Friday, March 15, 2013

Will of George Buller, Servant, Hastings, Sussex - The National Archives, PROB 11/1671/342, probated 13 Jun 1823

George Buller, the testator, was probably the son of Benjamin Buller and Susannah Woods. If so he was born in Halesworth, Suffolk. Benjamin and Susannah had a large family (Benjamin Woods, George, Richard, William, Robert, Elizabeth, John and James). This family line is entered into World Connect where there are dates of baptism entered all in Halesworth Suffolk. The couple is said to be married 29 Aug 1791 in Halesworth Suffolk. The tree goes back to a John Buller and Margaret as parents of Benjamin and then a William Buller as the father of John said to be baptized 12 Oct 1705 in Halesworth.

If the date of baptism is correct he would have been 29 years of age at his death. Probably not my line but I haven't excluded this particular Buller line. The father John and grandfather William of George are potential ancestors for Christopher and I will investigate this family in Suffolk eventually. This is the only will that I have for Sussex.

I now move on to the Warwickshire Buller wills and I have quite a few named as Richard -1, Richard-2, Richard-3, and Richard -4. Also Arthur, William-1 and William-2.

Then a few others that I purchased earlier and forgot about in Middlesex  John and Richard. Then a Frederick William Buller and that one was more a curiosity; he was a Lieutenant General and I know he is not likely in my ancestral line but thought I would read it through. Then Samuel Hucks because of the middle name of Robert Hucks Buller (son of Christopher Buller and Mary Beard). I also have a paper copy of the will of Sir Francis Buller (Judge of the Court of Common Pleas). Again none of these have been transcribed but on completion I will then move back to the Blake one name study and the Pincombe one name study principally.

My adventure into Buller wills has been interesting and my colleagues at the Guild of one name studies are right that I shouldn't pass up on the wealthier members of this family because they had large families. Although the Buller family always appeared to have looked after all their children as younger sons particularly go on to have children unless they have married into other wealthy families the money does thin out and my Christopher although not wealthy was likely comfortable in his Slop Shop and there was sufficient money for his son Henry to set himself up as a Pork Butcher in Covent Garden area of London and on Bull Street in Birmingham eventually. Will I ever find Christopher? No ideas on that but the incentive is there to keep checking each new release of records on the Greater London area just in case.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 12 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1671/342
Testator: George Buller, Servant
Place: Hastings, Sussex
Date of document:  6 Dec 1822, probated 13 Jun 1823
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: George
[Margin]: Buller

1    This is the last Will and Testament of me George
2    Buller of the Town and Port of Hastings in the County of Sussex
3    Servant of Henry Browne Esquire now residing at Hastings First I direct
4    all my just debts funeral expences etc to be fully paid and satisfied by
5    Executor hereafter named as conveniently may be after my decease and
6    subject thereof I give and bequeath my box with all my wearing
7    apparel to my Father Benjamin Buller I also give and bequeath unto
8    my mother Susanna Buller my watch and all the appendages thereunto
9    belonging I also give and bequeath unto Mary Hall one of my seals
10    engraved with a fox with a broach and tea Chest I also give and bequeath
11    unto my mother Susana Buller with Mary Hall all my ready money
12    and securities in the hands of Robert Burroughs residing in Goodwin Court
13    St Martins Lane London to the amount of Fifty pounds with other moneys
14    twenty pounds now in Mary Halls hands to be equally divided between them
15    my personal estate and what nature or kind soever the same may be I do
16    nominate constitute and appoint George Woods my sole Executor of this my
17    new Will and testament hereby revoking all other Wills by me at any time
18    heretofore made I do hereby declare this to be my last Will and Testament In
19    Witness whereof I the said George Buller the Testator have to this my last
20    Will and Testament set my hand and seal this sixth day of December
21    in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and  twenty two
22    George Buller Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator
23    George Buller as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us
24    who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other
25    have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto John Gilmore
26    Sarah Gilmore
27    Proved at London 13th June 1823 before the worshipful Samuel
28    Rush Meyrick D[octo]r of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of George Woods the
30    sole Executor to whom Adm[inistrati]on was granted having been first sworn duly to adm[iniste]r

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