Sunday, January 20, 2013

Will of John Beard, Saint Thomas Southwark - The National Archives PROB 11/1184/275, probated 26 Nov 1789

No mention of my Beard family in this will but it is an interesting one if you happen to be able to trace back to the William Beard son of the testator. It may help with other family members. 

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 19 Jan 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1184/275
Testator: John Beard
Place: Saint Thomas Southwark, Surrey, England
Date of document: 25 Nov 1788, probated 26 Nov 1789
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: John
[Margin]: Beard

1    In the name of God Amen
2    I John Beard of St Tho[ma]s Hospital Southwark do hereby
3    make my last Will and Testament as well knowing the
4    frailty of life and certainty of death and now being in
5    sound mind and memory that when it shall please
6    God to put an end to my period on Earth I desire
7    that thingsd may be as follows and first I commit
8    my soul into the protection of Almighty God who gave
9    it hoping for his pardoning mercy for my said the frailty
10    and sins of my life past through the merits of
11    Jesus Christ in whom I believe came to save
12    penitent sinners who Trust him by him alone
13    I hope for mercy and life Eternal with God in
14    heaven I desire that my body may be buried
15    in christian manner in the Chapel of this hospital
16    before twelve o clock in the day in a Leaden
17    Coffin with a stone layed over the __ve with
18    a proper inscription of my name and that a
19    sermon may be preached the following Sabbath in
20    the parish Church from St John 25 by Mr
21    Wiezel and for that worldly Goods the Lord hath
22    blessed me with I desire may be the sole property
23    of my Dear son William Beard I also Give and
24    Bequeath to the said William Beard the two hundred
25    pounds stock in the 3 per cent cons and one hundred and fortie pounds of stock vested 3 per cent of ____ ____and one hundred
26    in the 4 per c cons in the Bank of England all
27    of which I desire may be kept for the said William
28    Beard untell he comes to the age of twenty one years
29    and then to be transferred to him and stand in his
30    name and the Interest of the above to be appropriated
31    to his use as his Gardians shall see fit I also
32    give to the said William Beard ten pounds per annum
33    in the long annuities standing in my name in the
34    Bank of England to be kept for him untell he is
35    thirty years of age that is the said William Beard may receive the Interest as it becomes due but not to sell it out until he is thirtie years of age and then to do what he please
36    with it I likewise give and bequeath to the said
37    William Beard all the moneys that shall arise or be-
    [Page 2]
38    paid from the available society on No 140 which policy
39    I am possessed of and all other monies and property
40    of mine after all my just debts and expences are
41    paid may be the sole property of the said William
42    Beard but if the said William Beard should not
43    live untell he is twenty one years of Age then I
44    desire that the Interest of what monies and stock
45    he leaves may be paid to Mrs Elizabeth Marshall
46    Cook of this hospital during her life and at her
47    decease both Interest and Principal to be equally
48    divided that is to say one third part to Mrs Sarah
49    Johnson of Lewisham in kent Widow and one third
50    part to Mr John Thaner weaver at Kidderminster
52    in Mill Street Kidderminster in Worcestershire to be
53    divided between him and his two sisters or nearest
54    of them that shall be then living and one third
55    part between each of the Executors to this my Will
56    and I hereby appoint and beg the favour of Mr George
57    Whitfield sen apothecary to this hospital and Mr
58    Abraham Haye of Friday Street London and Mr. Job
59    Marke of the same fire office to be Executors to
60    this my will and Gardians to my son William
61    Beard I desire that a Ring of One Guinea value
62    may be given one to each of the above named
63    Executors and one to Mrs Elizabeth Marshall and to
64    Miss Leeser Mrs Clark one to Mr Clark my sons
65    Master and his Mistress so I rest my will John Beard
66    Nov the 25th 1788 N B if the said William
67    Beard should marry and leave a wife or child
68    when he die then his property to go to them of
69    the above at the discretion of his Gardians John
70    Beard
71    five pounds to Jane Hawkins
72    If Jane Hawkins be living with me when I die
73    three pounds for Mourning for her N B the
74    third I intended for Mrs Johnson I desire may
