Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Will of John Roberts Butler, Apothecary, Battersea, Surrey - The National Archives PROB 11/750/44, probated 31 Oct 1746

This is actually a will for the Butler family (although labeled as Buller) and I have sent in a query to The National Archives the answer which I shall enter into this blog post. Since I have transcribed it I will post it but as a will for the Butler family not Buller. There is quite a bit of detail in here for a descendant, if any, of this family.

The National Archives has written back to say that they agree that this is a will for Butler rather than Buller and the change will be made on the website within a couple of weeks. 

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 11 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/750/44
Testator: John Roberts Butler, Apothecary
Place: Battersea, Surrey
Date of document:  1 Oct 1746, probated 31 Oct 1746
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: John Roberts Butler

1    In the name of God Amen
2    this first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand
3    seven hundred and forty six I John Roberts Butler of
4    Battersea in the County of Surrey Apothecary being at
5    present indisposed but of sound and disposing Mind
6    Memory and Understanding do make and ordain this
7    my last Will and Testament in manner and form following
8    that is to say First and principally I recommend my Soul
9    to God who gave it and my Body I commit to the earth to
10    be decently interred as near my late wife as conveniently
11    may be unless I shall happen to dye above forty Miles
12    from the place of her interment in which case I desire to
13    be buried where I shall happen to dye and I desire to have
14    no Pall Bearers nor any Rings given at un Funeral but
15    that the whole may be conducted with as little Expence as
16    may be consistent with decency and as to such Worldly
17    Estate as God of his goodness hath bestowed upon me I give
18    and dispose thereof as follows that is to say In the first place
19    I give devise and bequeath unto my two Sons William Butler
20    and Thomas Butler all that my Freehold Messuage or
21    Tenement and Land situate at Benenden in the County of
22    Kent now in the possession of Mr Waters to hold unto my said
23    Sons William Butler and Thomas Butler their heirs and
24    assigns for ever as Tenants in common and not as joint
25    Tenants Also I give and bequeath unto my Sister Sarah
26    Butler and Mrs Hannah Winch of Weidenhead in the
27    County of Berks Widow my Executrixes hereinafter named
28    the Sum of ten pounds a peece for the trouble they will be
30    at in the Execution of this my Will all the rest residue and
31    remainder of my Goods Chattels debts and personal Estate
32    of what nature or kind soever after payment of such just
33    debts as I shall owe at the time of my decease Funeral
34    charges and the charges of proving this my Will I give
35    and bequeath unto my said two Sons William Butler and
36    Thomas Butler Share and Share alike to be paid to my
37    said two Sons respectively when and as they shall severally
38    attain their respective ages of twenty one years the
39    Interest and profit of each ones Share in the mean time
40    together with the Rents and Profits of my said Freehold
41    Estate at Benenden aforesaid to go and be applyed towards
42    their respective Maintenances and Educations and in case
43    either of my said Sons shall happen to die before he shall
44    have attained his said age of twenty one Years then I give
45    and bequeath the part and Share of him so dying unto
    [Page 2]
46    the Survivor of my said Sons and I do hereby impower and
47    direct my Executrixs hereinafter named when and as my
48    said Sons shall severally arrive at a proper age to put
49    them forth apprentices to such Trades or professions as
50    they shall think fit and to give such Sums of Money with
51    them as they shall judge convenient out of the Capital or
52    what shall be severally coming due to them by virtue of
53    this my Will which Sums of Money so to be paid on putting
54    my said Children apprentices as aforesaid shall be placed to
55    their respective accounts and be deducted out of their Shares
56    of my personal Estate and I do hereby desire and direct
57    my Executrixes hereinafter named when and as often as
58    they shall have fifty pounds in their hands to place the
59    same forth on such Government Securitys as they shall
60    think fit and pay and apply such Interest and Increase
61    as shall from time to time be made thereof towards the
62    Maintenance and Education of my said Children as
63    aforesaid and I do hereby make ordain constirtute and
64    appoint my said Sister Sarah Butler and the said Mrs
65    Hannah Winch full and sole Executrixes of this my last
66    Will and Testament hereby revoking and annulling all
67    former Will and Wills by me at any time heretofore made
68    In Witness whereof I the said John Roberts Butler the
69    Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained
70    in one Sheet and part of a Sheet of paper at the bottom
71    of the first Sheet and at the bottom of the written part
72    of the Second Sheet set my hand and Seal the day and
73    Year abovewritten Jno Roberts Butler Signed Sealed
74    published and Declared by the said John Roberts Butler
75    the Testator and for his last Will and Testament in the
76    presence of us who at his desire and in his presence
77    have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses Tho:
78    Cape Corn[eliu]s Dutch Edw[ar]d Ray
79    This Will was proved at London the thirty
80    first day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand
81    seven hundred and forty six before the Worshipfull
82    Robert Chapman Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right
83    Worshipfull John Bettesworth also Doctor of Laws Master
84    Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative Court of
85    Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of Sarah
86    Butler Spinster the Sister of the deceased and one of
87    the Executrixes to whom Administration was granted
88    of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of
89    the said deceased being first sworn duly to administer
90    power reserved to make the like grant to Hannah
91    Winch the other Executrix named in the said Will
92    when she shall apply for the same.

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