Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Will of William Buller, Soap Boiler, Nether Stowey, Somerset - The National Archives PROB 11/1137/59, probated 31 Jan 1786

William Buller is the testator in this last will for Somerset. He is at Nether Stowey and looking at the Parish Records for Nether Stowey: Probably this is the William and Jane who were witnesses to the will of Sarah.

Jane Buller daughter of William and Jane baptized 14 Dec 1739
Richard Buller son of William and Jane baptized 27 Jul 1741
Elizabeth Buller daughter of William and Jane baptized 12 May 1743
William Buller son of William and Jane baptized 27 Jun 1745
Sarah Buller daughter of William and Jane baptized 27 Feb 1747
Christian Buller daughter of William and Jane baptized 12 Jan 1749
Mary Buller daughter of William and Jane baptized 9 Oct 1753

Abraham Stevens and Elizabeth Buller married 28 Nov 1765

Mary Buller daughter of William and Jane buried 18 Oct 1753
Jane Buller, daughter of William, buried 17 Sep 1773
William Buller buried 9 Jan 1786

William does not mention his sons Richard or William only his daughter Elizabeth but in the capacity of his son in law Abraham Stevens (Elizabeth herself not mentioned). Since his first child is baptized in 1739 William was likely born before 1720. He is likely the William Buller son of Gregory and Jane baptized at Nether Stowey 9 Dec 1709 and hence kin to the Edward and Sarah Buller family whose wills have been transcribed over the past few days. The testator lived to a good age being as much as 79 years of age if he was indeed baptized in 1709. If his sons actually survived there is a potential for one of them to be the father of Christopher Buller although there are also daughters Sarah and Christian. The mention of the Silke family is also interesting as the sister of Gregory and Edward married William Silke.

It has been an interesting foray through the Somerset Buller wills and I have a lot of lines that are simply not traced down. Did they all die as children? I will leave such thoughts for a Buller research day sometime in the future if the Warwickshire wills do not assist me in searching out Christopher Buller.

The next set of four wills are for three members of the Buller family in Surrey (and one is labeled in error as Buller as it is another Butler will but transcribed anyway :) ):

Anthony Buller, Weybridge Surrey, PROB 11/361/7, probated 31 Oct 1679
Charles Buller, Richmond Surrey, PROB 11/2079/35, probated 16 Aug 1848
John Roberts Butler, apothecary, Battersea Surrey, PROB 11/750/44, probated 31 Oct 1746
Francis Buller, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, PROB 11/355/436, probated 22 Nov 1677

I may need to order the Will of William Buller of Lambeth, Surrey probated 5 Apr 1819 PROB 11/1615/21. I think I have this will and will check again but it might prove to be interesting.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 10 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1137/59
Testator: William Buller, Soap Boiler
Place: Nether Stowey, Somerset
Date of document:  22 Mar 1784, probated 31 Jan 1786
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: William
[Margin]: Buller

1    This is the last Will and
2    Testament of me William Buller of Nether Stowey in
3    the County of Somerset Soap Boiler all and Singular
4    my Leasehold Messuages Lands Tenements and
5    hereditaments whatsoever and also all other my personal
6    Estate of what nature kind whatsoever or wheresoever
7    I devise and bequeath unto my wife Jane Buller
    [Page 2]
8    to my
9    son in law Abraham Stevens and to my worthy friend
10    John Silke of Stockland Bristol in the said County
11    Gentleman to hold to them their Executors Adm[inistrat]ors
12    and assigns To and for the uses Trusts intents and
13    purposes herein after particularly mentioned and
14    declared of and concerning the same that is to say upon
15    Trust to Sell and dispose of the same with all
16    convenient Speed or of so much thereof as shall be
17    competent and sufficient to pay Satisfy and Discharge
18    all my just debts and engagements whatsoever and
19    the Monies arising thereby immediately or with all
20    convenient Speed to pay and apply in Satisfaction
21    and discharge of all such my said debts and
22    engagements accordingly and particularly those debts
23    which the said Abraham Stevens stands bound and
24    engaged for with me and which I hereby order and
25    direct shall be paid Satisfied and Discharged in the
26    first place preferable to any other debts but in
27    regard to the principal Sum of one hundred
28    pounds due from me and the said Abraham
29    Stevens on our Joint Bond to Mr Thomas Rich of
30    Overstowey the said Abraham Stevens acknowledges
31    to have had and received a Satisfaction for our half
32    part thereof and therefore promises to pay Fifty
33    pounds thereof with interest for the same out of his own
34    Efforts and after payment satisfaction and discharge
35    of all my just debts and engagements whatsoever
36    and reimburseing the Expences attending my Funeral
37    and the Trust and Sale aforesaid then as for and
38    concerning the Surplus Monies (if any) and all the
39    rest residue and remainder of my personal Estate
40    whatsoever In Trust for and to and for the Sole and
41    proper benefit and advantage of my said wife
42    Jane Buller her Executors Administrators and
43    Assigns and I do hereby constitute and appoint my
44    said Wife and the said Abraham Stevens and John
45    Silke Executrix and Executors of this my last Will and
46    Testament and my mind and Will is and I do
47    hereby declare that they the said Abraham Stevens
48    and John Silke or either of them shall not be responsible for
49    the loss of the said Trust Money or Estate or any part
50    thereof unless the same be occasioned by his or their
51    own loss or voluntary neglect or misconduct
52    and that they shall and may respective have and
53    retain out of the said Trust Money and Estate all
54    such costs and charges as they shall or may expend
55    or Sustain in or about the Execution of the Trust
56    hereby in them reposed and that neither of them
57    shall be answerable for the acts or receipts of the
58    other of them In Witness whereof to this my last Will
59    and Testament I the said William Buller have set
   [Page 3]
60    my hand and Seal the twenty Second Day of March
61    in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred
62    and eighty four W Buller Signed Sealed published
63    and declared by the said William Buller as and for
64    his last Will and Testament in the presence of us
65    the words "Jane Buller" in the first side and "the rest
66    residue and remainder of" over the twelfth line of the
67    second Side being first interlined Robert Blake R B
68    Dawe Wm Cussens
69    This Will was proved at London on the thirty first
70    day of January in the Year of our Lord one thousand
71    Seven hundred and Eighty Six before the Right Worshipful
72    Peter Calvert doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary
73    of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
74    constituted by the oath of Abraham Stevens one of
75    the Executors named in the said will to whom
76    administration was granted of all Singular the
77    Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased he having
78    been first Sworn by Commission duly to administer
79    power reserved of making the like grant to Jane
80    Buller widow the Relict of the deceased and John
81    Silke the other Executors when they or either of them
82    shall apply for the same

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