall (North Riding of Yorkshire).

Edward (the testator) was Sheriff of Wiltshire in 1553 and he was buried 21 Dec 1575 aged 63 years according to the Visitation giving him a date of birth around 1512. Since he was the eldest son the date of marriage for Robert Baynard and Anna Blake would have been just prior to this time perhaps 1510 to 1511 giving a date of birth for Anne in the 1480s or early 1490s likely. As mentioned earlier Roger and Anne (siblings) are contemporaries with Nicholas Blake of Enham my ancestor who was likely born in the 1480s to 1490s period and died by 1547 at Andover. Blake histories published by Somersby would have had Roger as first cousin to Nicholas which would have been a fairly close relationship but noticeably absent in the wills of both of these men (Roger and Nicholas).

The latest yDNA results for the Blake family carrying I2a2b signature in their yDNA is most interesting. These ancient British lines tell a story that is somewhat profound. What motivated these separate lines to both choose the surname Blake? In the case of the Andover family the Blake family there goes back into the 1400s and the Blake family at Calne back into the 1200s. Is the newest tester a descendant of the Blake family at Calne (he is a perfect match with the tester from Ireland)? I recently posted on the DNA newsgroup and the reply has me thinking again about the origins of the Blake family that went to Ireland with Strongbow (Earl of Pembroke) and this Earl was from the Welsh Marches. Could it be that the name Blake became a very popular one and was chosen on the basis of the popularity thus acquired? Did the Blake family receive the land that they had because of their association with Strongbow? All such tantalizing thoughts are on the drawing board. There is also the I1 group of Blake which some believe is the Blake family at Calne.

Dating this family is helpful and it is known that Pinhills came into the possession of the Blake family sometime before 1504 when it was held by John Blake as mentioned in his will although it passed to his brother Robert son of Robert Blake and Avis Wallop and hence the father of Roger Blake and Anne Blake (married to Robert Baynard). Pinhills was held in 1407 by John Formage passing down to John Cricklade (Lord of Studley Manor) who held it in 1461 and at some point between 1461 and 1504 it came into the hands of the Blake family. It is said that a Robert de Blakeland paid subsidy in 1286 whilst living at Blakelands and this is said to be on the Wiltshire Roll of Subsidies (published histories of the Blake family of the United States). I have not yet found that particular document but where was the Blake family of Calne from 1286 to 1504 when they are known to be at Pinhills? Quemerford is often noted as their home and searching British History online under Calne Economic History gives a few interesting details with Blackland and Quemerford mentioned below.

British History online - Calne

This set of 33 documents from the 11th to the 19th century is a fascinating read. Blackland has ten pages but the only mention of Blake in these ten pages is a manor at Compton Bassett called Blake's. Is Blacklands the Blakelands referred to by earlier family histories of the Blake family produced by descendants in the United States? It is very close to Calne. Blake's at Compton Bassett was held by John Blake (died 1504 and brother to Robert Blake father of Roger Blake). This property passed into the Dauntsey family (grandson of John Blake by his daughter). It was not called Blake's until later at least by 1557 according to the British History Online writeup.

"In 1500 John Blake (d. 1504) held an estate later called BLAKE'S. His heirs were his daughter Joan Wroughton and his grandson Richard Dauntsey. (fn. 84) Richard held Blake's at his death in 1557 and was succeeded by his son William, (fn. 85) who sold it in 1588 to Francis Shute. (fn. 86) Francis conveyed it in 1589 to William Shute (fn. 87) (fl. 1599), (fn. 88) and in 1619 it was held by William's son John (fn. 89) (fl. 1629). (fn. 90) In 1648 the Revd. John Shute, either William's son or a namesake, with Sir John Thoroughgood and Thoroughgood's wife Frances sold Blake's to Robert Maundrell. (fn. 91) Robert and his namesakes probably held the estate until 1743; a Robert, son of Robert Maundrell, died in 1673, another Robert died in 1705, and a third in 1743. (fn. 92) The estate was held by Thomas Maundrell in 1747 (fn. 93) and by another or others of the same name between 1780 and c. 1815, when it passed to Robert Maundrell. It was acquired by Robert Essington c. 1816, presumably by purchase, and after his death c. 1825 was divided. By 1831 most of the estate had been acquired by George Walker Heneage, the lord of Compton Bassett manor, and it descended with the manor until 1929-30. (fn. 94) As Manor farm, 200 a. in 1930, (fn. 95) it was acquired before 1936 by W. S. FieldingJohnson (fn. 96) (d. 1953), whose relict Noel Fielding-Johnson (fn. 97) in 1963 sold Manor and Streete farms, a total of 363 a., to Mr. J. S. Reis, the owner in 1995. (fn. 98)"

