Sunday, February 3, 2013

Will of Francis Buller Esquire of Isleham Cambridgeshire - The National Archives PROB 11/422/263, probated 3 Sep 1694

This is the will of Francis-5 Buller. They are not in their order of appearance (i.e. date order). This will is said to be for Francis Buller of Isleham Cambridgeshire but actually within the body of the will Francis Buller states that he is late of Shillingham Cornwall now Isleham Cambridgeshire. Just to place him he is the father of Francis-3. His has been a sad life. His first wife and mother of all of his children (Elizabeth daughter and heir of Ezekiell Grose of Golden) died and his second wife was Lady Kathrine wife of Sir John Maynard. His only living son in 1681 at the time of the will being written was Richard (captain in the army) with his brothers William, John and Francis all having been buried before 1681. Although he wrote his will in 1681 he did not appear to have died until closer to 1694. His daughters were Thomasine, Sarah and Margaret. This entire male line appears to have died out as there are no descendants for Richard (Captain in the army either). The heir at law to Captain Richard Buller was John Buller of Morval brother to this testator Francis-5 and they were the sons of Francis Buller and Thomasin Honywood (Francis -2).

Indeed Francis Buller and Thomasine Honywood had a large family which included ten other sons who died as infants and three daughters who died as infants - fifteen children in all. But I have now established that all the male lines coming down from Francis Buller and Thomasine Honywood had just one line that continued and that was the line of John Buller of Morval and the Isle of Thanet (there were descendants from daughters who married). His line continues on the Visitation and I need to work through this set of information at some point to determine if I can find a line that might have moved to Bermondsey/St Olave but I still rather think my best bet is with the Somerset Buller family.

I picked up the Cambridgeshire Buller will and will now return to Cornwall to work on the remaining wills in that county namely, James, John-1, John-2, John Francis, Marie, Richard-1, Richard-2, Richard-3, and Thomazine.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 2 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/422/263
Testator: Francis Buller Esquire
Place: Isleham, Cambridgeshire, England
Date of document: 28 Nov 1681, probated 3 Sep 1694
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent]
[Margin]: Francis
[Margin]: Buller

1    In the name of God Amen
2    I Francis Buller Esquire the Elder late of Shillingham in the County
3    of Cornwall and now of Isleham in the County of Cambridge Revoaking
4    all former Wills being sicke of Body but of sound memory praised bee God
5    doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and
6    forme following First I recom[m]end my soul into the hands of God hoping
7    for everlasting Life through and by the onely merits of Jesus Christ My
8    Body I comitt to the Earth to bee buryed at the discretion of my Executor
9    thereafter named Imprimis I give unto my Dear Wife the Lady
10    Katherine Maynard Tenn Pounds Item I give to my Daughter
11    Sarah Buller Tenn Pounds Item I give to my Dear Grandchildren
12    Francis and James and Katherine Buller to each of them One
13    peice of Old Queen Elizabeths Gold of Twenty Two Shillings a
14    peice Item I give unto my good friend Mr Roger Peachy Five
15    pounds Item I give unto my Dear Friend and Couzin John Herle
16    Esquire Five pounds Item I give unto my old servant William Foulke
17    Five pounds Item I give unto my Godsonne Mr Francis Pengelly
18    One Guiny And whereas Coll John Buller deceased of Shillingham
19    by his last Will and Testament did devise unto mee Francis
20    Buller Esquire his nephew and heire of Law All his Lands Tenements
21    and hereditaments in the Kingdome of Ireland England or any other
22    of the Kings Dominions that were then devided and allotted or to
23    bee devided and allotted and conveyed or to bee conveyed to him and
25    his Executor forever unto mee the said Francis Buller Esquire my heirs
26    forever and he did make mee his sole Executor of his last Will and
27    Testament which Will hath long since been proved in due forme of
28    Lawe and devised unto mee and my assignes what other summes of
29    money were growne due or should grow due for his Arrears Debetters
30    and service in Ireland amounting in all to about Five Thousand
31    pounds and also such sum[m]e or sum[m]es of money as were due unto him
32    from Coll Osborne of the Kingdome of Ireland or any other person
33    or persons whatsoever I doe give direct and devise unto my sonne
34    Cap Richard Buller his heirs Executors and Assignes forever All such
35    Lands Tenements and hereditaments Goods Chattells Arreares
36    yf any and all the benefit whatsoever I had or may have by
37    terme of the said Will subject neverthelesse to the Trust Uses
38    limitations in the said Will mentioned And moreover I doe
39    constitute create and appoynt my onely Surviving Sonne Captaine
40    Richard Buller my Sole Executor of this my last Will and
41    Testament And I doe give unto Mrs Margarett Russell the
42    Wife of Killyphett Russell Esquire Twelve Pence Witnesse my
43    hand and seale this Eight and Twentith of November One
44    Thousand Six hundred Eighty One Francis Buller then signed
45    sealed published and declared to bee the last Will and Testament of
46    the said Francis Buller in presence of us Tho: Kirkby Jo:
47    Hill Henry Edgely Henery Winn February 23 1681 Item I
48    give unto my Old servant Joan Hill Five Pounds Item I
49    Give unto Mrs. Anne Alured Two Guineys Item I give unto the
50    poor of the parish of Isleham Five pounds to bee distributed at my
51    Funerall

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