Friday, March 1, 2013

Will of George Buller, Chandler of Soho, London - The National Archives PROB 11/1257/39, probated 4 Mar 1795

George Buller the testator names his wife Elizabeth and his friend Samuel Legg. This is an interesting one with respect to the Somerset Buller family since George is an often used forename for this family. There is a record for the burial of George Buller at St Anne Soho 15 Feb 1795. He was only 27 years of age and his cause of death was a disorder in the Arm and he lived at Chapel Street. The cost of his burial was £1 5s 2d. His year of birth was circa 1768.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 16 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1257/39
Testator: George Buller, Chandler
Place: Soho, London, England
Date of document: 6 Feb 1795, probated 4 Mar 1795
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: George
[Margin]: Buller

1    George Buller
2    of Chaple Street Soho Chandler do make this my last Will
3    and Testament I desire all my just debts and Funeral Expences
4    be paid and that whatever providence should bless me with
5    of Stock household Goods Stock in trade of whatsoever sort
6    or kind I desire to give unto my wife Elizabeth Buller and
7    I hereby appoint my said Wife and Samuel Legg of Fleet
8    Street Upholder whole and Sole Executors to this my last will
9    Witness my hand and Seal this 6th of Feb[ruar]y 1795
10    George Buller and in the presence of Sam[ue]l Legg Upholder
11    Fleet Street John Adamson
12    This Will was proved at London the fourth day
13    of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred
14    and ninety five before the worshipful John Fisher Doctor of Law
15    and Surrogate of the Right Honourable Sir William Wynne
16    Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the
17    prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths
18    of elizabeth Buller widow the Relict of the deceased
19    and Samuel Legg the Executors named in the said Will
20    to whom Administration was granted of all and Singular
21    the Goods Chattles and Credits of the said deceased having
22    been first Sworn duly to Administer

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