Sunday, March 24, 2013

Will of Richard Buller, Merchant, London - The National Archives PROB 11/769/443, probated 9 May 1749

An interesting marriage in Find My Past at least the Vicar General Marriage Licence for Anne Watson and Richard Buller 1670. The present testator Richard Buller is a brother to William Watson Buller (will blogged:

Boyd's Inhabitants of London lists this Richard Buller of St Olave Hart Street as having first married Helen Morris 17 Jan 1659 at St Olave Hart Street and he was a merchant and his son John was baptized 6 Nov 1660. He married second Anne Watson 17 Dec 1670 and he was a 33 year old widower at that time. Anne Watson of Maddam Scott Kent was 26 years of age.

The present testator Richard may be the Richard born circa 1666 and married 17 Dec 1691 at St Sepulchure to Bridget Williams also born 1666 and daughter of William Williams. Their son Richard was baptized 14 Dec 1693 at St Dionis and his mother died 3 Jun 1695 and was buried at St Dionis and Stepney. He then married Rebecca Finny at London Wall. A bit confusing on the dates as this second marriages appears to be 1691.

A few more details on William Watson Buller that he had a brother Richard. Finding him in Boyd's Inhabitants possibly gives a bit more detail. Plus I mentioned this Richard Buller in the will of Prudence Buller transcription: .

This makes my question in that blog even more interesting: Who was the Richard Buller listed on the Hearth Tax in Saint Andrew Holborne in 1666. Is this the information which has convinced people that the father of William Watson Buller was Richard Buller married to Anne Watson and this will proves that Richard (testator) was a brother to William Watson Buller. However, still no information on the father of these two men.

Was Edward, father of Prudence Buller, a brother to Richard and William Watson?

There is a will for Richard Buller, English Merchant, probated 22 Jun 1691 that could prove to be very interesting. Must purchase it perhaps on the Buller day when it arrives.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 18 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/769/443
Testator: Richard Buller, Merchant
Place: London
Date of document: 18 Jul 1748, probated 9 May 1749
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Rich[ar]d Buller

1    This is the last Will and Testam[en]t
2    of me Rich[ar]d Buller of Bearbinder Lane in London Merchant
3    (being in good health of Body and of sound Mind and
4    Memory) which I make and declare as followeth I give
5    to the Reverend Mr Samuel Chandler Dissenting Minister
6    to whose congregation I belong the Sum of ten pounds
7    Item I give to my servant maid Sarah Kidly the Sum of
8    Fifty pounds for her faithfull and diligent service and care
9    of me when I was ill of a Quinsey to be paid speedily to
10    her after my Funeral Item I give to my Brother William
11    Watson Buller the Sum of Fifty pounds for Mourning for
12    himself and his wife and all the rest and residue of my
13    Estate both reall and personal (after payment of debts
14    Legacies Funeral charges and the charges of Executing
15    this my Will I give and bequeath to my Nephew
16    Richard Buller son of my Brother William Watson Buller
17    and I do appoint him my said Brother William Watson
18    Buller to be Executor of this my last Will and Testament and
19    I revoke all former Wills by me at any time heretofore
20    made or spoken and I desire to be privately and decently
21    buryed in my Vault in Saint Dunstans Church Yard in
22    Stepney And my Will further is that as my Estate given and
23    bequeathed to my Nephew above mentioned shall come
24    in and be received by my Executor that it shall be placed
25    out at Interest at the discretion of my Executor as soon as
26    conveniently may be after my decease for the use and
27    Benefit of my aforesaid Nephew Richard Buller untill he
28    shall arrive or come to the age of one and twenty years
30    In Witness whereof I the said Richard Buller have to this
31    my last Will and Testament contained in one Sheet of paper
32    and writt all with my own hand and set my hand this
33    Eighteenth day of July in the twenty second year of our
34    Sovereign Lord George the Second and in the Year of our
35    Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty Eight Rich[ar]d
36    Buller
37    May the 9th: 1749
38    Appeared Personally Robert Lowe of the parish
39    of Saint Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex Gentleman
40    and Arthur Smythes of the parish of Saint George in the East
41    in the said County Gentleman and made Oath that they severally
42    knew and were well acquainted with Richard Buller late of
    [Page 2]
43    Bearbinder Lane in the parish of Saint Mary Woolnoth
44    London Merchant deceased for several years before and
45    to the time of his death which happened in the Month of
46    April last and with his Manner and character of hand
47    printing the said Robert Lowe having often seen him write
48    and the said Arthur Smythes having often seen him write
49    and subscribe his Name and having now carefully viewed
50    and perused the paper writing hereunto annexed purporting
51    to be the last Will and Testament of the said deceased beginning
52    thus This is the last Will and Testament of me Richard Buller
53    Ending thus And in the Year of our Lord one thousand
54    seven hundred and forty Eight And thus subscribed Rich[ar]d Buller
55    They these deponents severally swear that they believe the
56    whole series of the said Will and Subscription thereto to be of
57    the proper hand printing of the said deceased Rob Lowe
58    Arthur Smythe Same Day The said Robert Lowe and
59    Arthur Smythes were sworn to the Truth of this Affidavit
60    before me Richard Smalbrooke Surr[oga]te present Edw[ar]d Greenly
61    This Will was proved at London the ninth
62    day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
63    hundred and forty nine before the Worshipfull Richard
64    Smalbrooke Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of the right
65    Worshipfull John Bettesworth also Doctor of Laws Master
66    Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury
67    lawfully constituted by the Oath of William Watson Buller
68    the Executor in the said Will named to whom Administration
69    was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and
70    Credits of the said deceased being first sworn duly to
71    administer the same

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