Monday, January 28, 2013

Will of Francis Buller of Tregarricke - The National Archives PROB 11/212/119, probated 27 May 1650

This next group of three Buller wills I have labeled Francis 2, Francis 3 and Francis 4. I do not know if my Christopher Buller is descendant of this line but not being able to locate him anywhere thus far I decided to read all of them and if I am reading them I might as well transcribe them as I might miss an important detail. Christopher Buller is highly respected by his peers where he is living and often asked to be an executor of wills within the family. He appears to have owned his shop on Tooley Street and supplied slops to sailors one would assume given the occupation. Slops being their clothing as it was thus referred to.

Although he married Mary Beard and they baptized all of their children at St Mary Magdalen in Bermondsey, he buried his two infant children and his first wife and had himself buried at St Olave Southwark. The Parish Registers at LMA are one of my must sees when next we are in England as the time period in which he lived are not yet online (if they exist and they appear to at LMA). He was buried in 1832 at the age of 69 giving him a likely birth year around 1763 and that is the most information that I have on his early years.

Francis Buller married Sybill Nicholls the daughter of John Nicholls of St Kew. They had five sons and two daughters who are mentioned in this will: namely, 1. Francis, 2. John, 3. Richard, 4. Peter and 5. Philip and 1. Anne (married to Hancock) and 2. Thomasine. Francis was a brother to Sir Richard Buller of Shillingham and it is his son Francis and grandson Francis that are mentioned in this will as the nephews of the testator. Francis (testator) appears on the Visitation of Cornwall in the lengthy Buller entry but only to list his family. They are not extended into the next generation. He is a possibility as an ancestor of my Buller line. As a younger son of Francis Buller and his wife Thomasine Williams of Shillingham who died 28 Sep 1616 it was his older brother Sir Richard who inherited primarily from his father.

This Buller line traces back to Ralfe Buller of Wood (Somerset) and by the third generation following his great grandson John married Alice Beauchamp the heir of her father John Beauchamp to property in Lillesdon Somerset. The line continues at Lillesdon (and the possibility that I am descendant of one of these families as there are also many lines in the earlier family as well) until the marriage of Richard Buller and Margaret Tretherslie (daughter of Thomas Tretherslie and widow of Edward Courtney). It was their son Francis Buller of Shillingham that was the father of this Francis and Sir Richard. There are so many many possibilities for one of these Buller lines to be ancestral to Christopher Buller of St Olave Southwark. Many of the lines are not traced down in the Visitation. The full test of the visitation of the county of Cornwall can be found on

and is downloadable from there.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 27 Jan 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/212/119
Testator: Francis Buller
Place: Tregarricke, Cornwall, England
Date of document: 22 Nov 1649, probated 27 May 1650
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T: Francis
[Margin]: Buller

