Friday, January 4, 2013

Will of Roger Blake Esquire of Calne - The National Archives PROB 11/39/532, probated 16 Nov 1557

When I was doing the wills of Wiltshire I forgot to add in this will for Roger Blake of Pynnhills. Possibly one of the most important wills for the Blake family in this time period so I am glad to be posting it now. Roger mentions only his eldest son Thomas and his youngest daughter Mary directly as his children. The list of trustees includes sons in law namely: Henry Bull married to his daughter Sibell and Anthony Goddard married to his daughter Jone.

The Blake Pedigree Chart at the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office lists his children as:

Thomas (eldest son) married to Edith Ivy of Westkeinton
Sibil married to Henry Bull of Wiltshire
Robert (second son) married to Alice Smith of Lacock
Joane married to Anthony Goddard of Hartham
John (third son) of Hilcot married to Clark of Shaw
William (fourth son) of Eastontown (Hampshire) married to Avis Ripley
Mary married to Edward Langridge of Langridge (Hampshire)

His not mentioning all of his children has created a mystery in this family. The manor papers though might give more information on his family.

The Visitation of Wiltshire 1623 Blake family begins with Robert Blake married to Avis Wallop and mentions their seven children Gilbert (died without issue), Alexander (died without issue), John Blake (married to Margery Dauntsey with children Alice and Jane and the Blake Pedigree Chart gives him a son David by a 1st wife Margaret Dyncham/Denham/Dinham), Robert Blake (married to Margaret Englefield), Elizabeth, Joan and Alice (Alice died at eight years of age).

The Visitation lists the children of Robert Blake and Margaret Englefield as Roger Blake (married to Mary Baynard) and Anne married to Robert Baynard and this matches the Blake Pedigree chart held at the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office.

Roger in his will mentions his Baynard cousins (Edward, Robert and Laurence) and this is likely Edward, Robert and Laurence sons of Robert Baynard and Anna Blake. One of the sons in law of Robert and Anna Baynard was John Willoughby. Other trustees are the husbands of his daughters Henry Bull and Anthony Goddard. The remaining trustees: Vincent Goddard (brother to Anthony Goddard), John Ern[e]ley (brother/nephew to the mother of Anthony and Vincent Goddard) with Harry Brancker, Harry Rogers and Richard Ussenham not appearing to be related to Roger although Richard Ussenham can be found in the Visitations of Wiltshire.

I find Roger Blake to be quite interesting because he lived at the same time as my ancestor Nicholas Blake. Roger does mention a Robert Blake of  Lavyngton as one of his overseers and another mystery enters the picture. Who is Robert Blake at Lavington (Market Lavington is about 11 miles south of Calne)? I published the will of Thomas Blake of West Lavington which was probated 26 Feb 1573/74

There is a brother Robert mentioned and I talked about the relationship between the family at Lavington and the family at Earlestoke. Do they fit into the Blake family at Calne? This is the first direct mention of the two families in one will. Definitely the Pedigree Chart above Robert Blake and Avice Wallop is simply a direct line back and younger/other siblings could be missing from this chart. The movement south from Calne had already begun by the mid 1500s (or were there Blake families south of Calne earlier than that even) but linking the families in southern Wiltshire and Dorset will require a very indepth study of the parish records (Dorset is now available on Ancestry and one of my projects is the extraction of the Blake entries).

This is a very valuable will for the Blake family at Calne. The eldest son of Roger is Thomas and he is the father of Roger Blake married to Wraxed Gastrill with this line continuing at Calne as the son of Roger and Wraxed is Henry. History records the story of the Blake family at Pinhills. During the Civil War the original house at Pinhills was partially demolished because of their support for the Parliamentarians. Henry's son Ambrose had succeeded his father at Pinhills in this time period. The Blake family continued at Pinhills into the early 1700s when the Bull family succeeded to the estate. Does this mean that the direct line from Ambrose (his son was Henry who died in 1731) Blake daughtered out? But there is apparently a book entitled "Pinhills" by P. Buckenridge and J. Pocock (Ref: CAW.727) which is available giving detailed information on the origins and history of Pinhills and its owners. Would really like to see that one and will try to find a copy.

British History Online also has a write up on Calne:

