Saturday, January 26, 2013

Will of Jane Blackmore widow of Bampton - The National Archives PROB 11/273/621, probated 20 Feb 1657/58

Bampton in Devon is located about six miles north of Tiverton close to the Somerset border. Just 2.9 miles west is Oakford where my Bishops Nympton Blackmore family also had property.

The testator Jane Blackmore is a widow with sons John, Christopher and Tristram. Her grandchildren namely Alice Blackmore, John, Mary and Henry Blackmore and Christopher Blackmore. Curious if these are connected to the sons in this particular order with Alice being the daughter of John, John, Mary and Henry the children of Christopher and Christopher the son of Tristram. I did check out the IGI but did not locate any records that appear to help determine this family.

Good details if one descends from this particular line.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 25 Jan 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/273/621
Testator: Jane Blackmore, widow
Place: Bampton, Devon, England
Date of document: 22 Jan 1653, probated 20 Feb 1657/58
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Jane Blackmore

1    In the name of God Amen
2    the Two and Twentieth day of Januarie In the yeare
3    of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred Fiftie three
4    I Jane Blackmore of Bampton in the Countie of Devon
5    widdowe being of perfect minde and memorie praised be
6    God doe make and ordaine this my last Will and testament
7    in manner and forme following First I bequeath my soule
8    unto the Almightie God my Maker trusting through the
9    meritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer to be
10    saved and my bodie to be buried in the Souther Ile of the
11    Church of Bampton as neare my loving husband as may
12    bee Item I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Banton
13    twentie shillings to be distributed unto them at the day of my funerall
14    Item I give and bequeath unto my Sonn John Blackmore the summe
15    of five shillings to be paid within three moneths after my death Item
16    I give and bequeath unto my Sonne Christopher Blackmore the
17    somme of fortie pounds to be paid within three moneths next after
18    my death Item I give and bequeath unto my said Sonne Christopher
19    Blackmore my best bedd and bedstead performed the best brasse pann
20    except the best brasse Crock and six of my best pewter dishes that I
21    shall be owner of at the time of my death to be paid him within three
22    moneths after my death Item I give and bequeath unto Alice Blackmore
23    my Grandchild the summe of Tenn pounds to be paid her within three
24    moneths after my death Item I further give and bequeath unto the
25    same Alice Blackmore the bedd and bedstead performed that I usually
26    lie in and three pewter dishes which were her Aunt Mary and the
27    best of the round bottome panns and the second best brass caldron and
28    all my apparrell except my best hatt and best wastcoate Item I give
29    and bequeath unto John Blackmore Mary Blackmore and Henrie
30    Blackmore my Grandchildren one shilling a peece Item I give and
31    bequeath unto Christopher Blackmore my Grandchild the summe
32    of Tenn shillings to be paid within three moneths next after my death
33    Item I give and bequeath unto Dorothie Luscombe of Bouldscombe
34    my best hatt and my best Waistcoate Item I give and bequeathe
35    unto George Marse Thomas Blue and Trisham Brounsford my
36    apprentices two shillings apeece Item I give and bequeath unto Nicholas
37    Luscombe the summe of Tenn shillings to be paid within three moneths
38    after my death Item I give and bequeath unto William Luscombe sonn
39    of Jennie Luscombe of Burlescombe the summe of two shillings All the
40    rest of my goods and Chattells not given and bequeathed I give and
41    bequeath unto my youngest sonne Tristram Blackmore whome I
42    make my sole and only Executor of this my Will and hereby revoake
43    all
    [Page 2]
44    all former Wills Item I appoynte and ordenne my cozine Thomas
45    Balliman and George Fursey my Overseers desiring them to be ayding
46    unto my Executor in and about the performeing of this my Will In
47    witness whereof I have here unto sett my hand and seale the day and
48    yeare above written The marke of Jane Blackmore Sealed and published
49    in the presence of us Hu: Canworthy Robert Kelland Jh: Canworthy Jun[iou]r
50    This Will was proved att London vc
51    Twentieth day of Februarie In the yeare of our Lord God according
52    to the accompt and computation of the Church of England One thou-
53    sand Six hundred Fiftie and Seaven before the Judges for probate
54    of Wills and graunting Administrations lawfullie authorized by the oath
55    of Tristram Blackmore the youngest Sonne and sole and onlie
56    Executor named in the above written Will To whome Administration
57    of all and singular the goods Chattells and debts of the said deceased
58    was graunted and committed he being first legallie sworne by vertue
59    of a Commission truly and faythfullie to administer the same

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