1    In the name of God Amen
2    The twoe and twentieth day of November in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand
3    six hundred Forty nyne I Franncis Buller of Tregarricke in the County of Cornwall
4    Esq[uie]r haveing before me the uncertainty of my continuence in this world And knowing
5    that it is as naturall for man to dye as to be borne And desireing to sett my house in
6    order that peace may continue in my family after my decease doe in the feare of gods
7    holy name, now in the time of my perfect minde and memory make and ordaine this
8    my last will and testament in manner and forme following. First I bequeath my
9    soule into the hands of the Almighty god my creator and Redeemer hopeing assuredly
10    to receive eternall life through Jesus Christ my alone Saviour And my body to bee
11    buried in the Chancell of Pilint Church Item I give to the poore of Pelint twenty
12    shillings To the poore of Lansellos tenn shillings To the poore of St Kew tenn
13    shillings And to every poore at my buriall two pence Item I give to my Servants five
14    pounds to be distributed amongst them as my wife shall thinke fitt Item I give and
15    bequeath unto Franncis Buller my oldest sonne All those my Messuages Lands
16    tenements rents rever[s]ions services and hereditaments with th[e ]appurtenances here
17    after men[t]ioned (that is to say) All my right title terme claimes interest and demand
18    whatsoever which I have or ought to have of in and unto the Barton of Tregarricke
19    with all and singular the appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise
20    appertaineing And also all my right title terme clayme and interest which I now
21    have and ought to have of in and unto the feilds called Gayland with the app[ur]ten[an]ces
22    And likewise all my right title terme and estate which I have yet to come of in and
23    unto the Messuage and tenement called Wilton And further I give to the said
25    Francis my sonne All these Lands and tenements with the appurtenances called
26    _anacue which I there lately purchased of Sir Peter Courtney knight with the
27    rents reversions services and hereditaments to the same belongeing or app[er]taynning
28    And also I give to the said Francis my sonne All those my Lands and tenements
29    with the appurtenances called Talvan which I there latly purchased of Robert
30    Raw gent deceased with the rents issues and proffitts thereof And also I give to my
31    said sonne Francis All those Messuages Lands tenements rents and hereditaments
32    with the appurtenances in or called Tremayne which I there lately purchased of
33    John Killiewe Esq[uir]e and John his sonne and heire with the rents reversions and services
34    thereof belonging or appertaineing All which said mentioned Lands Barton Tenements
35    and hereditaments are lyeing and being within the said parish of Pelint in the said
36    County of Cournewall And also I give to the said Francis my sonne all those my
37    Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments with the appurtenances called
38    Landeare within the parish of Dueloe which I there late purchased of Edward Calmady
39    of Wenbury in the County of Devon Esq[uir]e with the rents reversions and services to
40    them belonging And likewise I give to the said Francis my sonne all those my
41    messuages Lands Tenements Rents and hereditaments with the appurtenances called
42    Tremellicke in the parish of St Pinnocke which I there late purchased of Stephen Jay
43    deceased And my will is that Francis Buller of Shillingham Esq[uir]e and Francis
44    Buller gent his sonne My Nephewes and their heires and assignes and every of
45    them shall stand seized of and in all and singular the said Messuages Barton Lands
46    and tenements with their appurtenances respectively afore mentioned by me given to
47    the said Francis my said sonne to the use and beheese of the said Francis my sonne
48    and the heires males of his body lawfully to be begotten on the body of any woman which
49    he shall att any time hereafter marry and take to wife by and with the speciall
50    consente of the said Francis Buller of Shillingham and Francis his sonne or one
    [Page 2]
51    of them And for default of such heire males to the use of the heires males of my body
52    lawfully begotten And for default of such heires in the use of my right heires forever
53    ____ allwayes, and my will is That if the said Francis my sonne shall marry or take
54    to wife without the speciall consents of the said Francis Buller of Shillingham and
55    Francis his sonne my said Nephews or one of them That then the said Francis my
56    sonne shall not further hold or be possessed of all or any of the afore mentioned messuages
57    Barton Lands tenements rents reversions or hereditaments whatsoever, nor of any part
58    thereof But shall from thence forth only have receive and take the summe of fowerscore
59    pounds yearly by quarterly payments in lieu and recompence of all the Lands tenements
60    and hereditaments afore mentioned And my will and desire is that my said Nephews
61    or one of them their or one of their heirs or Assignes shall from time to time have
62    full power and authority to manage and or lymitt and direct the said Messuages Lands
