Thursday, January 24, 2013

Will of Walter Blackmore of Swimbridge - The National Archives PROB 11/74/362, probated 30 Oct 1589

This Walter Blackmore is unknown to me. Although Thomas Blackmore at Bishops Nympton named his second son Walter his grandfather was Walter Whetstone (his mother's father).

I think Walter is apprenticed to Nicholas Shorte and probably in his teens. I found a Walter Blackmore son of John Blackmore on the IGI baptized at Northam 19 Jun 1575 (11 miles west of Swimbridge).

From the Devon Tax Rolls (1581) there was a John Blackmore of Totiscombe and a James Blackmore in Trentishoe Parish, John Blackmore (roper) at Torrington Magna Town, a John Blackmore and a William Blackmore at Northam Parish, a William Blackmore at East Anstye Parish (possibly related to the Blackmore family at Bishops Nympton as Thomas had property at East Anstey), Joan Blackmore widow and Thomas Blackemore at Bishops Nympton, Hugh Blackmore at Thelbridge Parish, Thomas Blackmore at West Worlington Parish, Nicholas Blackemore at Combyne Parish, Thomas Blackmore at Axmouth Parish, William Blackemore at Harpford Parish, John Blackmore at Bampton Parish, Henry Blackmore and Richard Blackmore at Samphorde Peverell Parish, Henry Blackmore at Colompton Parish, John Blackmore at Shildon Parish.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 23 Jan 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/74/362
Testator: Walter Blackmore
Place: Swimbridge, Devon, England
Date of document: 21 Jun 1588, probated 30 Oct 1589
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 16th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent]Walteri
[Margin]: Blackmore

1    In the name of God Amen on Frydaye
2    the one and twentithe daye of the monethe of June in Anno D[omi]ni a thousand
3    five hundred eightie eight Walter Blackmore of the parishe of Swimbridge
4    beinge sick in bodye but of perfett memorie did make and declare his testament
5    noncupative conterminge the disposition of his goodes as followethe viz First he
6    gave and bequeathed to the sonne of Elizabeth Thorne his godchilde fortie shillings
7    And to every of his other godchildren beinge five in number a cowe a peece and
8    did name and rehearse in whose kepinge every of the same kyne weare And did will
9    that it shoulde be imployed to their best profitt The residue of all his goodes he gave
10    and bequeathed to his maister Nicholas Shorte whom he named his executor
11    being present and witnesses John Short John Pylman and Margarett Beare
12    And afterwardes on Satterdaye the twoe and twentithe of June the saide Wal
13    ter Blackmore beinge in like perfett memorie did confess and declared that he
14    had made and acknowledged his last will and testament and had given to five of
15    his godchildren a cowe to eache of them And to one other godchilde beinge the sonne
16    of Elizabeth Thorne fortie shillings And that the rest of his goodes he hadd
17    given and bequeathed to Nicholas Shorte his maister and had nominated
    [Page 2]
18    and made him his executor beinge present John Somewell and the saide John Shorte
19    and John Pyllman

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