Saturday, March 16, 2013

Will of Richard Buller, Long Compton, Warwickshire - The National Archives PROB 11/22/381, probated 8 Nov 1527

The testator Richard-1 Buller  is of Long Compton, Warwickshire. He has been married twice and his second wife is Agnes. He has daughters Agnes and Dorothy. He has a brother John Buller and mentions another John Buller of Sutton. He has been very generous with his property and one wonders if these are relatives of his.

I did find an interesting will on line for a William Buller of Kennett (probably has nothing to do with this particular Richard but wanted to put it somewhere where I wouldn't lose it :) ):

June 19, 1719. October 12, 1719. A. 78.
To eldest daughter Hannah Branton, daughter Eliz Buller and 3 sons
Thomas, John and Richard, household goods and wearing apparel as
described. Executors: brother John Buller and son Thomas, son Richard
to be apprenticed.
Witnesses: Robert Stevens, Robert Wry.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 13 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/22/381
Testator: Richard Buller
Place: Long Compton, Warwickshire
Date of document:  28 Sep 1527, probated 8 Nov 1527
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 16th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Test[a]m[ent] Ric[har]d
[Margin]: Buller

1    In dei nomme amen The xxviij day of Septembr[e] In the yere of our Lord
2    god a thousande fyve hundred twenty and sevyn I Richard Buller of longe Compton sike in
3    body hole of minde and remembrance make my testament in this maner of wise here after folowing
4    First I bequeth my soule to almighty god to o[u]r lady saint mary and to all the company of hevyn And
5    my body to Be Buried in the churche yarde of Long Compton Also I bequeth to the mother Church
6    of Worceto[r] vj d To the high awter of Long Compton vj d And to the Sacrament of the said awter
7    to have a cloth of silke iij s iiij d To saint Anselm of the same to have a Top to be maynteyned for my
8    fader and me the space of fouer yeres price xx d To the sanctuare light iij s iiij d To our Lady light
9    To Saint Kateryns light To saint nicolas To saint Clement To saint George To the Rede __clye of
10    these a shepe To the bells iiij shepe To the lampe light iiij d Item to the Church of Long Compton
11    a shepe price iiij marcs To the Chapell in Weston for my fader and me xx s Item I bequeth to have a
12    prest to serve in Compton Church for my fader and moder and me with all my goode frends oon yere
13    viij marcs Item I bequeth to Cheryngton Church To Stoweton Chapell to Milford Chapell ev[er]y of
14    of them a halfe of a yere ____ Item I Bequeth to Sir James White x s To Sir Richard Mude iiij s iiij d
    [Page 2]
15    Item I Bequeth to Agnes my wife xiij score shepe and viij score of them to be maynteyde at Weston
16    Item I bequeth to Agnes my wife vj oxen xiij kyne xij young beasts vij horses and mares my Best
17    carte w[i]th the harrnyss longinge thereto a paire of woollen wheles And all the corne longing to the
18    p[ar]sonage bothe titlye and glebe and the money that Thomas Robyns oweth me for bothe__ corne that
19    sume of vij li xviij s iiij d and vij quarters of whete and all the householde stuffe that she had before
20    I maried her and the increase of my dusse house in Weston thats oon yere and all my old malt
21    except two q[u]aters And to mawde her daughter a kowe Item I Bequeth to my brother John
22    Buller fyve score shepe iiij oxen oon heyffer two quarters of whete and two quarters of malt
23    and the money that Henry Dewarde of Worce[s]tor oweth me whiche is x s Item I bequeth to
24    Thomas Joyner thre score shepe a horse a mare two oxen and half a quarter of whete a yok
25    a towe Item to William his brother fiftye shepe twoe oxen a horse a mare a yock a towe
26    half a quarter of whete And the said Thomas and William to have betwen them a matres
27    a paire of shets and a coverlet a cut tyne and x s to bye them wheles and nayles Item
28    to Richard Prewe and Robert Prewe either of them xl shepe and either of them an heiffer
30    Item I Bequeth to Agnes my douthter a fether bed ij paire of shets and a shete w[i]th a blake
31    sri__t xij pewter disshes a pair of beads that was her moders fyve hundred shepe and xl
32    beasts Item to Dorathye my doughter a fether bed ij paire of shets fyve hundred shepe and
33    xl beasts And the said Agnes and Dorathye to have betwene them vj silver spoones Item to
34    George Osbaston my best younge colt of ij yeres olde Item to Richard Wilkyns a colt price
35    vjs viij d Item to John Pyg a heiffer Item to Robert Frinkley a mare Item to John Buller
36    of Sutton a mare Item to young Thomas Hadon of Wolford a bullock of ij yere olde Item to
37    Colette Wis[']s doughter of Sutton xx shepe and two ____ calves And those xx shepe and ij calves
38    to be kept in my grounde at Weston during the yeres of my takying by the sight of  my executors
39    The residue of my goodes not bequethed after my body be buried my detts paid and my legacis
40    fulfilled I geve and bequeth to Agnes and Dorathye my doughters and they to have Weston
41    w[i]th all comodities longing thereto during the yeres of my taking to kepe their catall uppon
42    And the said Agnes and Dorathe my doughters with their goodes and catall and with
43    ____ase_ent thereof to be in the guyding and government of John Bushby of Dunnyngton
44    till they be of lawfull age And if oone of these chyldren dye the other childe to have her parte
45    with her owne parte And if both these chyldren dye I will that my brother John Buller and
46    his chyldren have xx li of the forsaid goodes And Cherington Church to have v marcs  And the
47    residue of my goodes to _____ze a prest to serve in Long Compton Church yf they will extende
48    thereto, yf not I will that they be bestowede for the westlye of my soule and my good frendes as mky
49    executores and overseers thincke best And to this my testament I ordeyn and make John Bushbye
50    of Dunnyngton and John Buller of Sutton my executores to p[er]forme and fulfill my wille above
51    writen And these forsaid executors to paye almaner of dues longing to the chyldren with the
52    chyldrens goodes And they executores to have yerely till the chyldren be of lawfull age either of
53    them xx s And as ofte as these executors ride or goe in busyness longing to my testament or to my
54    chyldren I will that they clame them selfe conciently for their labour and costs of the forsaid
55    chyldrens goodes And also I ordeyn and make Sir James White my brother John Buller Richard
56    Wilkyns and John Pyg overseers that my will be p[er]formed and fulfilled as is above written.

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