Sunday, January 6, 2013

Will of Henry Baynard Gentleman of Lacock - PROB 11/34/490, probated 29 Nov 1551

Henry Baynard the testator is a brother to Mary Baynard married to Roger Blake and Robert Baynard married to Anna Blake. Henry does not appear to have married. He lived at Lacock which is the parish in which Lackham (the home of the Baynard family) is located. Between 1518-1529 "Henry Baynard sued Robert and his wife Anne regarding money, plate and deeds related to a house in Lacock, Wiltshire entrusted to the said Robert, nephew of Henry (son of Robert and Anne), to avoid execution on a forfeiture for breach of the peace." Plantagenet Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, 2nd Edition by Douglas Richardson, 2011.

That would appear to be mostly the mark that Henry Baynard has left on history. He does not marry in as much as I am able to determine. It  is the suits brought against his sibling and his sibling's son that are his mention in history. In his will he is remembering his brother Robert's two daughters. I can not be sure whom he is naming as Executor as the Baynard family is large and he does name Edward as cousin rather than nephew (Robert his brother does have a son named Edward).

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 3 Jan 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/34/490
Testator: Henry Baynard[e], Gentleman
Place: Lacock, Wiltshire, England
Date of document: 29 Jul 1549, probated 29 Nov 1551
Relationship: brother of Mary Baynard married to Roger Blake
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 16th century English, black legible copy

[Margin]: Henri Baynard

1    In the name of God Amen The yere of o[u]r lord god a Thousande
2    fyve hundreth fourtie and nyne The xxix daye of July And the thirde yere of the
3    Reign of our soveraigne Lord kinge Edward the Sixth / I Henry Baynard of
4    Lacock in the countie of Wiltes[hire] gent hole of mynde and of parfytt memorie thanks
5    be given to god / First I bequeathe my soule to Almyghtie god in whose only mercie
6    I hope to be saved / first for my moveable goods. I will my Executrors give and distribute
7    at my buryall to the poore people fortie shillings / Item I give to my nece Anne
8    Baynard towards her mariage fyve pounds in money / Item to my nece Cicell
9    Baynard towarde her mariage fyve pounds in money / Item whereas Willia[m] Tappe
10    do owe me fourtie pounds I forgive the said William Tappe for that he hath alwais
11    taken muche labor and synce with me Thirtie pounds / Item I give to Michell Bricott
12    clerke for his paynes and labors vi li xiij s iiij d Item I give to Cecily Bricott wief
13    of Franncis Bricot twentie shillings / The residue of my goodes not bequeathed I give
14    to my cosyn Edward Baynard whome I make my sole executor In witnes of
15    this my last will I the said Henry Baynard have to this my last will putte my hande
16    and seale the daye and yere abovesaide Thos bearing witnes William Tappe and
17    Michell Bricot clerke Henry Baynarde

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