Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Will of Thomazine Buller of Morvall - The National Archives PROB 11/562/239, probated 21 Feb 1718

This is the last of the wills in Cornwall although I did not collect the wills from the 1800s on as I didn't really think this was my line and my Christopher Buller was born circa 1763. Thomazine names her sisters and her nephew. This Thomazine is the daughter of John Buller and Anne Coode. She did not marry. She does not mention any other relatives but is already second cousin to the Shillingham Buller family.

She is sister to Elizabeth Worth, Ann Parker and Mary Dodson. Mary Ann Harris is her niece (daughter of her brother John Buller).

She was named in her father's will (John Buller of Morval and he was married first to Anne Coode of Morval). The fortunes of the Shillingham Buller family passed to John Buller of Morval.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 5 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/562/239
Testator: Thomazine Buller
Place: Morval, Cornwall, England
Date of document:  18 Oct 1717, probated 21 Feb 1718
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[estament]
[Margin]: Thomazina Buller

1    In the name of God Amen I
2    Thomazine Buller of Morvall in the County of Cornwall
3    Spinster being sick and weake in body but of sound and
4    disposing mind and memorie (thanks be unto God) doe make
5    and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and
6    forme following hereby revokeing all former Wills by me
7    made either in word or writing First I commend my Soule
8    unto the hands of Almighty god my Creater and my Body to
9    Christian Buriall to be decently interred Item I give and devise
10    unto my sister Worth Three hundred pounds, and to Mrs
11    Harris the wife of Christopher Harris of Hayne Esquire
12    One hundred pounds Item I give unto my Sister Parker five pounds
13    and to her three Children Five pounds each Item I give unto my
14    late sister Dodsons Children five pounds each I give unto Theophila
15    Roberts my Maid Tenn pounds I give unto John Pound
16    Tenn pounds and to his wife Tenn pounds I give unto John Bedlake
17    five pounds, I give unto Mrs Ellis the wife of Mr. John Ellis five
18    pounds I give unto the poore of Morvall Parish Five pounds
19    I give unto all my Nephew's Servants living in Morvall house
20    Twenty shillings each I give unto Mr James Buller the
21    sonne of my Nephew John Francis Buller Tenn pounds Item
22    all the rest of my Goods and Chattells rights and Creditts Monys
23    due to me on Mortgages or otherwise I give and devise unto my
25    Nephew John Francis Buller Esquire who of this my last Will
26    and Testament I make my Sole Executor, willing directing and
27    comanding him to pay all my debts Legacies and funerall charges
28    In Witnesse whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament
29    set my hand and seale this Eighteenth day of October Anno
30    d[omi]ni 1717 the signe of Thomazin Buller Signed Sealed published
31    and declared by the said Thomazin Buller to be her last Will
32    and Testament in presence of Simpson Deer Mary Bodey
33    Joseph Toms

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