Saturday, January 5, 2013

Will of Philip Baynard Esquire of Lackham - The National Archives PROB 11/19/25, probated 19 May 1522

The next set of wills that I will transcribe do have an association with the Blake family of Wiltshire. The Baynard family and the Blake family at Calne intermarried with the son of each house marrying a daughter of each house (i.e. Roger Blake married Mary Barnard and Robert Baynard married Anna Blake with Roger and Anna being siblings and children of Robert Blake and Margaret Englefield and Robert and Mary being siblings and children of Philip Baynard and Jane Stukeley). Robert and Ann had nine children and Roger and Mary had seven children.

Philip Baynard is thought to be born around 1468 and so is perhaps 53 years old when this will is written. Just to look at that timeline his father was known to be over 50 28 Oct 1490 when he received his arms following the death of his father who had been High Sheriff of Wiltshire. That gives him a date of birth around 1440 and his will was probated 1 Oct 1501. At that time Philip's age was estimated as over 30 when he inherited the arms of his father giving him a date of birth before 1470. Accurate dating of people is difficult unless there is a specific age attached to them on the visitations or in the manor books. In this case the grandson of Philip was Edward and he died at age 63 21 Dec 1575 which gives him a date of birth of 1512 but interestingly he is not mentioned in his grandfather's will. Robert the father of Edward and son of Philip the testator is named as the executor so is over 21 years of age in 1521 so born by 1500 and already mentioned his grandfather (Robert as well) will was probated 1 Oct 1501. The birth of Philip the testator around 1570 seems reasonable and his father (Robert) would have been about 30+ when the testator was born.

Philip (the testator) can trace his line back on the Visitations of Somerset to his father Robert (mother Elizabeth Ludlowe), his father Philip  (wife Margaret), to his father Robert (wife Joyce), to his father Philip and his father Edmond (married to Elinor Blewet). The first of the line Edmond Baynard was of Essex (bore arms) and he married into the Blewet family of Lackham (the Bluet family being a very ancient family of Somerset). The Bluet family is said to go back to 1066 and the Norman Conquest. The furtherest back the Bluet family has been traced is to Walter b c 987. The research on this family has been published by descendants of the family and other interested people and can be found as the History of Lackham itself:

According to this text Edmund Baynard was of Dunnmow Essex and that he married Eleanor Bluet by or before 1334. This is a very well documented history of Lackham which I must read one of these days just out of curiosity but probably not for awhile. I saved it to my books to read.

There are a number of Baynard wills to transcribe (10 in all) which will give an interesting picture of this family. I had purchased them hoping to learn more about the Blake family and I did not. But having read them and transcribed them I shall post them to the blog for those who are interested in the Calne Wiltshire family because it is from Roger Blake and Mary Baynard (daughter of Philip) that many of the Wiltshire Blake families are descended. The Visitation of Somerset thus lists this family line back to the marriage of Edmond and Elinor and this is thought to have occurred by or before 1334. The Visitation continues the family line down through ten gh 11 generations with the furtherest generation being Thomas Baynard son and heir at 11 years of age in 1623 and listed as the ancestor of the Baynards of Wanstrow Somerset and Cliffe in Tincleton Dorset. The marriage between Roger Blake is noted as Maria (daughter of Philip Baynard (the testator) and Jana Stuckeley) married to Rogeri Blake de Phinhills in Calne.

One can then turn to the Blake Visitation in Wiltshire Visitation Pedigrees 1623 on page 21-22 and find the family of Roger Blake and Mary Baynard. Roger's will was probated 16 Nov 1557. I decided to check and make sure that I have published the will of Roger Blake and discovered that I had not done so when I published the Wiltshire Blake wills. Hence I shall publish that will next in line before the Baynard wills.