"A fulling mill in Quemerford belonged to Robert Blake (d. 1515) (fn. 76) and was on the estate at Quemerford conveyed by Robert's grandson Thomas Blake to Henry Chivers in 1560. A new mill at Quemerford was built in 1594, or perhaps shortly before then, by Roger Chivers, who held the estate conveyed in 1560. (fn. 77) In 1646 Roger Chivers's son Henry held two fulling mills on the Marden and south of the London road at Quemerford: one adjoined his mansion house, was on the site of the mill later called Lower or Quemerford mill, and was probably that standing in 1515; the other was called New mill, stood above the mansion house, was later called Upper or Provender mill, and was probably that built in the early 1590s. (fn. 78) Both mills descended with the Chiverses' land at Quemerford to Henry Vince (fl. after 1748). (fn. 79) In 1572 John Mitchell, the owner of Blunt's estate in Calstone, proposed to use the site of an old mill at Quemerford to build a fulling mill with two tenters. (fn. 80) Although there were later three fulling mills at Quemerford there is no evidence that Mitchell's proposal was put into practice. The third fulling mill, called Phelps or Hole mill, stood on the Marden below the other two and north of the London Road. (fn. 81)"

Searching for Quemerford in the National Archives does reveal a number of documents but nothing with the Blake name. But it is interesting that Robert Blake had a fulling mill. Very little is known about Robert Blake and his wife Avis Wallop but he did have a coat of arms and the stained glass window produced as a likeness of he and his wife was drawn and this drawing is held by the British Library. The stained glass window was destroyed during a wind storm in the 17th century. The Blake Pedigree Chart also contains two drawings of two different couples - the first drawing is of Robert Blake and Alice Folyot (rather think this is meant to be Wallop) because the caption above talks about this being in the "Chancell of Calne." This chart was produced in 1690 with later additions but was produced after the stained glass window was destroyed. Since they are both under copyright I can not reproduce them here but they can be acquired from the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office for a very reasonable price as part of the entire Pedigree Chart.

I have placed the two pictures said to be Robert Blake and Avice Wallop side by side and they are remarkably different but still a lot the same. The faces are different somewhat. Avis/Alice's face is covered rather more by draping in the drawing made of the original window. The Blake crest is rather well reproduced and very similar in both images. The image on the Blake Pedigree Chart  is coloured and the drawing is not. The crest of the Wallop family is displayed in the coloured version showing it to be red and white and is very similar to the gown that is worn by Avice/Alice. The picture that was drawn shows a much younger Robert Blake and Avice Wallop.

The Blake Pedigree chart held at the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office is somewhat helpful with regard to the early history of the Blake family in Wiltshire in that the oldest record is named as Richard Blague alias Blaake of Wiltshire Esquire living during the reign of Edward I and Edward II gave certain lands in Essex to the Knights Templars during the reign of Edward I. Edward I reigned from 1272 to 1307 and Richard overlapped the time of Edward I and Edward II. Edward II reigned from 1307 to 1327. Hence this Richard was alive in 1286 when the Subsidy was paid which is claimed by other Blake researchers for Robert de Blakeland.

When next we are at the National Archives there is one document that I want to acquire C 241/243/39 18 Aug 1460 and it concerns John Blake of Nether Wallop and Robert Blake of Calne (these two men are brothers). It may prove rather interesting as it is prior to 1504 when Robert becomes seized of Pinhills on the death of his brother John. There is a second document involving Robert Blake in 1460 between Robert Blake of Calne and a John Bridewell C 241/244/5. They are on my wish list and may tell me more about Robert Blake in 1460. A search of The National Archives on the surname Blake from 1000 to 1400 yields 68 documents most of which are not in Wiltshire. I have looked at this before but the mention of Blake with Strongbow has rekindled my interest in the earlier records.

Interestingly I do find a grant of Land in Eastwood by Roger le Blake of Madebrook to the Knights Templars 20 Nov 1302. The summary "Roger le Blake of Madebrook to grant land in Eastwood to the master and brethren of the Knights Templars in England, retaining a cottage and land in Thundersley and Eastwood. Essex" C 143/41/23 with date 31 Edward I. Obviously this one is a must as it relates to the Pedigree Chart. It is possible to find Eastwood and Thundersley on Google maps in Essex  and Madebrook is now the name of a pub located in Madeley which is near Telford in Shropshire.

