Friday, March 22, 2013

Will of William Buller, Innkeeper, Maltster and Farmer, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire - The National Archives PROB 11/2168/168, probated 29 Mar 1853

William Buller, malster at Stratford upon Avon, is the testator and he is married to Elizabeth. There are a couple of possibilities for his birth in the LDS 1745 at West Hatch Somerset (son of William and Jane Buller), 1753 at Poulton le Fylde, Lancashire (son of William Buller), 1757 at Banbury, Oxford (son of William and Ann Buller), and 1759 at Bodmin Cornwall (son of William and Mary Buller).

Clifford Chambers is two miles south of Stratford upon Avon and fourteen miles NNW of Long Compton. Is William Buller related to the Buller family of Compton. By the will of Richard-5 of Long Compton (and the Halford Estate papers) the family no longer retained their property at Halford. The family of Richard was quite large including children: Richard, William, John, Robert, Elizabeth Jefferis and Anne Joiner. Both daughters are married and Anne may be deceased.

His daughter Mary Ann married John Smith. His daughter Elizabeth is married to Daniel Morse. Possibly the marriage of his son William was 1 Nov 1825 to Jane Gibbs at Stratford Upon Avon (his wife is known to be Jane). Baptism for their son William 19 Jul 1826 at Stratford Upon Avon. William was likely born circa 1796 and he was buried at Stratford Upon Avon 4 Dec 1852. They appear to have had a large family: William, Mary, Elizabeth, Thomas, Frederick, Edward and Ellen. His daughter Letitia Buller married John Court 7 Nov 1825 at Stratford Upon Avon (Family Search M00913-7).

Related to my Christopher Buller? Completely unknown plus he isn't living that close to Birmingham where my known Buller family lived in the mid 1800s to early 1900s. Birmingham is 22 miles NNW of Stratford upon Avon. No ideas really on the pedigree of this particular Buller family. There is a family pedigree chart at the Archives in Stratford upon Avon and I have written to enquire about purchasing an image of the Pedigree Chart.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 17 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2168/168
Testator: William Buller, Innkeeper, Maltster and Farmer
Place: Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire
Date of document 14 May 1850, probated 29 Mar 1853
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: William
 [Margin]: Buller
[Margin]: 8

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me William Buller of Stratford upon Avon in the County of
3    Warwick Innkeeper Maltster and Farmer I direct that all my just
4    debts funeral expences and the expence of proving this my Will be
5    paid as soon as may be after my decease I give and devise unto William
6    Gibbs of Alveston Hill in the Parish of Alveston in the County of
7    Warwick Farmer and Samuel Goss of Alveston Pasture in the said
8    Parish and County Farmer All my real and personal estates
9    and effects whatsoever and wheresoever the same may be found
10    consist of and all my right and interest whereof I may be entitled as
11    mortgagee Upon trust that they do and shall permit and suffer my
12    Wife Jane Buller to have receive and take the interest use and
13    benefit thereof for and during the term of her natural life and from
14    and immediately after her decease that my said Trustees do and shall
15    sell and convert the same into money and pay and divide the same
16    unto and equally between such of my children as shall be then
17    living and the issue of such of them as may be dead at the decease of
18    my said Wife such issue taking amongst them equally the share
19    only of their deceased parent but in case my said wife Jane Buller
20    depart this life before all my children shall have attained their
21    majority I then direct my Executors hereinafter named to make such
22    advances in money of such share or shares as they may think fit to
23    those who are of age or shall respectively come of age prior to the
24    youngest of my children attaining its majority when and at which
25    time the same child or children having received such advance shall
26    be entitled to the remainder to make them on equality with those
27    who have had no advance I do hereby nominate and appoint my
28    said Trustees together with my said Wife Jane Buller to be
30    Executers and Executrix of this my Will Provided lastly and I
31    hereby declare that on the death refusal or incapacity of either of them
32    my said Executors it shall be lawful for the acting Executor for the
33    time being of this my Will to appoint a new Trustee or Executor in
34    the stead of such trustee or Executor dying refusing or becoming inca-
35    pable to act as aforesaid and shall have and may exercise the same
36    powers and authorities as if he had been appointed a Trustee or Executor
37    by this my Will and that neither of the Trustees or Executors or Executrix
38    appointed or to be appointed as aforesaid shall be answerable for the
39    other of them or for the acts deeds or defaults of the other of them nor
40    for involuntary losses nor for money received under receipts for
41    which they shall jointly for conformity and that the present and
42    every future trustee or Executor shall and may reimburse themselves
43    and each other out of the said freehold premises and personal effects or
44    out of any monies that may come into their hands by virtue of
45    these presents all costs and expences to be incurred by them in the
46    execution of this my Will or any wise in relation thereto In
47    witness where of I the said William Buller have to this my
48    Will contained on two sheets of paper to the first of which I have
49    set my hand and to the second and last sheet thereof set my
50    hand and affixed my seal the fourteenth day of May in the year
51    of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty William
52    Buller Signed sealed published and declared by the
53    said William Buller the testator as and for his last Will and
54    Testament in the presence of us who at his request in  his presence
55    and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as
56    witnesses William Gibbs Farmer Samuel
57    Goss
58    Proved at London 29th March 1853 before the Judge by the
59    oaths of William Gibbs and Samuel Goss two of the Executors named
60    in the said Will as therein mentioned to whom admon was granted
61    having been first sworn by Com[missi]on duly to administer. Power
62    reserved of making the like grant to Jane Buller Widow the relict the
63    other Executor named in the said Will as therein mentioned when
64    she shall apply for the same

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