Baynard wills (Wiltshire up to 1640) at The National Archives:

Philip Baynard, February 1415, PROB 11/2B/64 - need to acquire
Robert Baynard, 1 Oct 1501, PROB 11/13/46 - need to acquire
Philip Baynard, 19 May 1522, PROB 11/19/25
Robert Baynard, 1 Mar 1536, PROB 11/26/13 - need to acquire
Robert Baynard, 12 Oct 1537, PROB 11/26/95
Henry Baynard, 29 Nov 1551, PROB 11/34/490
Edwardi Baynard, 14 Feb 1576, PROB 11/57/711
Philip Baynard, 7 Feb 1617, PROB 11/129/236
Benjamin Baynard, 11 Jun 1634, PROB 11/165/674
Sir Robert Baynard, 28 Mar 1639, PROB 11/179/554
Robert Baynard, 9 Nov 1638, PROB 11/178/488
Edward Baynard, August 1640, PROB 11/183/668

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 2 Jan 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/19/25
Testator: Philip Baynard Esquire
Place: Lach[a]m, Wiltshire, England
Date of document: 23 Apr 1521, probated 19 May 1522
Relationship: father of Mary Baynard (wife of Roger Blake)
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 16th century English, black legible copy

[Margin]: Test[amen]t Phi
[Margin]: Baynard

1    In the name of God Amen I Philipp Baynard of Lach[a]m in the Countie
2    of Wiltes[hire] Esquier The xxiij th day of Aprill The yere of our Lord the 15 and 21 And in the yere of the Reign
3    of our sov[er]aigne Lord King Henry the VIII th Being of good minde make my testament and wrote it with
4    Myn[e] owne hande in forme folowing First I bequeth my soule to god to our Lady and to all the family
5    of hevyn my body to be buried at the ende of our Lady awter as wyth my wife as can be And for my
6    lying there I geve to our Ladye Ma[r]y to the behove of that blessed Lady vj s viij d I geve to every
7    light in the churche xx d Item I give a kowe to make the stock of the maydens apron Item I geve
8    to the bells vj s vij d Item I give to my wife ij gilt gobletts w[i]th the coverying Item I geve to her my
9    best Salt w[i]th the coverying Item I geve her a doseyn sponiys where p ie in the stalk Item I geve unto
10    her a wagen w[i]th all th[e ]apparrell thereto with vj oxen Item I geve to her iiij of my best kyne Item a paire
11    of fuscians that she brought w[i]th her Item I will that my wife have my march Lande in Silchester for xl s
12    lande that I holde in Bristowe of her first Joynte conditionally that an obligation be delivered to myne
13    executors of xl li that I was bounde in Item I will that Edward Knoyle when he comyth to the age
14    of xiiij yere marry my daughter Jane yf he will not that then my wife his moder shall geve to myne
15    executors an hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to the marriage of the said Jane And also
16    to take up[p]on her the ke[e]ping of Elizabeth my daughter up[p]on her begotten and the marriage of her at hir
17    propre coste thus doon and good bonds taking for the c li and also suirtin for the discharge of Elizabeth
18    my daughter and hiere That than Leonard Knoyll be delivered to Elizabeth my wife w[i]th all his lande
    Page 2
19    Also I geve my wife a cofer standing in the chapell chamber with hasprys at every ende of the corner
20    Item I geve my wife x quarters of wheat Item xx quarters of Barley Item where my fader made a
21    feoffement of the manors of Lach[a]m and Helmerton I will that the feoffees or their heires stand feoffees
22    till my will be p[er]formed that is thus that of the said maners my brothers paide that two hundred marcs
23    be leaysed and paid to the marriage of my eldest daughter Elizabeth by Joan my first wife begotten and
24    that she have and preyse toward her fynding yerely till she be maryed out of the said ij maners
25    Lach[a]m and Helmerton iiij marcs of lawfull money of England payable at iiij termes of the yere usuall
26    Item I will that my wife and my daughter Anne have either of them iiij brode yards of Blak price
27    a yarde v s to make every of them a gown and a hoode against my burying Item I beque[a]th to the
28    moder Church of our Lady of Sa[lisbur]y iijs iiij d Item to my broder Henery Baynard my rayt gowne
29    furred and my seconde best paire of hosen Item to my brother Roger Baynard my best colt that
30    aas broken last Item the residue of my goods movable and unmovable I give to my sonne Robert
31    the whiche I make my soole and hole executor  In witness hereof John Ponham Henry Whitockesmed
32    Esquier Robert Baker of Monketon Robert Hewston and William Wilcokks geven at Lach[a]m the
33    day and yere above said with myn[e] owne hand

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