Thursday, April 4, 2013

Will of Elizabeth Blake, widow, Abingdon, Berkshire - The National Archives PROB 11/1750/65, probated 27 Jan 1829

The will of Elizabeth Blake widow of Abingdon Berkshire. Richard Blake, Surgeon Abingdon St Helen, Berkshire, married Elizabeth Jackson, Abingdon St Helen, Berkshire, 4 Dec 1786 and William Eldridge, gent, Abingdon St Helen was the bondsman. They were married by Sarum Marrige Licence issued by the Bishop of Salisbury.

I could not find any particular information on this Blake family of Abingdon Berkshire - there were earlier Blake families in Abingdon but I do not know if this family is descendant of the earlier families.

Perhaps one of the more fascinating items is the naming of James Clealand of Rathgael House Bangor Ireland as one of her trustees.

The mother of Richard Blake was Frances Blake and this may assist with placing this Blake family in the future

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 4 Apr 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1750/65
Testator:  Elizabeth Blake, widow
Place: Abingdon, Berkshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document:  12 Jun 1826, probated 27 Jan 1829
Read: Electronic copy images
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Elizabeth
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 24

1    I Elizabeth Blake of Abingdon in the County of
2    Berks widow do hereby revoke all former Wills Codicils and testamentary dispositions by me
3    at any time heretofore made and declare this to be my last Will and Testament Whereas under
4    and by virtue of a certain Indenture bearing date the fifteenth day of December one
5    thousand seven hundred and eighty five and made between Richard Blake of
6    Abingdon in the County of Berks Surgeon and Apothecary of the first part Frances
7    Blake of Reading in the said County of Berks widow Mother of the said Richard Blake
8    of the second part myself the said testatrix by my then name and addition of Elizabeth
9    Jackson of Abingdon aforesaid Spinster of the third part and William Eldridge of
10    Abingdon aforesaid Mercer and Joseph Tombs of Abingdon aforesaid Mercer of the
11    fourth part purporting to be a Settlement made in contemplation of my marriage then
12    intended with the said Richard Blake the sum of eight hundred and fifty pounds
13    interest or share in the capital or joint stock of four pounds per cent annuities
14    consolidated transferrable at the Bank of England was transferred into the names
15    of the said William Eldridge and Joseph Tombs Upon the several trusts in the said
16    Indenture expressed and in particular in case there should be two or more children of
17    the said Richard Blake on the body of me the said testatrix begotten then that the said
18    trustees did and should assign transfer and dispose of the said capital or joint stock
19    annuities and premises and every part thereof unto such one of more of the same children
20    in such parts shares and proportions manner and form and with and under such
21    restrictions and limitations as the said Richard Blake and myself the said testatrix should
22    at any time or times during our joint lives by any writing or writings under our respective
23    hands and seals attested by two or more credible witnesses jointly direct limit or appoint
24    the same And in default of such joint direction limitation or appointment then as the
25    survivor of us should at anytime or times during his or my life by any writing or writings
26    under his or my hand and seal attested by two or more credible witnesses or by his or
27    my last Will and Testament in writing or any writing purporting to be this or my last Will and
28    Testament by him or me signed sealed and published in the presence of the like
30    number of witnesses direct limit give or appoint the same and whereas the said intended
31    marriage afterwards took effect between the said Richard Blake and me the said testatrix and
32    there is issue of the said marriage three children namely John, Frances Henrietta and
33    Sophia  And whereas the said Richard Blake hath since departed this life and no joint
34    direction limitation or appointment of the said eight hundred and fifty pounds trust fund
35    or of any part thereof hath been made by the said Richard Blake and me the said
36    testatrix his wife pursuant to the power for that purpose contained in the said
37    Indenture of Settlement Now I the said testatrix in pursuant and in exercise and
38    execution of the power and authority to me for that purpose given or reserved in and
39    by the said hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of Settlement and of every or any
40    other power or authority enabling me in this behalf do in and by this my last
41    Will and Testament in writing by me signed sealed and published in the presence of
42    and attested by the two or more credible persons whose names are or are intended to be
43    hereunto subscribed as witnesses attesting the same direct limit and appoint That all
44    that the said sum of eight hundred and fifty pounds four pounds per cent bank
45    annuities (since reduced to three and a half per cent reduced annuities) as aforesaid
46    shall from and immediately after my decease vest in and become the property of my said
47    daughter Sophia her executors administrators and assigns and that the trustee or
48    trustees of the same trust fund his executors administrators or assigns do and shall pay
49    assign and transfer the same and the dividends interest and proceeds thereof unto my said
50    daughter Sophia the executors administrators and assigns for her and their own
51    absolute use and benefit I give devise and bequeath unto my son in law John
52    Eldridge of Old Park near Devizes in the County of Wilts Esquire and James
53    Clealand of Rathgael House Bangor in Ireland Esquire all my messuages farms lands
54    tenements and hereditaments situate in the several parishes of Plumbland
55    and
    [Page 2]
56    and Aspartia and elsewhere in the County of Cumberland and all other my estates
57    whatsoever and wheresoever as well freehold as customary or copyhold of inheritance or
58    leasehold or of any other tenure with their and every of their appurtenances and also all
59    my monies and all my other stock funds and securities for money household goods plate linen
60    china and personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind
