Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Buller and Protestation Returns for Somerset

I did extract the Buller entries from the Protestation Returns for Somerset and Tax rolls and found the following (which was rather a surprise as I had thought to find more names):

Protestation Returns - Somerset

Nether Stowey Parish
Thomas Buller
Richard Buller

Old Cleeve Parish
Michael Buller

Nether Stowey
Richard Buller 10 d
Joan Buller widow 10 d

Pages 165, 171, 172, 289 (location of entries on the CD produced of the Somerset Protestation Returns and Lay Subsidy Rolls 1641-1642).

I need to check Wiltshire, Dorset and Gloucestershire at some point to find the Buller entries there. I have yet to pull the entries for Cornwall and Devon. Again this would be a research project for my Buller research day as it occurs during the ten week interval when I work on my other family names (other than Blake and Pincombe that is).

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