Of the small and several freeholds west of Calne's open fields, probably originating in piecemeal grants or sales of demesne pasture of the king's estate or Calne manor, (fn. 59) seven lay south of the Marden. PINHILLS was held in 1407 by John Formage, to whom it had been conveyed by John Patford, the son and heir of David Patford. (fn. 60) A share in what was probably the estate was acquired from William York by John Cricklade, the lord of Studley manor, in an exchange in 1461. (fn. 61) Pinhills was reputed a manor in 1504, when it was held at his death by John Blake. Although John's heirs were his grandson Richard Dauntsey and his daughter Joan Wroughton, Pinhills apparently passed to his brother Robert Blake (d. 1515) and in the direct line to Roger (d. 1557), Thomas (fn. 62) (d. by 1599), Roger, Henry (will proved 1653), and Henry Blake (d. 1660), who devised it to his grandson Henry Blake (fn. 63) (d. 1731). Henry held Pinhills in 1698, (fn. 64) apparently not in 1728, when it was 157 a. (fn. 65) By 1738 Pinhills had been acquired by B. H. Stiles (d. 1739), and it may have been part of the property sold by his nephew and heir Sir Francis Stiles in 1746. (fn. 66) It was acquired by Daniel Bull (d. 1791), who in 1769 sold the reversion of it after his death to William Petty, earl of Shelburne (cr. marquess of Lansdowne 1784). (fn. 67) Pinhills farm, 135 a., was among lands settled in 1802 by Lord Lansdowne on his son Henry, marquess of Lansdowne from 1809, offered for sale in 1808 by order of Chancery, and bought in 1809 by John, marquess of Lansdowne (d. 1809). (fn. 68) John's successor Henry, marquess of Lansdowne, sold the farm, 87 a., in 1813 (fn. 69) and bought it again in 1816. (fn. 70) Pinhills farm has since belonged to the owners of Bowood House. (fn. 71) Pinhills House, the principal house on the estate, stood on a rectangle enclosed by a moat. (fn. 72) In December 1644 it was captured by a royalist force, rendered uninhabitable, and perhaps partly demolished. (fn. 73) It was probably restored after the Civil War, and in 1728 a large house stood on the moated site. (fn. 74) It was later taken down, possibly c. 1771 after Castle House in Calne was enlarged for Daniel Bull. (fn. 75) Pinhills Farm, south of the moat, is on an L plan with a north-south range built in the 17th century. In the mid 18th century a west wing was added at the north end of that range, and a new gabled north entrance front was formed.

The passing of Pinhills to John's brother rather than a descendant of John is significant. Possibly the land was entailed although there appears to be a son of John named David. More likely there is a will for Robert Blake (father of these two) that directed the land to Robert and his heirs after the death of John. Possibly Robert was living elsewhere and did not wish to live at Pinhills at the time. The birth order is unknown although John tends to be placed as the youngest son. Perhaps John remained at Pinhills after his father's death although by the time of his death he is living at Nether Wallop. The Manor Records would likely help with this discussion and I must say that it is always Manor Records that I am lacking. Part of that is the time needed to read them. I imaged 100 pages of Andover Manor but have not yet had a chance to read them.  Of the 2500 images that I took in 2008 at Salt Lake City I have managed to use just over 1800 of them but that leaves another 700 to go through before we go to Salt Lake City again.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 30 Aug 2010
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/39 UK, #532/468
Testator: Roger Blake, Esquire
Location: Calne, Wiltshire, England
Date of document: 1 Jun 1557, probated 16 Nov 1557
Document quality: 16th century English, black legible copy