However, I digress from the will of Edward Baynard. Edward's children have come late to him as it is not until he marries a third time that his family begins. Edward is buried in 1575 at the age of 63 according to the Visitation but his eldest son is not yet 21 at the time of the writing of the will in 1572. The will of Sir Robert Baynard (his son) will not be published for a few days as he died 14 Apr 1636 and his will was probated 28 Mar 1639 with the Inquisition Postmortem being held 6 Oct 1636. The will is a long one so will perhaps provide interesting details but not likely on the Blake family as members of that family would now be his second cousins and perhaps quite distant given the large number of siblings that Robert had and aunts/uncles. Sir Robert is likely in his 70s when he dies in 1636 as he was not yet 21 in 1572 and it is known that Edward's second wife Elinora was buried 20 Aug 1559 so he is born after that date and likely only in his mid teens at the most when his father died.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 4 Jan 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/57/579
Testator: Edward Baynard
Place: Lackham, Wiltshire, England
Date of document: 10 Dec 1572, probated 14 Feb 1575/76
Relationship: son of Robert Baynard and Anna Blake
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 16th century English, black legible copy

[Margin]: Test[amen]t Edwardi
[Margin]: Baynard

1    In the name of God Amen so be it The Tenth daie of December in the
2    Fiftenth yere of the raigne of o[u]r most gracious sovereigne Ladie Elizabeth by the
3    grace of god Quene of England Frannce and Ireland defender of the faith etc
4    and in the yere after the innunciation of Christ a thousand five hundreth three scor and
5    Twelve I Edward Baynard of Lackh[a] in the Countie of Wiltes[hire] esquier being of
6    good remembrance and perfitt memorie thanks be therfore geven to Allmightie god doe
7    ordeyne and make my Last will and testament in manner and forme followinge that is to saie
8    First I commytt my soule to the mercie of Allmightie god the father obteyned throughe the
9    merrits of his sone Jesus Christ my onlie saviour and redeamer whome with the holie ghost I
10    acknowledge to be one true and everliving god And my bodie when it shall please god to call
11    me oute of this transitoire worlde I will to be decentlie buried in remembrance that it shal[l ]be
12    raysed up to lief againe And touchinge my Lands Tenements and hereditaments the third
13    parte thereof deducted for the wise contenta[t]ion of the quenes maiestie accordinge to the statute in the
14    case provyded which I will to discend after my decease unto Robert Baynard my sone and
    [Page 2]
15    heire apparannte I will that the other twoe partes of my said Lands and tene[me]nts be charged
16    for the performannce of this my Last will as shal[l ]be hereafter further expressed That is to saie
17    First I geve to my sone Nicholas Baynard one annuitie or yerlie rent of Tenne pounds of
18    currant englishe money to be yssuyng and yerelie growing oute of the said twoe parts of my Lands
19    Tenements and hereditaments during the lief of the same Nicholas paiable at the fouer most
20    usuall termes of the yere by even por[t]ions / Item I give to everie one of my other sonnes / John
21    Baynard / Giles Baynard Phillip Baynard and Edward Baynard vi li xiij s iiij d apece to be
22    yssyuing and yerelie going oute of the said twoe partes of my Lands and tenements during their
23    severall lives that is to saie to everie of them vi li xij s iiij d by yere paieable at fouer usuall
24    Termes of the yere by equall and even por[t]ions / Item I geve to my daughter Marie one Annuitie or
25    yerlie rent of Three pounds six shillings eight pence to be paid oute of the said twoe partes of
26    my Lands and tenements untill she come to the age of xviij yeres / And when my sone
27    Robert shall accomplishe and come to the age of xxj ti yeres for the more certaine and
28    redie payment of the aforsaid Annyties to my said sonnes Nicholas, John, Giles, Phillipp
29    and Edward grannted in forme aforsaid I will that he my said sone Robert shall grante
30    and assure to everie of my said sonnes Nicholas, John, Giles, Phillip and Edward ther
31    lyving severall patents of the severall annyties and rents aforsaid for terme of their lives
32    with a chanse of distres for non payment of the same within one moneth after everie of the
33    said daies of payment therof apointed nevertheles and my verie will is that if my said
34    sonne Robart after he shall accomplishe and come to the age of xxj ti yeres shall paie to anye
35    of my said sonnes Nicholas John Giles Phillip and Edward the some of one hundreth
36    pounds of currant englishe money That then and ym[m]ediatlie upon the payment of everie
37    suche some of one hundreth pounds by my said sone Robert as aforsaid the said Annytie
38    or yerlie rent of everie suche of my said other sonnes to whome the sayd some of one
39    hundred pounds shal[l ]be paid shall from thenceforth cease and determyn And if my sone Robert
