Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ellis family of Winterborne Stickland Research Day

William Knight (father of Ellis Knight who married Eleanor Knight) married Sarah Ellis 7 Aug 1775 at Winterborne Stickland. Sarah was baptized 5 Aug 1756 at Winterborne Stickland and she was buried 13 Jun 1844 at Winterborne Stickland. She was eighty eight years of age and outlived her husband by seventeen years. She did not live quite long enough to see my great grandmother Maria Jane Knight born in 1849. But according to my father this was a family that remembered its history quite well. For the most part this line worked the Glebe lands of the Church first in Winterborne Stickland and later in Turnworth where his great grandfather Samuel Knight was still living when my father was a boy. They were agricultural labourers for the most part although did have some interesting sidelines. Charles Butt (my grandfather Blake's great grandfather was a methodist preacher along with his agricultural work). But more on the Butt family on their research day.

I want to use this time to extract the Ellis records from the Winterborne Stickland parish registers which are available on Ancestry from 1600 to 1812 as well as later time periods but I will first concentrate on the time up to 1812 as that is when my Ellis family interests me mostly and in this case I am going to work backwards from 1812:

1783 No. 59 Banns of Marriage between Ellis Ellis of Winterbourn Stickland Widower and Mary Drake of the same Parish Widow were published on the three Sundays underwritten: That is to say, On Sunday the 25th day of May by John Richardson Rector, On Sunday the 1st day of June by John Richardson Rector and On Sunday, the 8th day of June by John Richardson Rector

1775 No. 42 Banns of Marriage between William Knight of Winterbourn Stickland and Sarah Ellis of the same Parish were published on the three Sundays underwritten:  That is to say, On Sunday, the 2erd Day of July by J Richardson Rector, On Sunday, the 30th Day of July by J Richardson Rector, On Sunday, the 6th Day of August by J Richardson Rector

 1772 No. 36 Banns of Marriage between Thomas Cocks of the Parish of Shilling Oakford Sojourner and Susanna Ellis of the Parish of Winterbourn Stickland were published on the three Sundahs underwritten: That is to say, On Sunday the 21st day of June by me J Richardson Rector, On Sunday the 28th day of June by me J Richardson Rector, On Sunday, the 5 day of July by me J Richardson Rector

1770 No. 25 Banns of Marriage between John Upsal of Winterbourn Stickland Sojourner and Elizabeth Ellis of the same Parish were published on the three Sundays underwritten: That is to say, On Sunday, the 1st Day of April by me J Richardson Rector, On Sunday the 8th day of April by me J Richardson Rector, On Sunday the 15th of April by me J Richardson Rector

1766 No. 19 Banns of Marriage between Thomas Wiffin and Mary Ellis were published on the three Sundays underwritten: That is to say, On Sunday, the 19th of April, On Sunday the 26 of April, On Sunday, the 3 of May [The Rector never filled this in so perhaps did not occur, no marriage recorded at Winterbourne Stickland and I do not know who Mary Ellis is at the moment]

Ellis Ellis of the Parish of Winterbourn Stickland Widower and Mary Drake of the Parish of Stickland Widow married in this church by Banns this twelfth Day of June in the Year One thousand seven hundred and eighty three by me John Richardson Rector. The Marriage was solemnized b etween Us The mark of Ellis Ellis, the mark of Mary Drake. In the presence of The mark of Sarah Fry, Elizabeth Noris

William Knight of the parish of Winterbourn Stickland and Sarah Ellis of the same parish married in this Church by Banns this seventh day of August in the Year one thousand seven hundred and seventy five by me John Richardson Rector, This Marriage was solemnized between us, The mark of William Knight, the mark of Sarah Ellis, In the presence of Henry Main, the mark of Thomas
Thomas Cocks of the Parish of Shilling Oakford Sojourner and Susanna Ellis of the Parish of Stickland married in this Church by Banns this sixteenth day of July in the year One thousand seven hundred and seventy two by me John Richardson Rector, This marriage was solemnized between us, The mark of Thomas cocks, The Mark of Susanna Ellis, In the presence of John Walters, The mark of Roger Tuffin

John Upsal of the Parish of Winterborne Stickland Sojourner and Elizabeth Ellis of the same parish married in this church by banns this sixteenth day of April in the Year one thousand seven hundred and seventy by me John Richardson Rector This marriage was solemnized between us John Upshall , the mark of Elizabeth Ellis In the presence of Robert Upshall, Robert Cross

Sarah Ellis was buried 25 Jan 1780 affidavit of her Burial in Woollen only was made before the Rev Mr Marsh

Mary Ellis, widow was buried 3 Feb 1774 Affidavit of her burial in Woolen only and made before the Revd Mr Stephens Rector of Molcombe [Is this the wife of Thomas Ellis and mother to Ellis Ellis?]

I completed the extractions from 1770 to 1812.I did not find any records for John Ellis the only brother of my 3x great grandmother Sarah Ellis. I can go back one more generation readily at Winterbourn Stickland for the Ellis family as the parents of Ellis Ellis were Thomas Ellis and Mary Bound and they baptized six children at Winterbourne Stickland as well as being married there 27 Dec 1703. Three of the children were buried as infants or young children with Ellis Ellis (my 4x great grandfather), his older sister Mary and older brother John appearing to survive. The Banns above for Mary are not likely to be her as she was baptized 29 Jun 1706 (born 17 Jun) at Winterbourne Stickland. John was baptized 20 Mar 1707 (born 18 Feb 1707) at Winterbourne Stickland.

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