Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Will of Philipp Baynard Gentleman of Lacock - The National Archives PROB 11/129/236, probated 7 Feb 1617/18

The Testator Philip Baynard is a brother to Edward whose will was blogged yesterday. His will was probated 7 Feb 1617/18 and his birth order in the family of Edward Baynard and Elizabeth Warnford is possibly that of fifth son. There is no mention of a wife or children on the Visitation of Wiltshire.

Philip names his brothers Robert, John and Giles and his sister Anne as his legatees and Anne as his executrix. His mother Elizabeth is also a legatee. His brother Benjamin is one of the witnesses. Brothers Nicholas and Edward are not mention nor is his sister Mary. He w as the fifth son and probably sixth child although must have been born before 1575 as his father died at that time giving him an age of at least 42. Nothing more is known of Philip by me at this time.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 7 Jan 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/129/236
Testator: Philip Baynard, gentleman
Place: Lacock, Wiltshire, England
Date of document:8 Oct 1613, probated 7 Feb 1617/18
Relationship: son of Edward Baynard and Elizabeth Warnford
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 16th century English, fine script and legible copy

[Margin]: T[estament] Philipp
[Margin]: Baynard

1    In the name of God Amen the eight daye of October
2    Anno Domini one thousand six hundred and thirteene and in the eleaventh yere of the
3    Raigne of oure soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England Frannce and
4    Ireland and of Scotland the sixe and fortith kyng defender of the faythe etc
5    I Philipp Baynard of Lacock in the countie of Wiltes[hire] gent beyng at this
6    present whole in bodye and soe of good and perfect memorye (thanckes be given to
7    Almightie god) doe ordayne and make this my last will and testament in manner
8    and forme folowing First I bequeathe and yeald my soule into the handes of
9    Almightie god my only creator and Redemer trusting by his onlie mercey to obteyne
10    Remission and forgivenes of all myne offences and synnes throughe his blood shedding
    [Page 2]
11    and bitter passion And my body to the earthe from whence it first came assuredlie hopinge
12    and steadfastlie beleving the Resurrection of the same in the last daye to the life and ioyes
13    etearnall Item I give to the church of Lacocke twoe poundes Item I give to the poore of
14    Lacocke twentie shillinges Item I give to my wel[l ]beloved mother tenne shillinges to be
15    converted into a Ryng Item I give to my Brother Robert Baynard tenne poundes
16    Item I give to my brother John Baynard three poundes Item I give to my Brother Giles
17    Baynard fyve shillinges All my other goodes moveable inmoveable I do bequeath it to
18    my wel[l ]beloved sister Anne Baynard all Bills Bonds and Reckonings whatsoever and
19    doe make and ordayne her my whole and lawfull executor or executrix to recover any
20    thing that shal[l ]be knowen to be myne and for the more truth I have written this my last
21    Will and testament with my owne hand in the presence of theise underwritten By me
22    Philip Baynard Witness hereof Ben: Baynard his marke Thomas West
23    his marke Geoffrey Knolman his marke Edith Knolman her marke

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