Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Will of Benjamin Buller of Saint Margaret Westminster - The National Archives PROB 11/610/34, probated 28 Jul 1726

This Benjamin Buller is said to bear arms from the probate but I do not have any ideas on his line. He does name his brothers Richard, William, John and Julian and sisters Frances and Anne. There is also a Sentence for Benjamin Buller dated 28 Jul 1704 which is in latin and a project for the future. His will although dated 11 Feb 1701 was not probated until over 25 years later.

There is a Benjamin Buller on the Visitation but he is a son of John Buller of Lillesdon and Elizabeth Rogers and his father died 12 Jan 1592. Benjamin on the visitation would have been born prior to 1590 as he has a younger brother (likely). The interest that I have in this particular will is the area of Saint Margaret Westminster. This is an area where I have found my Henry Christopher Buller at least on census day 1861. The mystery remains for Christopher Buller (my grandmother's great grandfather). Every little piece fits into a gigantic puzzle but then that is what ancestry is all about fitting in the pieces!

From Find my Past Benjamin Buller is most associated with Suffolk and Halesworth in particular. No record though of him in Boyd's Inhabitants of London & Family Units.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 19 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/610/34
Testator: Benjamin Buller
Location: Saint Margaret Westminster, Middlesex
Date of document: 11 Feb 1701, probated 28 Jul 1726
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent]
[Margin]: Benjamin Buller

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    first I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God my Creator and
3    Redeemer trusting through the merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ
4    to receive Everlasting Salvation next I bequeath my body to the
5    Earth to be interred decently and privately in a Leaden Coffin next I
6    bequeath to him that shall preach  my Funeral Sermon two Guineas
7    I give to my brother Richard Buller Twenty pounds for mourning
8    I give to my brother William and my brother John Buller twenty pounds each for Mourning I give to my Brother Julian Buller five pounds to my Sister Frances
9    and my Sister Anne Buller five pounds each for mourning all which
10    Legacies I desire may be paid in three months after my death I give
11    to Mr Richard Rich twenty pounds to be paid in three months after
12    my death likewise to the said Rich I give all my arrears that is due
13    from the King and Government to me as likewise Four hundred and
14    thirty pounds which is due to me from Sir George Humble if the said
15    Rich can receive it with the assistance of my Executor or Executrix
16    all the rest of my Goods and Chattles I give and bequeath to
17    Mr Richard Atwill of Exon who I appoint to be my Executor but
18    in Case the said Richard Atwill should happen to dye before me then
19    I do appoint Elizabeth Atwill wife to the said Richard Atwill to be
20    my whole and sole Executrix In witness whereof I have set my hand
    [Page 2]
21    and Seal the 11th day of February 1701 Benj. Buller
22    Witness hereof Hunri Bawden Mary Bartlett the mark of
23    Mary Faren Concordat cum Testamento originali facta fideli
24    Collati p nos Gandy Spurway N P Ja: pinfold N P

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