Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Will of John Blake, Tanner, Winslow, Buckinghamshire - The National Archives PROB 11/866/367, probated 22 Jun 1761

John Blake the testator has left a memorable will of six pages naming all of his siblings and some other relatives including nephews. He is a well to do Tanner and does not appear to have a wife or children (none are named).

His brothers and sisters in order of appearance:

Robert (John son of Robert)
Ann Carpenter (married to John Carpenter, mother of George Carpenter)
George (married to Mary)
Elizabeth Dancer


Edward Bennell (married to Elizabeth)
George Bennell (deceased lately)

An interesting website which tells me about this family in Winslow:

I have located John Blake the testator in this writeup and he was the fourth child of Thomas Blake and Elizabeth Bennell said to be born in 1718 and died 1761 living at Winslow with the occupation Tanner. This fits with the will as written below.

Children of Thomas Blake and Elizabeth Bennell (16 in total):

Thomas (eldest) born 1715, died 1784 all at Winslow, married to Elizabeth Bradbury 11 Jun 1770 in Great Horwood (late marriage for Thomas and no earlier marriage known, children of this couple Mary born 1771 and died 1810 and Elizabeth born 1774 and d after 1851 and they both married) [Thomas left a will in 1780 proven in 1784 naming his brother William Blake and Thomas Bradbury brother in law as executors]

Elizabeth born 1716 in Winslow and married to Robert Dancer 1735 in Hoggeston and he was said to be born 1715 in North Marston (one child is mentioned Robert Dancer, b 1738 at North Marston)

George b 1717 but his wife Mary is not mentioned

John born 1718, died 1761 all at Winslow (testator of this will below)

Mary b 1720, died 1720 at Winslow (infant)

William b 1721 Winslow died 1797 Shipton near Winslow married Anne and left his will written in 1793, proven in 1797 mentioning Thomas' daughters Mary and Elizabeth, Gabriel and John (sons of his brother Robert), his brother Edward but no children mentioned for William and his wife Anne (his will and this at the County Record Office - one of the witnesses for this will is also James Burnham (same as this will below))

Robert b 1723 Winslow and married to Martha Seir by licence 23 Feb 1746 and they had seven children: Elizabeth, Thomas, John (mentioned in the will below), Martha (died as an infant), Gabriel, George (died as an infant), Martha

Edward b c 1724 Winslow, d July 1725 Winslow

Edmund b c 1725 Winslow, d c 1725 Winslow (possibly twin)

Jonathan bc 1725 Winslow, d c 1725 Winslow (possibly twin)

Ann b 1726 and married to John Carpenter by licence 11 May 1754 in Swanbourne and they had eight children: John, William, George (mentioned in the will below), Elizabeth, Ann, John, Thomas (died as an infant), Rebecca

Mary b c 1728 winslow, d 1729 winslow

Mary b 1729 Winslow and married to George Harris circa 1750 and they had two children Mary and Thomas

Francis b 1731 Winslow and died after 1801 perhaps in London married to Mary White 17 Apr 1759 in Newbottle Northamptonshire and they had ten children: Elizabeth, John, Frances, Thomas, James, Mary, Anne (died as an infant), George, Ann (died as an infant), William (died as an infant)

Edward b 1733 and married to Susannah Mumford 1761 and they had three children Thomas, William and Elizabeth

Edmund b 1734

There is still a home known as Blake House and now Tinkers Corner in Winslow and can be seen on the website mentioned above.

Working backwards Thomas (the father of John testator of the will below) was married to Elizabeth Bennell by licence 2 Dec 1714 in Quainton (she was the daughter of John Bennell and Elizabeth Toms and sister to Edward and George Bennell mentioned in the will below). There is a document showing that he conveyed a tanyard to his son John in 1740 (this being the testator in the will below) on the website:

This Thomas was the son of Thomas and Elizabeth and he had three siblings Elizabeth married to Richard Barton and they had three children: John, Mary and Richard; Anne married to George Stone and John who died as an infant at Winslow. Thomas (son of Thomas) died 1762 at Winslow and left a will dated April 1761 naming his children, grandchildren (noted on website). This will is not available at the National Archives either.