40    happen to die before the grannts and assurancs made to my said other sonnes of the Annyties
41    or yerlie rents aforsaid according to the meaning of this my Last will That then suche of my
42    said sonnes as shal[l ]be my heire after the death of my sone Robert shall grannt to his said other
43    brothers then lyving suche yerlie rents as I have before apointed them in such order and forme
44    as my sone Robert should assure the same if he had lived And if my daughter Marye
45    Baynard be ordered by Elizabeth my wief and shall herafter marry by the assent of my
46    said wief and of suche others as I shall herafter name and apoint / Then I give will and
47    bequeath to her for her advancement and preferment in mariage the some of fouer hundred
48    marks of currant englishe money to be levied receyved and taken by my assured and
49    veire trusted freinds Michaell Ernley Will[ia]m Broncker James Patchett John Warnford
50    Esquiers Will[ia]m Read John Willoughbie and Lawrence Baynard gent and by the survivo[u[rs
51    of them to the use of my said daughter Marie oute of the said twoe parts of my Lands
52    and Tenements and that upon acompt to be yerlie made before Thomas Grove esquier and
53    John Snell gent or before one of them by suche of the said Michaell Ernley, Will[ia]m Broncker
54    James Patchett Will[ia]m Read John Willoughbie and Lawrence Baynard as shall receive the
55    yerlie rents yssues and proffits of the twoe parts of my said Lands and Ten[emen]ts suche money
56    as shal[l ]be yerlie receyved by them towards the making up of the said some of fouer hundreth
57    markes shall upon everie suche acompt be putt in suer and safe keping for the seurtie
58    and benefitt of the said Marie my daughter / And furthermore I will that if my said
59    daughter Marie happen to marrye without the assent of Elizabeth my wief and of my
60    cozn William Broncker and my brother John Warneford That then she shall have onlie
61    Twoe hundred markes and shall then loose the some of Twoe hundred marks of the
62    money before apointed to her in this my Last will I will also that my said wief
63    have the order and goverment of my said five yonger sonnes till they shall accomplishe
64    their severall ags of xxi ti yeres yf they live so longe sole and unmaried and other-
65    wise I will my overseeers to have the order and goverment of them and of their por[t]ions
66    also And furthermore I will that if it shall happen my daughter Marie to die
67    before the age of xviij yeres and before her mariage / Then I will so much of her
    [Page 3]
68    por[t]ion as shal[l ]be receyved at the tyme of her death by those as I have before putt in trust for the
69    receipt of the same be equallie devided amongest my said fyve yonger sonnes or amongest the survivours
70    of them / And where I have apointed Michell Erneley Will[ia]m Bunker James Patchett John Warnford
71    William Read John Willoughbie and Lawrence Baynard the survivour or survivours of them to receive
72    and take all the yssues revenues and proffits of the said twoe parts of my Lands and tenements By
73    this my Last Will devised for the mariage of my said daughter and preferment of my other
74    yonger sonnes which I will they shall receive accordinglie for and during the terme of Twelve
75    yeares next after my decease my verye will and entent is that if they or anye of them
76    shall receive more money of the yssues and proffits of the twoe parts of my said Lands
77    and tenements then shall amounte to my said daughters por[t]ion that all the resydue and overplus
78    of their said receipts over and besids the said por[t]ions shal[l ]be devided amongest my sayd
79    five yonger sonnes or amongest the survivours of them / And concerninge the disposi[t]ion of
80    all my goods, Chattells Juells plate householdstuffe ymplements and utensills I will and
81    bequeath them as foloweth that is to witt I will that my wief shall have and enioye the one
82    halfe of all my househouldstuff and store of householde during the tyme that she shall
83    Remaine a widowe and yf it fortune my said wief to marrie Then my said wief shall have and
84    enioye her th[e ]either furnished w[i]th beds and stuff necessarie that is to mete the new lodging which I
85    latelie builded with the oute chamber the gallerie and the chamber called the morsere with the
86    appurtenancs with free egresse and regresse from tyme to tyme durying her lief naturall
87    provided allwaies that she nor no other in her right shall not lett nor sett the same nor
88    anye parte or parcell therof to anye person or persons Item I will this also that my sayd
89    wief shall have all her apparrell billyment rings bracelets and brooches also her chaines and also the litle crop of silver w[i]th corner gilt and also my bason and
90    Ewer of silver parcell gilte and my best seale parcell gilt of the gift of my Lord Shands
91    w[i]th six spoones of sylver and parcell gilt Item I geve and bequeath to my said wief