61    soever To hold the same and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their
62    appurt[enance]s unto them the said John Eldridge and James Clealand their heirs executors
63    administrators and assigns respectively according to the several natures and tenures thereof
64    Upon trust in the first place to levy and raise if necessary by sale mortgage or otherwise and
65    to set apart a sufficient sum to purchase the sum of one thousand seven hundred
66    pounds bank three and a half per cent reduced annuities and to stand possessed thereof and
67    receive and pay the dividends and produce thereof as and when the same shall be
68    received into the proper hands of my son John for his support and maintenance and
69    so and in such manner as that the same may not be assignable by him for and during the
70    term of his natural life and after his decease upon further trust to assign and transfer the
71    sum of two hundred pounds stock part thereof unto my said daughter Frances Henrietta
72    Eldridge for her own use and benefit and upon further trust immediately after the
73    decease of my said son to stand possessed of the residue of the said one thousand seven
74    hundred pounds stock In trust for my said daughter Sophia her executors adm[inistrat]ors and
75    assigns for her and their own use and benefit and to be assigned transferred and disposed
76    of as she or they may direct And as to all other the said trust premises after setting apart
77    the said one thousand seven hundred pounds stock as aforesaid In trust for the sold
78    and absolute use and benefit of my said daughter Sophia her heirs executors
79    administrators and assigns and to be by her and them from time to time and at all times
80    disposed of as she or they may think proper And I do hereby declare my will and mind to
81    be that the several legacies and bequests by me hereinbefore made and bequeathed to or
82    in favor of each of my said children are intended by me to include all claims which they or
83    either of them have or ever has to any share of the personal estate of which their late
84    father died possessed Provided always that in case my said trustees or either of them or
85    any succeeding trustee or trustees to be appointed as hereinafter mentioned shall die or be
86    desirous to be discharged from the said trusts or shall refuse or neglect or become incapable
87    to act in the trusts of this my will is shall be lawful for the surviving or continuing orother
88    acting trustees or trustee for the time being from time to time as there shall be
89    occasion by any deed or deeds to be by them or him legally executed to nominate
90    substitute or appoint any other person or persons to be a trustee or trustees in the place
91    of the trustees or trustee so dying desiring to be discharged or refusing or neglecting or
92    becoming incapable to act as aforesaid for all or any of the trusts or purposes in this my
93    Will expressed and thereupon all and singular the said trust premises shall be conveyed
94    or assigned and assured so as that the same shall and may become vested in such
95    surviving and continuing and such new trustees or trustee or in such new trustees only as
96    the case may require Upon the trusts before expressed or such of them as shall be
97    then subsisting or capable of taking effect All and every which new trustee or trustees
98    shall and lawfully may act in the execution of the said trusts as fully and effectually to all
99    intents and purposes whatsoever and with the like powers authorities and
100    indemnifications in all respects as if he or they had been originally appointed a trustee
101    or trustees by this my Will And I do hereby further declare my will and mind to be that
102    they the said John Eldridge and James Clealand or either of them shall not be
103    answerable or accountable for the acts receipts payments or disbursements of the other
104    of them but each of them only for his own acts deeds receipts payments or disbursements
105    nor shall be answerable or accountable for any more of the said trust estates
106    monies and premises than shall come to their respective hands nor with or for any
107    involuntary losses which may happen to the said trust premises without their wilful
108    default or negligence And further that the receipt or receipts of my said trustees shall be
109    good and sufficient discharges to any purchaser or purchasers to whom my said
110    estates or any part of them shall be conveyed or sold and that such purchases or
111    purchasers shall not be answerable to accountable for or be bound to see to the
112    application of their respective purchase monies or any part thereof or be in any
113    manner
    [Page 3]
114    manner accountable for any misapplication or nonapplication thereof or a of any
115    part thereof And further that it shall be lawful for my said trustees by and out of the
116    said trust monies which shall come to their respective hands to retain to himself and
117    themselves and also to allow to his and their Co trustee and Co trustees all costs charges and
118    expences which they or either of them shall pay sustain or be put into by reason or
119    means of the performance or execution of the trusts aforesaid or any of them or in relation
120    thereto Lastly I appoint the said John Eldridge and my said daughter Sophia
121    executor and executrix of this my Will In Witness whereof I the said testatrix Elizabeth
122    Blake have to this my last Will and Testament written upon five sheets of paper set my
123    hand to the first four sheets thereof and my hand and seal to this fifth and last sheet thereof
124    this twelfth day of June one thousand eight hundred and twenty six Eliz[abe]th Blake
125    Signed sealed published and declared by the said Elizabeth Blake the testatrix as
126    and for her last will and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence at her request
127    and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
128    Ja[me]s Cole Mayor Abingdon Berks William Cheer servant
129    to Mr Cole James Will[ia]m Barrell Abingdon Berks Solicitor
130    Proved at London 27th January 1829 before the Judge by the oaths of John
131    Eldridge Esq[uie]r and Sophia Blake Spinster the daughter the exe[cut]ors to whom adm[inistrati]on was
132    granted having been first sworn by Com[missi]on duly to adm[iniste]r

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