Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Will of Prudence Buller, Spinster, St Andrew Holborn, Middlesex - The National Archives PROB 11/659/289, probated 26 Jun 1733

Possibly this is Prudence Buller the daughter of Edward and Mary Buller baptized 5 Aug 1691 at St Andrew Holborn, London (C01051-3 Family Search). Prudence appears to be the only child of this couple baptized at St Andrew Holborn and no other likely candidates elsewhere. Interestingly there was a Richard Buller paying Hearth Tax at Saint Andrew Holborne in 1666. Some later Buller families lived at St Andrew Holborn. But definitely this line appears to have daughtered out with Prudence.

I do find it rather interesting that in the 1700s there is another Buller family in St Andrew Holborn which is descendant of the Cornwall Buller family - coincidence or other. I do not know at the moment.

However, this will definitely brings the Edward Buller line to an end and if his father was Richard I should pursue this line at some point. Find my Past has the following records Richard Buller living in South Olave Hart Street and married to Helen Morris 17 Jan 1659. He was a merchant and they have a son John baptized 6 Nov 1660. A further comment in Boyd's Inhabitants of London 17 Dec 1670 Vice General Marriage Licence R.B. merchant widowed at 33 married to Anne Watson of Maddam Scott Kent spinster of 26 years of age. This gives me a date of birth for Richard of 1637.

There is also a record for John Buller from 1679 at St Stephen Walbrook and he was an innkeeper with children John baptized 11 Jan 1680 and William baptized 4 Nov 1683.

Also a Robert Buller married to an Ellen King of St John Walbrook 25 Aug 1625 at All Hallows Honey Lane. He was a merchant taylor in 1625 of St John Walbrook but also it says he was of St Michael Pat Royal. His children Daniel baptized 18 Nov 1627, Michael baptized 8 March 1628 and Thomas baptized 26 Dec 1633.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 26 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/659/289
Testator: Prudence Buller, Spinster
Place: St Andrew Holborn, Middlesex, England
Date of document:  31 May 1732, probated 26 Jun 1733
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Prudence
[Margin]: Buller

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Prudence Buller of the parish of St Andrew Holborn in the
3    County of Midd[lese]x Spinster being sick and weak in Body, tho of sound
4    and disposing mind and memory doe make this my last will and
5    Testament in manner and form following that is to say Whereas I
6    am possessed oft interested in and Intitled unto a certain Messuage or
7    Tenement Scituate and being in Leather Lane in Holborne in the said
8    County of Midd[lese]x held by Lease from the R[igh]t Hon[oura]ble the Lord Brooke
9    for a certain Term of years yet to come and unexpired and and under a
    [Page 2]
10    yearly Ground rent therein reserved and payable of which said
11    Messuage or Tenement I have by Indenture dated the one and
12    Twentieth day of February last past granted a Lease to Ralph
13    Squire for the Term of Twenty Six years in case he should so long live
14    at and under the yearly Rent of a pepper corn with proper Covenants
15    for his paying and satisfying the Ground Rent And whereas my mind
16    and intention is that John Sweetapple son of John Sweetapple of
17    Tower Street London Tabcconist shall have hold possess and enjoy
18    the said Messuage or Tenement and premisses and the rent thereof
19    from and after the decease of the said Ralph Squire for and
20    during the rest residue and remainder of the Term of years that
21    Shall be to come and unexpired at the death of the said Ralph
22    Squire for that purpose I do hereby give and bequeath the aforesaid
23    Messuage and Tenement together with the original Lease of the same
24    and all other the premisses held by virtue or means thereof unto
25    the said John Sweetapple of Tower Street London Tabacconist
26    his Executors and Administrators for and during the rest residue
27    and Remainder of the Term of years that shall be in the said
28    original Lease remaining unexpired at the time of the death of the
29    said Ralph Squire In Trust Nevertheless to and for the sole benefit
30    and Advantage of his son John Sweetapple To have and To hold
31    the same for the use of his said Son and to render to him a just
32    and true account of the rents and profits thereof and to assigne
33    over the same premisses together with the aforesaid Original Lease
34    thereof when he shall have attained the age of one and Twenty
35    years And whereas I have above by this my last Will and
36    Testament given all m y Estate right Title Interest benefit and
37    Term of years in the said Lease granted from the Lord Brooke
38    unto the said John Sweetapple In Trust for his son as aforesaid
39    and as for and concerning the rest and residue of my Estate Effects
40    and Substance whether reall or personal that I may be possessed
41    off or Interested or intitled unto at the time of my death I hereby
42    give devise and bequeath the same to Jane Elizabeth and Mary
43    Sweetapple the Three daughter of the said John Sweetapple
44    of Tower Street Tobacconist they the said Jane Elizabeth and Mary
45    To have hold and enjoy the same Share and Share alike and having
46    a just remembrance of all the faithfull Services and friendy Intentions
47    of the said John Sweetapple towards me I doe hereby nominate
48    ordain constitute appoint the said John Sweetapple sen? The whole
49    and Sole Executor of this my will hereby revoking and making
50    void all former or other wills Testaments or deeds of Gift by me
51    at any time theretofore made and do declare this and no other to
52    be my last Will and Testament and I do hereby give unto my said
53    Executor the sume of Twenty Shillings to buy him a Ring In Witness
54    whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Thirty first day
55    of May in the Fifth year of the Reign of his Majesty King George
56    the Second and in the year of our Lord 1732 Prudenc Buller
57    Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testatrix prudence
58    Buller as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who
59    in her presence and at her request have signed our names as witnesses
60    John Tompkins in Leather Lane Tho: Hodson in Wood Street attorney
    [Page 3]
61    This Will was proved at London before the Worshipfull
62    William Branstone Doctor of Laws and Surrogate to the Right
63    Worshipfull John Bettesworth also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper
64    or Commissary of our prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
65    constituted the Twenty Sixth day of June in the year of our Lord
66    One Thousand Seven hundred and thirty three by the solemn declaration
67    or affirmation of John Sweetapple the sole Executor named in the said
68    will To whom Administration was granted of the Goods chattels and
69    Credits of the said deceased having first made the solemn and Sincere
70    declaration or affirmation according to the act of parliament duly to
71    Administer

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