92    durying her lief naturall the messuage or Tenement with app[ur][ten[an]cs wherein walter hardie
93    dwelleth by Reybridge and all the Land belonging to the same in full recompence of her title
94    that she noe herafter clayme in a grounds called Crockers But if she will not be here
95    withall contented and satisfied Then I will that this my present deed of gift to her concer[n]ing
96    the said mesuage or tenement wherein hardie doth enhabit shal[l ]be utterlie voide and of none
97    effect / Item I geve to my said frend Mr Reade my best gelding or mare which I shall
98    have or be possessed of at the tyme of my decease to be by him chosen and taken to and w[i]th
99    my best saddle and brydle and furnyture therof Item I geve and bequeath to my deare
100    frend my brother willoughbie and to my said brother Lawrence to eache of them Fourtie
101    shillings apece whome I doe make ordaine and constitute executors of this my last will and
102    Testament / And I geve to my said brother Willoughbie my best blacke nagge And I doe ordene
103    and apointe my verye frends William Bronker my brother John Warnfold and Thomas
104    Birington overseers of this my Last will and testament to whome I doe geve for their paines
105    in token of remembrance a rynge worth xx s apece of them desyringe them to be coadintors
106    to the performance of this my last will and testament And I geve to some well learned
107    man Tenne shillings to preache a sermon at the tyme of my buriall / The reysdew of all
108    my goods cattels Juells plate househouldstuff and utensills whatsoever saving onlie suche as
109    shal[l ]be soulde by my said executors to whome I geve full power and authoritie for the same
110    for the payment of my debts and Legacies and for the discharge of my Funeralls and suche
111    other chargs by and acording to their discre[t]ions I doe fullie and whollie geve to my said
112    sone Robert Baynarde yett I doe apoint the use goverment safe custodie keping and will usinge
113    thereof to my said executors till my said sonne Robert shall acompishe the age of xxi ti yeres
114    and then the same to be delivered by Inventarie or the wise value of suche things or as good
115    in the lieu and side therof / Item I give to Mr Nicholas St John of Liddiard one trottinge
116    verie balde gelding / Item I geve to my frend Mr Vicar of Lacock x s / And also I
117    geve to John Chamberlen other Tenne shillings And my full meaning is that if anye
118    Ambiguytie doubte or question maie aryse springe or growe upon anye parte of this my
119    Last will and Testament hit shal[l ]be discussed decyded and put oute of doubte by my verie
120    frends Wiliam Read and John Willoughbie esquiers or one of them or the survivors of
    [Page 4]
121    Them Also of a certeine proofe that this is my verie last will and testamente I have herunto
122    subscribed my name and sett my seale of Armes in the presence of those whose names are
123    underwritten Raphe Ricroft John Chamberlen yeoman Will[ia]m Skillman the writer hereof per
124    me E Baynard per me Rudulphin Ricroft vicar de Lacocke pret Sigin Johannis
125    Chamberlen per me Will[ia]m Skillman script Memorand[um] that I
126    Edward Baynard the xijth daye of this present moneth of marche in the xvj th yere of the
127    raigne of oure soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England Frannce and
128    Ireland Quene defender of the faith etc doe geve by this my Codicill to my daughter
129    Anne Baynard nowe latelie borne One hundreth pounds to be levied and taken oute of the
130    said twoe partes of my Lands and to be paid at the age of xxi yeres or at the daie of her
131    mariage and in the meane tyme Five marks of Annuytie to be Levied and yssued oute of the
132    said twoe pars till suche tyme the forsaid one hundred pounds be paid / And if it happen the
133    said Anne Baynard to die before the acomplishment of the said age of xxi ti yeres or the
134    daie of mariage That then I will that the said hundred pounds to revert and to be paid
135    unto the heire that then shal[l ]be / In witnes whereof I have putte my hand and seale of Armes
136    to this codicill the daie and yere first above written / Theis bearing witnes E Baynard
137    Lawrence Baynard / John Chamberlen / Richard Ponntney / Robert Cooke / Scripte per me
138    Will[ia]m Skilman Memorand[um] The xxvth daie of march Anno Millimo
139    Quingentesimo Septuagesimo quarto et Anno xvj te the Regine of Elizabethe I Edward
140    Baynard of Lackh[a]m in the Countie of Wiltes[hire] esquier doe make this Appendix to my will
141    above written I doe geve to Beniamyn Baynard my sonne the some of five pounds of
142    Annual rent during the lief of the forsaid Beniamyn to be paid as the rest of the other
143    sonnes oute of my Lands aforsaid / In witnes wherof The forsaid Edward Baynard
144    have to this my present will and deed subscribed my name the daie and yere first above-
145    written in the presence of Mr Ricroft vicar of Lacock per me E Baynard per me
146    Radulphin Ricroft vicar

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