Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Will of Richard Buller, Yeoman, Long Compton, Warwickshire - The National Archives PROB 11/323/635, probated 15 May 1667

Will of Richard-5 Buller. This Richard Buller family continues at Long Compton and has the property in Halford. Again he has named a son Richard but also has sons William, John and Robert. His daughters, both married, are named as Elizabeth Jefferis and Anne Joiner (although I can not tell if Anne Joiner has died as he ony mentions her daughters with respect to inheritance). He mentions his brother Water Webb and his sister Anne Webb and perhaps Water is his brother in law.

With so many dangling lines I do wonder if this is my Buller line back from Christopher born circa 1763 and his birthplace is unknown only his death place is known. I feel there are two potential lines for my Christopher Buller having transcribed so many Buller wills. The one is the line at Long Compton/Halford and the second is the line at Halesworth Suffolk. I do not know the origin of either one. I am not sure when the Buller surname was assumed or whether it was a singleton name. That research still needs to be done and must admit I am hoping that someone would take it on. Would most willingly share all the material that I have acquired on the family to anyone interested in registering the name with the Guild of One Name Studies.

I am coming to the end of the Buller wills with six more wills transcribed and ready to post and two remaining to be transcribed. I also have the will of Samuel Hucks which just plain interested me because of his location and the middle name of the infant brother of my Henry Christopher Buller. He did not survive infancy but his middle name has left a question mark with regard to why that surname. The other unusual surname with which Henry's sibling Emma was blessed was Hemsley and that was the surname of their grandmother (the wife of Henry Beard parents of Mary Beard, wife of Christopher Buller). It is a lengthy document although compared to some it is not so long - five pages in total. I have never read it but it was probated in 1788 and Samuel Hucks, the testator, lived in the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey the very parish where my Henry Christopher Buller was baptized (and Robert Hucks Buller his younger brother).

My first business to do on returning to my Blake one name study is the updating of my mediaeval file on the le Blak/le Blake surname since I did complete proofreading the material. The changes are typos only but do wish to get that done. I will then carry on with my other projects for the Blake family and Pincombe family.

There is one other Buller will at Long Compton. Joane Buller, widow, and wife of the present testator left her will which was probated 5 May 1677. But then they cease and there are none for a Buller family at Halford. The next wills in Warwickshire are for the Buller family that is living at Stratford upon Avon and Clifford Chambers. Is this the same line? I have not yet been able to link the two Buller families. There is over one hundred years separating them. However, it is worthy to note that William Buller (son of the testator) does inherit his father's malt business and tools and the Buller families in Stratford upon Avon and clifford Chambers are maltsters.

Ancestry.co.uk (plus World Membership) has the records of Warwickshire online. It is possible to follow this family in the parish records which I shall likely do on one of my Buller research days. But at a quick glance the Buller family continues at Long Compton into the 1700s. Gradually there is a Buller family at Coventry which is rather interesting as my Grandmother visited "family" in Coventry when she went back to England in 1939.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/323/635
Testator: Richard Buller, Yeoman
Place: Long Compton, Warwickshire
Date of document:  30 Oct 1666, probated 15 May 1667
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent] Richirdi
[Margin]: Buller
[Top]: October the thirtith day 1666

1    In the name of God Amen I Richard Buller
2    the elder of Long compton in the County of Warwicke yeoman doe make and
3    ordaine this my last Will and testament in manner and forme as followeth
4    Imprimis I give and bequeath my soule to Allmightie God my maker
5    and my body to be buried at the discretion of my Executor and freinds
6    And as for my worldly Good I dispose of them as followeth Imprimis
7    I give and bequeath three pounds in money to be paid to my wife within one
8    half yeare after my decease and three Bedds and furniture for them and
9    the wood as shall be aboute the backside at my decease and the hovills
10    and Scaffolds and Garners and Furnace and Malt mill and table bords
11    frames and Beddsteads and Cupbords and Chaires and Coffers and Cheasts
12    and Stooles and Benches to remaine for the use of my wife so long as it
13    may please god She shall live and afterwards the hovills and scaffolds
14    and otheir goods above mentioned to remaine as Standers to Richard Buller
15    my Sonne or to his wife or sonne if it may please god that hee may have
16    any sonne and if hee or his sonne if he shall have any may come to injoye
17    my house and Lande other wise to remaine to my Sonne William or to his
18    sonne if it please God that either of them may come to injoye it or
19    to either of my Sonnes or Sonnes Sonnes that may come to inioye mye
20    house and Land and the pewter and brases and Cowles and pailes and
21    brewing vessells and Convenient things for brewing and bakeing and the
22    dayrie within doores to remaine for the use of my wife dureing her life
23    Item I give to my Sonne John Buller five pounds to be paid within one yeare
24    after my decease and a paire of sheetes and one blanckett Item I give
25    to my sonne Robert Buller tenn pounds to be paid within one yeare
26    after my decease Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth Jefferis forty
27    shillings to be paid within one yeare after my decease and a paire of
28    sheetes and one blanckett Item I give to my daughter Anne Joiners
30    three daughters four pounds apeece to be paid to them when they come
31    to Age to give a discharge by Lawe if they shall bee then liveing Item I give
32    to all the rest of my Grandchildren that are now liveing forty shillings
33    a peece to be paid to them when they come to Age if they be then liveing
34    Item I give to my sonne Richard Buller my sillver bowle and my best suite
35    of Apparell and a paire of Sheetes and one blankett and the biggest brasse
36    pann Item I give to my Brother Water Webb my next best suit of
37    apparell and my best stockins and one shirt Item I give to my sonne
38    Robert Buller my best gray Coate and my best hatt and next best paire
39    of Stockins and a paire of Sheets and one blankett Item I dispose of three
40    yeares rent for the yardland at Halford after my decease two yeares and
41    a halfes rent to bee paid to my sonne Robert Buller and the last halfe years
42    rent of the three I give to my sonne John Buller Item I give to my
43    Sister Anne Webb twenty shillings to be paid within one month after my
44    decease Item I give to my three servants three shillings Item to my sonne William
45    Buller I give and bequeath all the rest of my goods and stocke of Cropp and
46    Cattell and implements of husbandry and my yardland at halford after the
47    three yeares before expressed to him and his heyres for ever and all my
48    money
    [Page 2]
49    Money with my bonds and bills that I have or shall have at my decease whome
50    I make my full and whole Executor of this my last Will and Testament
51    And in witnes hereof I Sett to my hand and Seale in the sight and presence
52    of my Brother Water Webb and my Sonne in Law John Joyner whome I
53    make Overseers of this my laste Will and for their paines I give them
54    tenn shillings a peece by me Richard Buller Water Webb his marke
55    John Joinere his marke

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