Moving back one more generation looking at Thomas who died 1709 at Winslow and Elizabeth who died 1716 at Winslow. I do have the will of this Thomas and will be transcribing it with the Buckinghamshire wills. He was said to be a local landowner and this probably helps to explain all the property which is mentioned by John in the will below. The website names his brother as George who was married to Maria and they had six children Robert, George, John, Maria, William and Joanna. George and John are traced down one generation.

This website is part of the Winslow History Project and will probably be available for some time. What a marvelous website to set up for Winslow, Buckinghamshire. Of interest, the Blake and Burnham family have been written up. They do request you send any information that you have on people. I will add this Blake family to my Legacy one name Blake study as well as I am able to do so.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Apr 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/866/367
Testator:  John Blake, Tanner
Place: Winslow, Buckinghamshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 14 Apr 1761, probated 22 Jun 1761
Read: Electronic copy images
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: John Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I John Blake of Winslow in the County of Bucks Tanner
3    being indisposed in body but of a sound and disposing Mind
4    Memory and Understanding (for which I bless God) and being
5    desirous to settle my Worldly Affairs whilst I have Strength
6    and Capacity so to do therefore make and ordain this my last
7    Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is
8    to say) First and principally I commend my Soul into the
9    hands of Almighty god my Creator and my body I commit to
10    the Earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my
11    Trustees and Executors hereinafter named and as to such
12    Temporal Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to intrust
13    me I dispose of the same as followeth First I give devise
14    and bequeath unto my Brother Thomas Blake all and every
15    my Freehold and Copyhold Messuages Lands Tenements
16    Tanyard hereditaments and premisses whatsoever situate
17    lying and being in the parish of Winslow aforesaid with
18    their and every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances
19    late in the occupation of me the said John Blake and now in
20    the Tenure or occupation of Richard Norwood together with
21    all such Rent as shall be due and in arrear to the same
22    premisses at the time of my decease To hold the said
23    Messuages Lands Tenements Tanyard hereditaments and
24    premisses with the Appurtenances unto my said Brother
25    Thomas Blake his heirs and Assigns forever Also I give devise
26    and bequeath unto my Brother Robert Blake All that my
27    Freehold Messuage or Tenement and Close of pasture Ground
28    thereto adjoining situate lying and being in Northmarston in
30    the said County of Bucks together with the Commons profits
31    priviledges and appurtenances thereto belonging now in
32    the Tenure or occupation of John Symmonds or his Assigns
33    and also all such Rent as shall be due and in arrear for the
34    same premisses at the time of my decease To hold the said
35    Messuage or Tenement and Close of Pasture Ground with
36    the appurtenances unto my said Brother Robert Blake
37    for and during the Term of his natural life he keeping
38    the same in good Repair And from and immediately after
39    his decease I give devise and bequeath the same Messuage
40    Tenement and Close of pasture Ground with the appurtenances
41    unto my Nephew John Blake (son of the said Robert
    [Page 2]
42    Blake) and his heirs forever Also I give devise and bequeath
43    unto my Brother Francis Blake all those my three inclosed
44    closes of pasture ground situate lying and being in the parish
45    of Northmarston aforesaid adjoining each other which I
46    lately purchased of John Bennell Edward Bennell and
47    Francis Collins commonly called or know by the several names
48    of Sannder's Close and Mappy closes with the Commons
49    profits and Appurtenances thereto belonging and now in the
50    Tenure or Occupation of James Grace and Joseph Foster And
51    also all and every my Copyhold Messuages Lands Tenements
52    hereditaments and premisses whatsoever situate lying and
53    being in the Town and Common Fields of King Sutton in
54    the County of Northampton and held of the Mannor of
55    King Sutton aforesaid (which I have already Surrendered to
56    the use of this my Will) and which are now in the several
57    Tenures possessions or occupations of the said Francis Blake
58    Richard Grimley and me the said John Blake with their
59    and every of their Appurtenances And also all that Freehold
60    Messuage or Tenement with its Appurtenances situate and
61    being in King Sutton aforesaid now in the Tenure or Occupation
62    of John Turbitt which I am intitled unto upon the decease of
