Saturday, February 9, 2013

Will of Mary Buller Widow of Keverall - The National Archives PROB 11/588/242, probated 4 Dec 1722

The next will is written by Mary Buller the mother of John Francis Buller. She was the daughter of Sir Henry Polloxfen, Knight, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. It was her husband who died of smallpox. They had only two children Mary Ann who married Christopher Harris, MP and John Francis Buller. 

Mary provides quite a bit of information on her family (Polloxfen) and names the two oldest children of John Francis Buller her son - James and Rebecca.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 4 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/588/242
Testator: Mary Buller, Widow
Place: Keverall, Cornwall, England
Date of document:  20 Oct 1720, probated 4 Dec 1722
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent]
 [Margin]: Mariee Buller

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Mary Buller Widow of John Buller Esquire late of Keverall in the
3    County of Cornwall do hereby revoke and make void all former Wills by me
4    made and do make and ordain appoint and declare this to be my last Will
5    and Testament which is as followeth first I commend my Soul into the hands
6    of my Faithfull Creator trusting through the merrit and mediation of my most
7    mercifull and ever blessed Redeemer to find acceptance at the Throne of Grace
8    and my desire is that my body may be decently buried if I shall happen to dye
9    at Plymouth in the Parish of  Meawey or I dye at Morvall or Paine I
10    desire to be buried in the Parish Church where I dye or if at London I desire to be
11    buried at Shafford in Surrey by my Mother and all my worldly good of what
12    nature or kind soever they are which it hath pleased God to bestow upon
13    me I do devise and bequeath in manner and form following Item I give and
14    bequeath to the Poor of the Parish where I dye the Sum of five pounds
15    and five pounds I give to the Poor of the Parish where I shall be buried
16    Item I give to my Brother Henry Polloxfen Esquire and to his Wife
17    each a ring of twenty shillings price Item I give to each of my late Sister
18    Drakes Children and to Sir Francis Henry Drakes Lady and to Thomas
19    Martyn Esquire a ring of twenty shillings price Item I give to my Sister
20    Jane Drake a ring of twenty shillings price Item I give to my Sister Anne
21    Duncomb? my three Silver Casters and a ring of twenty shillings price Item
22    I give to my Son John Francis Buller Esq[uie]r the Sum of one hundred pounds for
23    mourning for himself and his Wife Item I give to my Grandson James
25    Buller the Sum of tenn pounds and I give to my Grandaughter Rebecca
26    Buller my best diamond ring Item I give and bequeath to my Servant Elizabeth
27    Ives one Annuity of Tenn pounds to be paid yearly by my Executrix hereinafter
28    named by four equal quarterly payments each and every year so long time
29    as the said Elizabeth Ives shall live Item I give my diamond ring with my
30    Sister Drakes hair to Mrs Anne Seymour daughter of Edward Seymour
31    Esquire late of Woodlands in the County of Dorsett and I also give to her
32    my Picture which I left with her if the said Mrs Ann Seymour doth Survive
33    me and all the rest of my goods and Chattles and mony and securities for
34    mony not herein before given and bequeathed I do give and bequeath to my
35    daughter Mary Ann Harris whom I do hereby nominate constitute and
36    appoint Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament In witness
37    whereof I the said Mary Buller have hereunto set my hand and seal
38    this twentyeth day of October Anno domini 1720 M: Buller I desire my
39    Coffin may not be closed before I have been dead four days if I shall dye
40    at Exeter or Nuttwell I desire to be buried in Woodbury Church near my
41    Father Sealed and signed in the presence of W: Daniel Gosier Theo: Roberts
42    Richarde Hancock

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