Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Will of Sarah Buller, Spinster, St Marylebone, Middlesex - The National Archives PROB 11/915/428, probated 19 Feb 1766

Sarah is one of the daughters of William Watson Buller and his wife Sarah Stert. Her sisters are Anna Maria Leaves, Elizabeth Watson Walton and Charlotte Buller (Charlotte eventually to marry and her surname will be Roddam).

Sarah doesn't mention either of her brothers - Richard or James.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 2 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/915/428
Testator: Sarah Buller, Spinster
Place: St Marylebone, Middlesex, England
Date of document:  5 Feb 1764, probated 19 Feb 1766
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Sarah
[Margin]: Buller

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Sarah Buller of Wigmore Street in the Parish of Saint
3    Marylebone in the County of Middlesex Spinster Do make this
4    my last Will and Testament in manner and form following First
5    I give and bequeath all my Capital Bank Stock or Share in
6    the Fund of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England
7    unto Henry Leaves of Argyle Street Esquire his Executors and
8    Adm[inistrat]ors Upon the Several Trusts following, that is to say, upon
9    Trust out of the Interest and Dividends of the said Bank Stock
10    to pay One Annuity of Eight pounds a year to Elizabeth Sibley
11    of Lewisham in Trust for and during her Natural life And upon
12    further Trust during her life to pay the residue and after the
13    Death of the said Elizabeth Sibley to pay the whole of the Interest
14    and dividends of the said Bank Stock to my dear Sister Charlotte
15    Buller so long as She shall continue Single and unmarried
16    and from and Imediately after the Marriage or decease of my said
17    Sister Charlotte Buller Upon Trust to Sell so much of the said
18    Bank Stock as will produce One thousand pounds and to pay
19    Five hundred pounds being One Moiety thereof to my Dear
20    Brother Richard Buller and to pay five hundred pounds here named or
21    being the other Moiety thereof to my Nephew William Leaves Son
22    of the said Henry Leaves And upon further Trust at the same time
23    to Separate or set a part so much more of the said Bank Stock
24    as would then produce if Sold One thousand pounds and to pay the
25    Interest and Dividends or such Bank Stock so set apart to such
26    person or persons and for such uses and purposes as my Dear
    [Page 2]
27    Sister Elizabeth Watson Walton notwithstanding her coverture shall from
28    time to time by any note or writing direct of appoint and in defaulte
29    until such direction and appointment into the proper hands of my
30    said Sister Elizabeth Watson Walton to the Intent the same may be
31    for her own Sole and Seperate Use and Deposition and my not be
32    Subject to the Debts Disposition or Engagements of Mr Walton
33    her present husband or any other after taken husband that She
34    may happen to Intermarry with and for which the Receipts of
35    the said Elizabeth Watson Walton shall from time to time be
36    Sufficient Discharges And upon Further Trust after the Death of
37    the said Elizabeth Watson Walton to pay the Interest of the Last
38    mentioned One thousand pounds to and for the benefit of the two
39    Eldest Children of the said Elizabeth Watson Walton that shall be
40    living at her decease until he she of they respectively being a Son
41    or Sons shall attain the Age of Twenty one years or being a
42    Daughter or Daughters shall attain that Age or be Married and
43    there to Divide the said last mentioned One thousand pounds or
44    Stock Set apart as aforesaid between such two Eldest children
45    Equally or if there shall be only one Child of my said Sister
46    Elizabeth Watson Walton living at her Death to pay the said
47    One thousand pounds on Stock to such only child if a Son at his
48    Age of Twenty one years and if a Daughter at that age or
49    Marriage which shall first happen and if there shall at the
50    death of my said Sister Elizabeth Watson Walton happen to be
51    live to attain his Age of Twenty one years or a Daughter
52    who Shall attain that age or be Married Then upon Trust
53    that the said Henry Leaves his Executors or Adm[inistrat]ors do and
54    Shall pay the said last mentioned One thousand pounds or Stock
55    with the Dividends unapplied arising therefrom unto my said sister
56    Charlotte Buller her Executors or Adm[inistrat]ors and Upon further
57    Trust after such two thousand pounds shall be used or Stock
58    set apart to answer the same as aforesaid to Transfer the
59    remainder of my said Bank Stock Subject to the said Eight
60    pounds a year (if the same shall be then payable) and pay
61    all the Dividends arising therefrom to my said Sister Charlotte
62    Buller And I Give and bequeath all the rest and residue of
63    my Money Goods Chattels Jewels plate and personal Estate
64    whatsoever to my said Dear Sister Charlotte Buller who I
65    hereby Appoint Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament
66    hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me at any time
67    heretofore made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my
68    hand and seal this Twenty fifth day of February in the year
69    of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty four S.
70    Buller Signed Sealed published and Declared by the said
71    Sarah Buller the Testatrix to be her last Will and Testament
72    in the presence of us who in her presence have subscribed our
73    Names as Witnesses hereunto Noble Wallwyn Pytts
74    Victorine Glumer
75    A Codicil which I Sarah Buller Spinster desire
    [Page 3]
76    may be considered as And I hereby Declare to be a part of my Will
77    Whereas I have Directed Henry Leaves Esq[uir]e the Trustee
78    named in my Will to Sell so much of my Bank Stock as will produce
79    One thousand pounds and to pay five hundred pounds Money thereof
80    to my Nephew William Leaves Now I do hereby revoke such direction
81    and make void the said Legacy or Bequest So Given or Intended
82    for my said Nephew and Declare that he Shall be Intitled to
83    nothing for by Virtue or in respect thereof And I do hereby Give
84    and Dispose of the said five hundred pounds (when raised by Sale of
85    part of my Bank Stock as in my Will is mentioned) to my Dear
86    Sister Anna Maria Leaves and Desire that the same may be paid
87    to her Accordingly And I do hereby Give and bequeath to my said
88    Nephew William Leaves the Sum of Fifty pounds only to be paid
89    out of the residance of my personal Estate In Witness whereof
90    I have to this Codicil set my hand and Seal the Eighteenth Day of
91    November One thousand seven hundred and Sixty five S Buller
92    The above writing was Signed Sealed published and Declared
93    by the said Sarah Buller said for a Codicil to be annexed to her
94    Will in the presence of us who in her presence and at her request
95    have Subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereto Noble Wallwyn
96    Pytts Victorina Glumer
97    This Will was proved at London with a Codicil
98    the Nineteenth day of February in the year of our Lord One
99    thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Six before the Worshipful George
100    Harris Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful George
101    Hay also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the
102    Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully Constituted by the Oath
103    of Charlotte Buller Spinster the Sister of the deceased and Sole Exec[utrix]
104    named in the Will to whom Administration was Granted of all and
105    Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased she
106    having been first Sworn duly to Administer

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