63    Tenements rents and hereditaments and the issues and proffitts thereof for the best
64    advantage and beheese of my said sonne Francis Buller untill he shall soe marry with theire
65    or one of their consents as aforesaid And my will is that for the preferment of my said
66    Francis Buller in any such marriage to be had by and with the consents of my said
67    Nephewes as aforesaid my sonne Francis with the consents of my said Nephewes or one
68    of them shall have full power and authoritie to alter and change or dispose of any the
69    Messuage Barton Lands or tenements afore mentioned for the creation of Joynt and
70    or mayntenance to be had made or assured out of or by the Lands tenements Barton
71    rents and hereditaments afore mentioned or out of or from any part thereof for any
72    such woman as my said sonne Francis shall soe marry or otherwise at the pleasure
73    or likeing of my said Nephewes or one of them Item I give and bequeath unto
74    John Buller my second sonne all my estate right title terms interest and demand
75    whatsoever which I have or ought to have of in and unto my Messuage and tenement
76    called Kelliew in the said parish of Lanesalles with all and singular the appurtenances
77    to the same belonging or appertaineing And I give to the said John my said sonne all
78    such quicke goods and corne as shalbe of myne upon the said Tenement called Kelliew
79    at the time of my death Item I give to Ann Hancock my daughter twenty shillings
80    to make her a ring Item my will is that my wife shall have and hold the lower
81    tenement in St Kew which was heretofore the tenement of her Uncle Nicholas
82    Nicholls gent deceased dureing her life if she release her estate formerly appointed
83    to her ioynture and maintenance in the two tenements called Wilton and Killiowe
84    aforesaid that is to say if she shall within twenty dayes next after my decease
85    release and yield up her said estate in Wilton to my said Nephewes or to one of them
86    for the use and beheese of my said sonne Francis And doe likewise release and
87    yield up her said estate in Kelliowe to my said sonne John Buller And shall pay
88    the summe of twenty pound per Annum to my Executor hereby made and ordained if
89    shee marry from the time of her second marriage dureing her life and not else Item
90    I give unto my said wife my second best feather bedd in Tregarricke with the furniture
91    to the same belonging And I also give her all my houshold goods at St Kew And
92    all my plate which is not my childrens now liveing I leave to my said wife to be
93    disposed by her at her pleasure Item I give and bequeath unto Richard my third sonne
94    all my estate right title tearms and interest which I am to have in the tenement
95    called Tregavethicke within the said parish of Lansalles after the decease of
96    Marrien Trassell wife of John Tressell with the Lease for the same And I also give
97    the said Richard the sume of two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be
98    paid him by my Executor at such time and times as my said Nephews or one of
99    them shall think fit and appoint And untill such time as the said Richard shall
100    receive the said two hundred pounds my Executor to pay him thirteene pounds six
101    shillings and eight pence yearly by quarterly payments for his maintenance And
102    tenn pounds of like mony dureing the life of the said Marrian Trussell for increase
103    of her por[t]ion Item I give onto Peter my fowerth sonne All my estate right title
104    terme and interest whatsoever which I have and ought to have of in and unto the
105    Messuage and tenement called Lanwarnicke within the said parish of Dueloe which
    [Page 3]
106    I there bought of Robert Cole with my deeds for the same And also I give unto the said
107    Peter the summe of two hundred pound of like mony to be likewise paid by my Executor at
108    such time and times as my said Nephewes or one of them shall thinke fitt and appointe
109    And untill the said Petter shall marrie the said two hundred pounds my Executor to pay
110    him thirteene pounds six shillings eight pence yearly by quarterly payments for his
111    maintenance and increase of his person And if the said Robert Cole shall happen to
112    dye within two yeares next after my decease Then my Executor to pay the said Peter
113    my said sonne the sume of one hundred pounds more of like mony for increase of his
114    por[t]ion Item I give unto Phillip my fifth sonne the summe of fower hundred pounds
115    of like mony to be likewise paid by my Executor at such time when as the said Phillip shall attaine to the age of one and twentie yeares and untill the sayd Phillipp
116    shall receive the summe of fower hundred pounds my Executor to pay him yearly
117    the summe of ___teene pounds of like mony by quarterly payments for his maintenance
118    and increase of his portion And my will is that my Executor shall pay away any
119    reasonable summe of mony of the said fower hundred pounds at any time when he
120    my said Nephewes or one of them shall thinke fitt to disburse the same for the preferment
121    of the said Phillipp in any caleing convenient for him Item I give unto Thomazine my