63    Elizabeth Bennell my Aunt And also all those Freehold and
64    Copyhold Messuages Cottages Lands Tenements hereditaments
65    and premisses whatsoever with their and every of their
66    Appurtenances situate lying and being in Astrop and in the
67    open and Common fields of Astrop in the parish of Kingsutton
68    aforesaid now in the tenure or occupation of my Uncle Edward
69    Bennell and which I am intitled unto upon his decease by
70    virtue of the last Will and Testament of my late Uncle
71    George Bennell deceased And also all and every my Freehold
72    Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever
73    with their and every of their Appurtenances lying and being in
74    Owen Hall in the parish of Wootton Wawen in the County of
75    Warwick now or late in the occupation of William Pardy or
76    his assigns To hold the said Closes Messuages Lands
77    Tenements hereditaments and premisses with their and
78    every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances and all
79    my Estate Right Title Interest and Revertion therein unto
80    my said Brother Francis Blake his heirs and assigns forever
81    Also I give devise and bequeath unto my Nephew George
82    Carpenter son of my Brother in Law John Carpenter of
83    Swanburne in the said County of Bucks Farmer and Ann
84    his Wife All that my Messuage Tenement or Farmhouse
85    situate standing and being in Northmarston aforesaid And
86    also all those my inclosed Closes of pasture Ground called
87    Wools Closes And also all those several pieces and parcells
88    of Arable Land Ley Meadow and pasture Ground lying and
89    being dispersedley in the common Fields and parish of
90    Northmarston aforesaid belonging to the said Messuage or
91    Tenement or Farmhouse containing by Estimation Three
92    Yard Land and one Quarter of a Yard Land And also all those
93    Two Acres of Arable Land lying and being in the Common fields
    [Page 3]
94    of Northmarston aforesaid which I lately purchased of my Uncle
95    Edward Bennell now in the Tenure or Occupation of James Grace
96    And also all that Messuage or Tenement situate and being in
97    Northmarston aforesaid with the homeclose and pightle of
98    pasture Ground thereto belonging and adjoining which I lately
99    purchased of Esther Holland and Jonathan Holland her son
100    now also in the Tenure or Occupation of James Grace his
101    undertenants or Assigns with their and every of their Appurtenances
102    And also all such Rent as shall be due and in Arrear for all and
103    singular the same premisses at the time of my decease To hold
104    the said Messuages Farm Closes Land Tenements hereditaments
105    and premisses in Northmarston aforesaid with their and every
106    of their Appurtenances unto my said Nephew George Carpenter
107    his heirs and Assigns forever Subject nevertheless and I do
108    hereby charge the said Messuages Closes Lands Tenements
109    hereditaments and premisses so devised to my said Grandson
110    George Carpenter to and with the payment of the two
111    Annuitys or yearly Rent Charges and the several Legacies
112    or Sums of Money  hereinafter in this my Will by me given
113    (that is to say) I give and bequeath unto my Brother George
114    Blake and Mary his Wife for and during the term of their
115    natural Lives and the life of the longer liver of them One
116    Annuity or yearly Rent Charge of Ten pounds of lawfull
117    Money of Great Britain free of Taxes and all other deductions
118    whatsoever parliamentary or otherwise to be issuing and
119    payable yearly and every year from and after the decease
120    of the said Elizabeth Bennell the wife of my said late Uncle
121    (Uncle George Benwell deceased) out of all and every the said
122    last mentioned Messuages Closes Lands Tenements hereditaments
123    and premisses Also I give and bequeath unto my Sister Ann
124    Carpenter for and during the Term of her natural life One
125    Annuity or yearly Rent Charge of Ten pounds of like Money
126    free of all Taxes and deduction whatsoever parliamentary or
127    otherwise to be issuing and payable yearly and every year from
128    and after the decease of the said Elizabeth Bennell my Aunt out
129    of all and every the said last mentioned Messuages Closes Lands
130    Tenements hereditaments and premisses And it is my Will and
131    desire that the aforesaid Two Annuity shall be respectively
132    paid and payable by two equal half yearly payments on the
133    two most usual Feasts or days of payment in the year (that
134    is to say) the Feasts of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin
135    Mary and Saint Michael the Archangell in every Year the
136    first payment to begin and to be made on such of the said
137    Feasts as shall first happen next after the decease of the
138    said Elizabeth Bennell my Aunt And my further Will is that
139    in case the same Annuitys or yearly Rent Charges or either
140    of them or any part of them or either of them shall be
