Sunday, March 3, 2013

Will of Charlotte Roddam formerly Buller, Wife, Saint Marylebone, Middlesex - The National Archives PROB 11/956/117, probated 1 Mar 1770

This is Charlotte Buller the youngest daughter of William Watson Buller and his wife Sarah Stert. Her eldest sister Anna Maria married Henry Leaves Esquire. Charlotte was baptized 6 Aug 1738 so that by 1770 she would have been 32 years of age. The mention of Richard Stert and Henry Leaves Esquires as the Third part of the Indenture does add proof that this is Charlotte daughter of William Watson Buller.

In her father's will Charlotte was to receive two thousand pounds under her father's will. Charlotte Buller married Collingwood Roddam 21 Apr 1767 at Saint Mary, St Marylebone, London (M03524-2 Family Search). Sarah Jane Roddam was born 24 Mar 1768 and baptized 21 Apr 1768 at Saint Mary,St Marylebone, London (C03524-1 Family Search). Later wills will show that she inherited from her mother and her sister Sarah as well before her marriage.

Possibly the baptism of Collingwood Roddam was 28 Dec 1734 son of Edward Roddam of Ilderton, Northumberland, England.

Early death for a young woman just two years after the birth of her child who must also have died since she says she has no issue in the will.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 20 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/956/117
Testator: Charlotte Roddam formerly Buller, Wife
Place: Saint Marylebone, Middlesex, England
Date of document:  12 Jan 1770, probated 1 Mar 1770
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Charlotte Roddam
[Margin]: formerly Buller

1    This is the last Will
2    and Appointment of me Charlotte Roddam the Wife of Collingwood
3    Roddam Esquire made published and declared by me this twelfth
4    day of January one thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Whereas
5    in and by a certain Indenture made upon and in consideration
6    of my Marriage with the said Collingwood Roddam bearing
7    date on or about the Eighth day of April one thousand Seven
8    hundred and Sixty Seven and made or mentioned to be made
    [Page 2]
9    between me the said Charlotte Roddam by my then name of
10    Charlotte Buller of the parish of St Mary le B[o]ne in the County
11    of Middlesex Spinster of the First part the said Collingwood
12    Roddam of the Second part and Richard Stert and Henry Leaves
13    Esquires of the Third part it was agreed That all my then
14    Fortune and Estate or any other Fortune or Estate Real of
15    personal which should descend fall or come to me during my
16    coverture should be secured for my separate use and disposal and
17    in pursuance of such agreement and for Establishing the same
18    all my said then Fortune and Estate and all the Fortune or
19    Estate Real of personal which should descend fall or come to
20    me as aforesaid was assigned Transferred and Sett over by me
21    in and with the consent of the said Collingwood Roddam to
22    the said Richard Stert and Henry Leaves their Ex[ecu]tors adm[inistrat]ors
23    and assigns but with Liberty to change the same with my
24    consent into any other Government Securities Upon Trust to
25    stand and be possessed of and Interested in the same To and for the
26    separate use and disposal of me the said Charlotte Roddam from
27    time to time notwithstanding my coverture and so as to be
28    wholly at my Free will and pleasure and for that purpose I was
29    to be at Liberty and fully Qualified as if I had continued Sole
30    and unmarried to Exercise all Acts of property accordingly
31    and more particularly in case of my death without Issue
32    in and by the said Indenture relation being there unto had
33    and may more fully and at Large appear and whereas I have
34    no Issue now Living and being desirous to make the best provision
35    I am able for my said dear husband I do hereby in pursuance
36    of the said powers so given to me as aforesaid by the said
37    Indenture and by virtue of all other powers and Authorities
38    whatsoever Enabling me so do give devise and bequeath unto
39    my said dear husband Collingwood Roddam all my aforesaid
40    Fortune and Estates assigned and vested as aforesaid in the
41    said Richard Stert and Henry Leaves their Executors adm[inistrat]ors and
42    assigns by the aforesaid Indenture in whatsoever Securities or
43    in what manner so ever the same should be subsisting at the
44    time of my death to have hold receive and Enjoy the same
45    unto him the said Collingwood Roddam his heirs Executors
46    Administrators and assigns to his and their own proper use forever
47    and I do hereby Nominate Constitute and appoint my said
48    dear husband Collingwood Roddam the Sole Executor of this
49    my Last Will and appointment and do hereby revoke annull
50    and make void all former and other Wills or appointments
51    by me at any time heretofore made or Executed and do declare
52    this to be my Last Will and Final appointment concerning
53    my said Estates In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand
54    and Seal the day and year first above written C Roddam
55    Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Charlotte Roddam
56    as and for her last will and appointment in the presence of us
57    who in her presence and at her request have set our Names as
58    witnesses Eliza Roddam Nistorina Plamer Tho: Collingwood
    [Page 3]
59    This Will was proved at London the First day of March
60    in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Seventy
61    before the Worshipfull Andrew Coltee Ducarel  Doctor of Laws and
62    Surrogate of the Right Worshipfull George Hay also Doctor of Laws
63    Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
64    lawfully constituted by the oath of Collingwood Roddam Esquire
65    the husband of the deceased and Sole Executor named in the
66    said Will to whom administration was granted of all and Singular
67    the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased he having
68    been First sworn duly to administer.

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