[Margin]: T[estament] Rogeri
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the name of God Amen The first daye of June, in the yere after the
2    incarnation of Christe a thousande fyve hundred fiftie and seven. I Roger Blake of pynne
3    hilles in the parrishe of Caln in the countie of Wiltes[hire] esquire being of whole mynde and of
4    good and parfite memorye thancks therefore be geven to allmighte God. knowing nothing to be
5    more certynne than death and the tyme thereof most uncertayne mynding therefore to prevente
6    the same with good delibera[t]ion and advise doo ordeyne and make this my last will and testa[men]t
7    in manner and forme following that is to say First I comitte my soule unto the mercye of
8    allmightie God the father obtayned throughout the merites of his deere sonne Jesus Christe
9    my savior the whiche with t[he ]holly goost I do acknowleadge and confesse to be one verye true
10    and everliving god. And my bodie when it shall please allmightie God to call me out of this
11    transitory worlde. I will decentlye to be buryed in the parrishe of Churche of Calne aforesaid
12    And as touching my goods and cattalles I will them to be ordred and distributed as shal[l ]be
13    hereafter limited and expressed that is to say First I geve and bequeath to myn eldest sonne
14    Thomas Blake all my leases and termes for yeres that I have of and in certiyne groundes
15    por[t]ionnes and tithes w[i]thin the feeldes parrishes and townes of Calne and Cheriell w[i]thin the
16    said countie of Wiltes[hire] provided alwais that Mary my wif shal[l ]have and enioye to her
17    owne use the possession and occupa[t]ion of all the said grounds por[t]ions and tithes w[i]thin the
18    said feeldes and parrishes of Calne and Cheriell. And all the revenues yssues and profitts
19    growing comyng or yerelie renewing out of the same and of ev[er]ye parte thereof ymmediately
20    from and after my decease so long as the same Mary shal live soole and unmarryed paying
21    therefore to the lordes the yerelie rente And also I geve unto my said sonne Thomas all
22    my goodes housholde stuff and stocke of sheepe and cattell that I have in and uppon my Farme
23    of Pynburye w[i]thin the Countie of Glouc[estershire] paying therefore w[i]thin nyn[e] yeres after my deacese
24    the somme of three score and one pounds and tenne shillinge of currant money to the church
25    wardens of the parrishe of Calne aforesaid. And furthermore I geve and bequeath to
26    my nephew Roger Blake the eldest sonne of my sonne Thomas all suche por[t]ion of my plate
27    housholde stuff and ymplements of householde being w[i]thin and aboute my mansion house of
28    Pynhills. And suche sheepe oxen kyen and other cattell young and pasturing uppon my
29    groundes belonging to the same mansion house and at Shawe as ar written in an Inven-
30    tarye indented and signed w[i]th myn owne hande whereof th[e ]one parte remaynuth in the
31    custodye of my cousen Edward Baynard and th[e ]other parte w[i]th my cousen John Willow-
32    by provided alwaies that my wif Mary Blake shall have the possession custody and
33    occupa[t]ion of all the saide plate houshold stuff ymplements of housholde and the said sheep
34    oxen kyne and other cattell conteyned w[i]thin the said inventarye during her life And that
35    after her decease my said sonne Thomas Blacke shal[l ]have the possession occupa[t]ion and
36    custodye of the same during his lief. And furthermore I do geve will and bequeathe
37    all my landes tenementis and hereditamentis with all and singular their app[ur]ten[an]ces
38    called or known by the name or names of Slowcrofte Blaaks pen or pensett lying and
39    being w[i]thin the parrishe of Calne in the said countie of Wiltes[hire] to Edward Baynard John
40    Erneley Harry Brancker Esquiers Vincent Goddard John Willoughby Richard Ussenham
41    Harry Rogers Antony Goddard Robert Baynard Henry Bull Laurence Baynard and
42    their heires to th[e ]uses following that is to saye First to those of the said Edward Baynard
43    John Erenley Henry Brancker Vincent Goddard John Willoughby Richard Ussenham
44    Harry Rogers Anthony [Goddard] Robert Baynard Henry Bull Laurence Baynarde and their heires
45    shall take and levie of th[e ]issues and profittes of the said landes tenements and hereditaments
46    called Slowcrofte Blakes pen or pens[ett] the som[m]e of two hundred pounds of currant money of
47    England whereof xl li first to be ____ shal[l ]be to th[e ]use of Antony Goddard my sonne in lawe one hundred with the other parte of the said somme of cc li paide shalbe to th[e ]use of Mary Blake my youngest daught[er]
48    for her advancement and preferrement in marriage provided alwaies that if the said
49    Mary my daughter happen to marrye without the consent of my cousen Edward Baynard and
50    Mary my saide wif. That thenne fortye poundes parcell of the said dowrie shal[ ]be to th[e ]uses
51    of my saide wife and of my said sonne Thomas and the residwe of the saide som[m]e of cc li
52    shal[l ]be to th[e ]use and for the paymet of the debtes of me the saide Roger. And after the said somme
53    of twoo hundred pounds by the said Edward Baynard John Erneley Henrye Brancker
54    Vincent Goddard John Willoughby Richard Ussenham Henry Rogers Antony Goddard Robert
55    Baynard Henrye Bull Laurence Baynard or their heirs to th[e ]uses aforesaid levied the
56    said Edward Henry John Vincent John Richard Harry Anthony Robert Henry and Laurence
57    and their heires shall ymmediately from thenceforth stand and be seazed of and in all th[e ]aforsaid
58    singular th[e ]appurtenances and of ev[er]y parte parcell and membre thereof to the soole and only
59    use of my said sonne Thomas Blake and of his heires for[ev]er provided alwaies that
60    Marye my wife shal[l ]have and enioye to her own use the whole possession occupa[t]ion and
61    ferme of all the said landes tenements and hereditaments within th[e ]appurtenance called Slowcroft
62    Blakes pen or pen so long as she shall use sole and unmarryed paying therefore yeralie to the
63    said Edward Baynard John Ernley Henry Brancker Vincent Goddard John Willoughby
64    Richard Ussenham Henry Rogers Anthony Goddard Robert Baynard Henry Bull Laurence
65    Baynard and their heires fourteen pounds of currante money of England at two tymes in
66    the yere, that is to say at the feasts of Th[e ]annunciation of our Ladye and Sainte Michaell
67    th[e ]Archangell by even por[t]ionnes unto suche tyme as the said somme of two hundred pounds
68    be by the said Edward John Henry Vincent John Richard Harry Anthony Robert Henry Laurence
69    or their heires fully levied to th[e ]uses and intentes before expressed And after the said somme
70    of two hundred pounds by the said Edward and the others before w[i]thyn named the said
71    Marye my wif shall pay the said yerelie rent of fourty pounds to the said Thomas Blake
72    and his heires at the dayes appointed so long as she shal[l ]have the possession and occupa[t]ion
73    and ferme of the said lands tent[ement]s and hereditaments called Slowcrofte Blakes pen
74    or penne The rest of my goodes not bequeathed I doe geave to my said wif Mary Blake
75    Whome I make my soole and whole executrixe And overseers of this my last will I doo appoint
76    and ordayne Edward Baynard and Henry Brancker esquiers and Robert Blake of Lavyng
77    ton And in token of profe that this is my very last will I have hereunto subscribed and sette
78    my seale the day and yere above written in the presence of Edward Baynard John
79    Willoughby Anthony Goddard W Asheman and other By me Roger Blake

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