122    daughter All my estate right title terme and interest whatsoever which I have and ought
123    to have of in and unto the two severall tenements called Trerachicke and ____ow
124    within the said parish of Pelintt with my deeds which I have to the same And also
125    I give the said Thomazine the summe of two hundred pounds of like mony to be paid
126    her by my Executor at such time and times as my said Nephewes or or one of them
127    shall thinke fitt and appoint And untill the said summe of two hundred pounds be
128    paid her my said Executor to pay her yearly the summe of thirteene pounds six
129    shillings and eight pence for her maintenance and increase of her portion And my
130    will is that if any or either of my said fower youngest children last mentioned
131    shall happen to dye before the payment of their severall respective portions be
132    made as aforesaid Then the portion of him her of them so dyeing shalbe equally
133    devided amongst him her or them of the said fower youngest children surviveing
134    and what estate or tearms shalbe then to expire in either of the respective Messuages
135    or tenements afore appointed to the said Richard, Peter and Thomazine soe happening
136    to dye shall revert descend and be to the use and beheese of my Executor And
137    further my will is That if at any time after my decease the said Francis my
138    sonne whom I tend to make and ordaine to be the Executor of this my last will
139    and testament upon notice or demand of my said Nephewes or one of them to him
140    to be given shall refuse to give such reasonable securitie to my said Nephewes
141    or one of them for payment of my said fower youngest childrens severall sum[m]e and
142    sum[m]es of mony afore appointed and by me to them respectively given, with the
143    severall yearly payments for their severall maintenance as my said Nephewes
144    shall thinke fitt That then my said Nephewes or one of them their heires and
145    assignes shall have full power and authority to sell or dispose of any of the
146    Messuages Lands or Tenements goods or Chattells whatsoever in this my p[re]sente
147    will and testament by me given or to be given or bequeathed to my Executor for
148    payment thereof rspectively in manner and forme aforesaid And shall have like
149    power and authority to sell alter or dispose of the respective Leases and estates
150    thereof afore appointed to Richard, Peter and Thomazine my said sonne and daughter
151    for their best advantage and beheese respectively as my said Nephewes shall thinke fitt
152    or either of them Item I give to my said Nephews twenty shillings apeece to make
153    them two rings And I doe most earnstly desire and hereby appointe and authorize
154    my said Nephews ioyntly and severally to be Overseers and trustees of this my last
155    will and testament Item all that rest and residue of my goods and chattells not hereby
156    given or bequeathed of what kinde qualitie or condition soever they or any of them are
157    of I give and bequeath unto the said Francis Buller my oldest sonne whom I make
158    and ordaine to be Executor of this my last will and testament And to be wholly
159    guided and directed by my said Nephewes or one of them from time to time for the
160    manageing and carrying on of the burthen and affaires of this my present will and
    [Page 4]
161    testament And what charges costs or expences my said Nephewes or one of them shall have
162    time to time disburse or expend in or about my suite of law which may happen touching the
163    premisses or for the imployment of any person or persons which shalbe imployed in or about
164    any of the comandes of my said Nephewes or one of them for or concerning the execution
165    thereof my said Nephewes and every of them shall from time to time satisfy them
166    out of from or by any of my goods or chattells whatsoever And further my will is
167    that my said Nephewes or one of them shall from time to time have full power to raise
168    pay and disburse any reasonable sum[m]e or sum[m]es of money for placing of any of my
169    said other younger children in any calling fitt for him or them And the same so raised
170    payd and distributed for the purposes aforesaid to deduct out of his or their portion or
171    portions for whom it shall soe paid and disburse And I doe hereby desire and appointt
172    Phillipp Tingcombe in Richard Langston George Corner and Edward Tomlinson to have
173    the ministeriall imployment and to act doe and accompt for my Executor as they shalbe
174    directed from time to time by my said Nephewes or one of them And I doe hereby nullify
175    and revoke all former and other wills and testaments whatsoever by me formerly made or
176    ordained And I charge my said sonne Francis to be kinde dutifull and courteous to his
177    mother and loveing to all his brothers and sisters. In witnes whereof I have to this
178    my last will and testament put my hand a seale geeven the day and year first
179    above written Francis Buller Sealed signed published and acknowledged in the
180    presence of us whose names are subscribed William hancocke William Purdy
181    Edward Tomlinson

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