Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Canham family of West Harnham, Wiltshire

Elizabeth Canham married George Lywood 18 Jul 1780 at West Harnham, Wiltshire. I know only a couple of items about Elizabeth.

1. Elizabeth and George had three known children:

Jane was born circa 1781 at West Harnham and married James Tyneham 9 Aug 1797 at West Harnham

John was baptized 22 Jan 1784 at West Harnham and married Ann Meaden 28 Sep 1808 at Odstock (they had six children: Mary Ann, William, Thomas, John (died as an infant), Andrew and Emma)

 George baptized 7 May 1786 at West Harnham and married to Martha Peck 26 Oct 1817 at Milston (they had four children David, John Elizabeth (my great great grandmother) and George)
2. Elizabeth was buried 9 Feb 1829 at Odstock, Wiltshire and she was 77 years of age so born circa 1752.

All of the Information on Elizabeth was acquired from Warwick Lywood who runs the Lywood one name study at the Guild of one name studies. He did not at that time know her parent's names.

In my first research post on this family I mention Fugglestone St Peter but that is because George (whom she married) was baptized 11 Nov 1750 at Fugglestone St Peter).

In the past two years I have not looked at this family as life has just been too busy. I think that I will spend my hour research time looking to see if anything new has appeared. Then I will change this research day to another surname if I am not finding anything.These records following all from Find My Past.

There was an Elizabeth Canham baptized 18 Feb 1750 at St Martin in the Fields, Middlesex daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Canham (born 7 Feb 1750). There was a Canham family still in London (Boyd's Inhabitants) early in the 1800s with John Canham and Elizabeth his wife (John was born 1777). They lived at St Benet's Pauls Wharf. An Elizabeth Canham of Middlesex left a will December 1780 (SOG). There were 31 marriages for Elizabeth Canham between 1762 and 1814. 17 of the marriages were in Suffolk, 4 in Cambridgeshire, 4 in London or Middlesex, 3 in Lincolnshire, 2 in Essex and 1 in Kent.

The Public Profiler for Great Britain shows that the highest frequency for the Canham surname continues to be Suffolk with very few in Wiltshire in 1998 and in 1881 there were none in Wiltshire with again Suffolk being the location for the highest frequency. I believe that I shall leave this surname and move on to another.

For my next research day I shall look at the Carter surname with two of my 4x great grandmothers being Ann Carter married to Thomas Blake and Mary Carter married to Thomas King. These families being at Andover and Upper Clatford respectively.

To speed up looking at the Lywood family I will transcribe the next Lywood will today.

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