Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Will of James Blake the Elder, Shoemaker, Chenies, Buckinghamshire - The National Archives PROB 11/1331/172, probated 19 Oct 1799

No ideas on this family. I did find Ezekiel Blake in Hemel Hempstead with his wife and a son Ezekiel being baptized. Is this family from Devon where the name Ezekiel Blake is also found? As more of the Buckinghamshire wills are transcribed I might have further information on this family.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 22 Apr 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1331/172
Testator:  James Blake the Elder, Shoemaker
Place: Chenies, Buckinghamshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 3 Aug 1799, probated 19 Oct 1799
Read: Electronic copy images
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: James
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: the Elder

1    This is the last Will
2    and Testament of me James Blake the Elder of
3    Chenies in the County of Bucks Shoemaker First I
4    give unto my dear wife Sarah Blake all my household
5    Goods Furniture plate Linnen China Books and all
6    other Goods and Furniture of every description whatsoever
7    that I may die possessed of for her own use and
8    benefit during the term of her natural life except my
9    wearing apparel which I give at my decease unto
10    James Blake the younger my Nephew of Chenies
11    aforesaid Shoemaker and from and after the decease
12    of my said Wife I give unto my Niece Maria Blake
13    of Chenies aforesaid all the before mentioned household
14    Furniture Goods Furniture plate Linnen China Books
15    and all other Goods and Furniture of every description
16    (except my wearing apparel before excepted and also
17    except the desk up Stairs and half my Books which
18    I give and bequeath at the decease of my said Wife
19    unto the said James Blake the younger aforesaid I
20    also give and bequeath unto my dear Wife Sarah
21    Blake aforesaid all the Interest of my Monies whether
22    upon Bonds or in the Stocks of the Bank of England
23    or elsewhere during the term of her natural life to
24    be received by her or her order at any time as they
25    become due after my decease and if  my said Wife
26    requires of my hereinafter named Executors any
27    part or parts of my principal Money whether upon
28    Bonds or in the Stocks of the Bank of England or
30    elsewhere from which such Interest shall arise I
31    hereby authorize and commission my said Executors
32    to provide such a sufficiency for her better maintenance
33    as they shall think proper and from and after the
34    decease of my said Wife I give and bequeath the
35    following Legacies to be paid out of the property
36    which then remains within twelve Months next
37    after my said wifes decease to Ezekiel Blake my
38    Nephew of Hemel Hempstead in the County of Hertford
39    Shoemaker One hundred pounds to my Niece Elizabeth
40    Phillips (wife of Edward Phillips) Officer of Excise
41    One hundred pounds to my aforesaid Niece Maria
42    Blake of Chenies One hundred pounds to my Niece
43    Mary Putnam daughter of James Putnam of
44    Chesham in the county of Bucks aforesaid One
45    hundred pounds to Nathan Sharman of Chenies aforesaid
46    dissenting teacher ten pounds to Richard Wagstaff of
47    Watford in the said County of Hertford Shoemaker Forty
48    pounds to Lucy Mansell Widow of John Mansell deceased
49    now or late of College Street Southwark Ten pounds
50    but in case the said Lucy Mansell shall happen to
51    be dead at the time of my said Wife's decease or if
52    then living shall die before her Legacy of Ten pounds
    [Page 2]
53    aforesaid shall become payable I then give the
54    last said Legacy of Ten pounds unto my aforesaid
55    Nephew James Blake and I hereby empower and
56    commission my said after named Executors as soon as
57    conveniently may be after the decease of my said
58    Wife to collect all my Monies whether upon Bonds
59    Notes of hand in the Stocks of the Bank of England
60    or elsewhere and dispose of it agreeable to this my
61    last Will and Testament and when the aforesaid
62    Legacies shall have been paid I give and bequeath
63    all the Remainder and Residue of my property
64    whatsoever and wheresoever unto my aforesaid
65    Nephew James Blake and my mind and will further
66    is that in case any or either of my said Nephews
67    or Nieces shall happen to die before his her or
68    their Legacy or Legacys become payable without
69    Issue then I direct that the share of such Nephew
70    or Niece Nephews or Nieces so dying be equally
71    divided between the Survivors of them share and share
72    alike and in case any or either of my said Nephews
73    or Nieces shall die before his her or their Legacy or
74    Legacies become payable as aforesaid leaving one or
75    more Child or Children then in that case my Mind
76    and Will is that such Child or Children shall be entitled
77    to their Father or Father's Mother or Mother's share
78    or shares as he she or they would have been
79    intitled to if living at the time of my said Wife's
80    decease And I do hereby nominate constitute and
81    appoint William Davis and my said Nephews James
82    Blake both of Chenies aforesaid Executors of this my
83    last Will and Testament and do direct that they my
84    said Executors and Trustees shall not be answerable
85    for any loss of damage that may happen in the
86    Execution of this Trust hereby in them reposed so that
87    the same be not through their or either of their
88    wilful neglects and that neither of them my said
89    Trustees shall be answerable to the one for the other of
90    them nor for the acts deeds Receipts or wilful neglects
91    of the other of them but each for his own acts,
92    deeds Receipts or wilful neglects only And I do direct
93    that my said Trustees shall reimburse themselves all
94    necessary Charges and Expences that they may be
95    put into in and about the Execution of the said
96    Trusts hereby in them reposed and I hereby revoke
97    make null and void all former and other Will or
98    Wills by me at any time or times heretofore made
99    And do declare this to be my last Will and Testament
100    only In Witness whereof I have to this  my last Will
101    and Testament contained on three sheets of paper
102    to the two first sheets thereof set my hand and to
103    the last sheet thereof my hand and seal this twenty
104    third day of August in the Year of Our Lord One
    [Page 3]
105    thousand seven hundred and ninety nine James
106    Blake S[enio]r Signed Sealed published and declared
107    by the said James Blake as and for his last Will
108    and Testament in the presence of us who in his
109    presence at his request and in the presence of each
110    other Witness the same observing the two words "said
111    Wife" interlined in the fourth line of the second page
112    before the Signing hereof Thos Dell Chenies Joseph
113    Baldwin Baker Chenies
114    This Will was proved at London the
115    nineteenth day of October in the Year of Our Lord
116    One thousand seven hundred and ninety nine before
117    the Worshipful William Territt Doctor of Laws
118    Surrogate of the Right honorable Sir William
119    Wynne Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or
120    Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
121    lawfully Constituted by the Oaths of William Davis
122    and James Blake the Nephew of the deceased and
123    the Executors named in the said Will to whom
124    administration was granted of all and singular
125    the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased
126    having been first sworn duly to administer

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