Thursday, March 14, 2013

Will of Mary Buller widow of Ramsgate Kent - The National Archives PROB 11/2138/378, probated 3 Sep 1851

This is the will of Mary Buller of Ramsgate, Widow. Discovered it in my set of wills and I remember purchasing it because Christopher Buller's wife was Mary. I read through it but did not transcribe it at the time so will do this one out of order as the next set of wills (only one actually) is for Sussex.

An earlier promotion from the War Office, May 14, 1824 of Edmund Richard Buller, Gent to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Brett and this was in The Connaught Journal Galway. There is mention of Edmund Richard Buller in the Gazette (he was a Lieutenant in the 7th Dragoon Guards to Captain of Infantry by p.).

Again this is not my line at least not directly. Mary Beard Buller died in 1806 and Christopher's second wife was Jane. Their son was Thomas Christopher Buller. All of which I learned after I purchased this will back in 2008.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 12 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2138/378
Testator: Mary Buller, widow
Place: Ramsgate, Kent
Date of document:  24 Apr 1851, probated 3 Sep 1851
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Mary
[Margin]: Buller
 [Margin] 4

1    This is the Will of me Mary Buller of
2    Ramsgate in the County of Kent Widow I hereby appoint my
3    brother Edward Down of Brigeton in the County of Sussex Esquire
4    and James Joseph Barry of Ramsgate aforesaid Surgeon Executors
5    of this m y Will and direct them in the first place to pay all my
6    debts Funeral and Testamentary expences out of my estate and
7    from and after payment thereof I give any share or shares to
8    which I am entitled in reversion contingent on the death of either
9    of my children without issue in my lifetime in manner following
10    I give one moiety or half part of all or any such share or shares
11    unto my son Edmund Richard Buller now residing at Brussels
12    to and for his own absolute use and benefit and as to the other
13    moiety I give three eights of the whole to my son Spencer
14    Wellington Buller late of The honorable East India Companys
15    service to and for his own use and benefit and I give the remaining
16    one eighth part of any such share or shares to my daughter
17    Mary Bulkeley the wife of John Bulkeley of 32 Devonshire
18    Street Portland Place in the County of Middlesex for her own use
19    and benefit And I give all my plate linen china glass jewels books
20    pictures prints furniture and All other my personal goods and
21    chattels whatsoever and wheresoever in about and belonging to
22    my dwellinghouse No 1 Devonshire Place in Ramsgate aforesaid
23    as well as any money in possession or to which I may be entitled
24    either at my Bankers or elsewhere save such as I have hereinbefore
25    disposed of as well as any dividends due and payable to me at the
26    time of my decease unto my said son Edmund Richard Buller
27    for his own use absolutely And I declare that this my will shall
28    not affect any other property than such as I have mentioned herein
30    nor shall it be construed to extend to any stocks funds or securities
31    of which I have heretofore made any appointment or disposition
32    In witness whereof I the said Mary Buller have hereunto
33    set my hand this twenty fourth day of April one thousand
34    eight hundred and fifty one Mary Buller Signed
35    by the said Testatrix Mary Buller in the presence of both of us
36    present at the same time who at her request and in her presence
37    so attest the same as witnesses James R Judge Ramsgate
38    Sol[icito]r John R H Acock his Clerk
39    Proved at London the 3rd Sept[embe]r 1851 before the Judge by the
40    oath of James Joseph Barry one of the Executors named in the
41    said Will to whom admon was granted Limited to the property
42    therein mentioned and disposed of but no further or otherwise
43    he having been first sworn by Com[missi]on duly to administer Power
44    reserved of making the like grant to Edward Down Esq[uie]r the brother
45    the other Executor named in the said Will when he shall apply
46    for the same.

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