141    behind or unpaid by the Space of One Month next over or
142    after either of the aforesaid Feasts or days of payment whereon
143    the same is hereinbefore directed to be paid as aforesaid
144    Then and so often it shall and may be lawfull to and for
145    my said Brother George Blake and Mary his Wife and the
    [Page 4]
146    Survivor of them and my said Sister Ann Carpenter to enter
147    upon all and every or any part of the said premisses charged
148    with the said Annuitys as aforesaid and to distrain for the
149    same or for so much thereof as shall be so in Arrear and all
150    Costs and Charges occasioned by Nonpayment thereof Also
151    I give and bequeath unto my Brother Robert Blake the
152    Sum of Twenty pounds of lawfull Money of Great Britain
153    to be paid to him within Six Months after my decease Also I
154    give and bequeath unto my Sister Elizabeth Dancer and to
155    William Blake and Edward Blake my Brothers the Sum of
156    Twenty pounds each of like lawfull Money to be paid to each
157    of them respectively immediately after the decease of the said
158    Elizabeth Bennell my Aunt Also I give and bequeath unto the
159    poor of the parish of Winslow aforesaid the Sum of Five
160    pounds of like lawfull Money to be laid out in Bread and to
161    be distributed in such manner and proportions and to such
162    objects of Charity as my Executors and Trustees hereinafter named
163    or the Survivor of them shall think fit Also it is my Will
164    and I do hereby Authorize impower and direct my said Trustees
165    and Executors hereinafter named and the Survivor of them his
166    Executors and Administrators from and after my decease and
167    untill my said Nephew George Carpenter shall attain his Age of
168    Twenty one years to manage and improve the Estate of
169    him my said Nephew for his use and benefit and to Lease
170    all or any part of the Messuages closes Lands Tenements
171    hereditaments and premisses to him by me hereinbefore
172    given and devised and to lend and place out upon Security or
173    Securitys at Interest or otherwise improve according to his
174    or their discretions all or any part of the Monies belonging
175    or arising from the Estate of my said Nephew and to pay
176    and account with him for all such Rents Interest produce
177    and Improvements after deducting the expences of his Board
178    Education and Maintenance as shall arise or be made
179    from his said Estate when he shall attain his Age of
181    Twenty one years And lastly All the Rest Residue and
182    Remainder of my Real Estate whatsoever and also All my
183    Goods Chattels Ready Money debts and Securitys for Money
184    Stock in Trade Cattle Implements of husbandry Corn
185    Grain and Hay and all other my personal Estate
186    whatsoever and wheresoever (after payment of my just
187    debts Funeral Expences and Charges of proving this my Will
188    and all other Charges and Expences incident thereto) I give
189    and bequeath the same and every part and parcell thereof
190    unto my said Brother Francis Blake his heirs Executors
191    Administrators and Assigns And I do hereby nominate
192    constitute and appoint my said Brother Francis Blake and
193    my said Brother in Law John Carpenter joint Trustees
194    and Executors of this my Last Will and Testament hereby
195    Revoking and making void all former and other Wills by
196    me at any time heretofore made And do publish and declare
197    this only to be my last Will and Testament In Witness
198    whereof I the said John Blake have to this my Will contained
    [Page 5]
199    in Five Sheets of paper to the First four Sheets thereof set
200    my hand only and to the Fifth and last Sheet my hand
201    and Seal this Fourteenth day of April in the year of our Lord
202    One Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty one, Jn Blake
203    Signed Sealed published and declared by the said John Blake
204    the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the
205    presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as
206    Witnesses thereto in the presence and at the Request of the
207    said Testator and also in the presence of each other R[ichar]d
208    Shelton, William King, James Burnham
209    This Will was proved at London the Twenty
210    Second day of June in the year of our Lord One Thousand
211    Seven hundred and Sixty one before the Worshipfull James
212    Marriott doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipfull
213    Edward Simpson doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary
214    of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by
215    the Oaths of Francis Blake the Brother of the deceased and
216    John Carpenter the Executors named in the said Will To
217    whom Administration of all and Singular the Goods Chattels
218    and Credits of the said deceased was granted having been
219    first Sworn duly to Administer  -- Ed[war]d

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