75    be given to the above John Thaner and his
76    two sisters at the above J Beard April 19th 1789
77    I do acknowledge to have two hundred pounds
78    stock 4 per c ___ standing in my name in
79    the Bank of England to be the property of Mrs
80    Elizabeth Marshall Cook to the hospital I likeways
81    desire that if either of the before mentioned Executors
82    should die or refuse to act as Executor then the
83    said Mrs Elizabeth Marshall to be Executrix to this
84    my will with the others The above sum of
85    three hundred pounds is transferred to Mrs Elizabeth
86    Marshall the 4th of August last by John Beard
87    23 Nov 1789
88    Appeared Personally Thomas Clarke of the parish
    [Page 3]
89    of St Olave Southwark in the County of Surry Anthony
90    Wingfield of the parish of St Thomas Southwark in
91    the county of Surry aforesaid and George Whitfield
92    of the parish of St Thomas Southwark in the County
93    of Surry aforesaid and being severally sworn on
94    the Holy Evangelists made Oath as follows and first
95    the said Thomas Clarke and Anthony Wingfield
96    made oath that they knew and were well acquainted
97    with John Beard late of the Parish of Saint
98    Thomas Southwark in the County of Surry deceased
99    and with his manner and Character of handwriting
100    and Subscription having often seen him write and
101    subscribe  his name and having now viewed and
102    perused the paper writing hereto annexed purporting
103    to be the last Will and Testament of the said
104    deceased the said Will beginning thus " In the
105    yeare of God Amen I John Beard of St Thomas
106    hospital Southward do hereby make my last will and
107    Testament " and ending thus " So I rest my will"
108    and dated "Nov the 25th 1788" and thus subscribed
109    "John Beard They say they do verily and in their
110    consciences believe the whole series and contents of
111    the said paper writing together with the date and
112    subscription thereto to be all of the proper handwriting
113    and subscription of the said John Beard deceased Also
114    the said George Whitfield for himself made oath that
115    some few days after the death of the said John
116    Beard deceased William Beard a son of the said
117    deceased brought unto him this this appearer the paper
118    writing hereto annexed inclosed and sealed up in a
119    paper cover which he informed this appearer was the
120    will of the said deceased and was found by him the
121    said William Beard in a closet of the house of the
122    said deceased wherein the said deceased kept his papers
123    of Moment and Concern and that he the appearer
124    on breaking open the said paper cover found the
125    said Will and then took notice that the name and
126    words "by Mr Wiezel" interlined in the nineteenth
127    line from the top of the first side of the said will
128    as also that the several words obliterated in the
129    fourth fifth and sixth lines of the second page of the
130    said Will as also the obliterations in the eighteenth
131    line and of the 26, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 32nd, 33rd, 34th
132    35th, 36th and 37th lines from the top of the second
133    side of the said Will were so oblitered in
134    manner and form the same was appear therein and
135    that the same is now in the same plight and
136    condition in which it  now appears save and except
137    only that the Jurate was written thereon was not
138    then written on the said will Thos Clarke Anthy
139    Wingfield Geo Whitfield Same day the said Thomas
    [Page 3]
140    Clark Anthony Wingfield and George Whitfield were
141    duly sworn to the truth of this affidavid before me
142    William Hattine Surrogate present In token Not_ publ
143    This Will was proved at London the twenty sixth
144    day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand
145    seven hundred and eighty nine before the Worshipful
146    William Battine Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the right
147    honorable Sir William Wynne Knight doctor of laws
148    Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of
149    Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths of George
150    Whitfield and Abraham Hayes two of the Executors
151    named in the said Will to whom administration was
152    granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and
153    Credits of the deceased having been first sworn duly to
154    administer Job Marks the other Executor named in the
155    said Will having been first renounced the execution thereof

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