Monday, March 18, 2013

Will of Richard Buller, Yeoman, of Long Compton, Warwickshire - The National Archives PROB 11/153/33, probated 8 Jan 1628

In the will Richard-4 mentions that his wife's property was at Hocknorton. I did find a Hook Norton 10 miles SE of Halford. Apparently the village was called Hocnertune in 922 in the Anglo Saxon Chronicle and Hochenartone in the Domesday Book.

He mentions a number of seemingly unrelated people an Ann Tymes and an Elizabeth Bidle. Not sure if his wife's surname was Hodges or Townsend or something else but he does mention two brothers in law. His son is Richard-5 and his daughters are Anne and Margaret. His wife's first name is Mary.

His father's will is the one probated at Worcester and he mentions sons Richard, Walter and Thomas. Walter has died in 1625. This Buller family still has the property in Halford.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/153/33
Testator: Richard Buller, Yeoman
Place: Long Compton, Warwickshire
Date of document:  30 Sep 1625, probated 8 Jan 1628
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[estament] Richirdi
[Margin]: Buller

1    In the name of God Amen I
2    Richard Buller of Long Compton in the Coun[tie] of War[wic]k[shire] Yeoman and the
3    last daie of September in the first yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord
4    King Charles of England Fraunce and Ireland etc Anno dom[ini] One thousand
5    sixe hundred and twentie five being in good and p[er]fect memory thankes bee given to god
6    doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and forme following
    First and before all other things I commend my soule to allmightie god my maker and
7    Redeemer And my body to bee buried in the Church of Long Compton at the discretion
8    of my Executor and friends (As concerning my worldly goods I distribute them in
9    manner and forme as followeth Imprimis I give and bequeath towards the repayring of
10    the Causewaye in Long Compton viz [a vi]t to bee paid when the parish shall bestowe any further
    [Page 2]
11    Reparation Item I give xx d to the poore of Long Compton to bee distributed as my Executor and
12    Overseers shall thinke it fitt at my decease Item I give to every godchild I have then liveing xij d Item
13    I give to every child then liveing of Ann Tymes ev[er]y one v s a peece and soe likewise of Elizabeth
14    Bidle her sister to bee paid within one yeare next after my decease at the discretion of my Executor
15    Item I give to my daughters Anne and Margerit twentie pounds of lawfull money apeece
16    if they or either of they shal[l ]be liveing at such tyme and it shal[l ]be due to bee paid That is to saie, to
17    Margeret xx li within one yeare to Anne within two yeares Item I give to every child that my
18    three daughters have that shal[l ]be borne before my decease if they live to the age of seaven yeares
19    and soe by degrees to bee paid and to bee sett foarth to the best advantage by theire parents untill they
20    come to the age of eighteene yeares to every one of them five pounds in manner afores[ai]d It[e]m
21    I give and bequeath to Mary Buller my wife the use and occupa[t]ion of all such houshold stuffe
22    and corne that she shall growe and bee ended about her house in Hocknorton That was her owne
23    before I married her during her life and afterward to remaine to my Executor and further
24    for her maintenance I give hir during her life keeping her soul and unmarried makeing nor
25    causing to bee made noe manner of waest, such rents and p[ro]fitts as shall yearely growe and
26    issue foorth of my two mylls in Halford in such sort as I myselfe now hath or hereafter
27    maie have by any lease made for money or corne to any Tenants in such sorte and manner
28    as I shall lett for my selfe p[er]forming such covenants as I myselfe doe coven[an]t to p[er]forme to any
30    Tenant during her life in manner above said and further for her maintenance she shall have
31    three of the beast whych kine that I have at my decease my desire is she should remaine and
32    continue with my sonne in Long Compton and my sonne shall manure and plowe bring home
33    to her house the makeing and p[ro]viding all things ready to the Cart and her seeds to bee sowen as
34    if it were for myselfe during her life It[e]m all the rest of my goods Cattles Chattells moveable
35    and unmoveable whatsoever unbequeathed I geve and bequeath to Richard Buller my
36    Sonne whom I make my whole and soul Executor to receive my debts and to paie my debts
37    and for my funerall discharged the Overseers of this my last will and testament I entreate
38    my Brother in lawe Mr Anthony Hodges and my Brother in lawe Mr Charles
39    Townsend to bee the best assistance to my Executor and for theire paines I geve them tenn
40    shillings apeece In witnes whereof I the said Richard Buller the elder have putte my
41    hand and seal the daie and yeare first above written p[er] me Richardi Buller Witnes
42    hereunto Gyles Compton his m[ar]ke Walter Webb his m[ar]ke Anthony Hodges
43    Michaell Freeman Memorandu[m] that it is meant by the Testator that x li of the
44    xx li w[hi]ch is given to his daughter Margarett is that x li w[hi]ch he promised in his life
45    tyme

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