Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Will of John Lywood, Mariner on board His Majesty's Ship Queen - The National Archives PROB 11/457/280, probated 7 Oct 1700

There isn't a John Lywood in the family tree that I have that would fit this particular testator. He lived in Southwark which for the time (1700) was distant from the Wiltshire area where the Lywood family was generally found. He names his wife as Sarah and not a great deal more information on this individual.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Apr 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/457/280
Testator:  John Lywood, Mariner
Place: on board His Majesty's Ship Queen
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 6 Jul 1695, probated 7 Oct 1700
Read: Electronic copy images
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent]
[Margin]: Johis Lywood

1    Know all men by these presents That I John
2    Lywood Mariner on board his M[aj]esties shipp the Queen have and by these
3    presents doe make ordaine and constitute my welbeloved Wife Sarah Lywood
4    of St Margovers Southwark my true and lawfull Attorney for me in my name
5    and to my use and behoose To aske demand and receive of and from the honorable
6    the com[m]isso[ar]y of his ma[jes]ties Navy the Treasurer or Paymaster of the same
7    or whom it shall or may concerne All such Sume and sumes of money wages
8    County pension Salary and other demands whatsoever as now are where after
9    shall be due payable or belonging to me for owne service done in his Majes
10    said shipp or in any other of his Ma[jes]ties Shipps Friggotts or Vessells or in any
11    Merchant Shipp or Vessell whatsoever And alsoe to demand recover and receive
12    of all other person and persons whatsoever whom it shall concerne All and singular
13    such other sume and sumes of money goods wares effects debts dues and
14    demands whatsoever which n ow are or hereafter shall be due oweing or belonging
15    to me by any waies or meanes howsoever And moreover for me in my name
16    and to my use to demise or let by Let by Lease in writeing or otherwise All or
17    any of my Messuages Lands Tenements or hereditaments whatsoever to such
18    person or persons for such terme of yeares and time and by and under suche
19    conditions reservations and covenants as my said Attorney or her counselle
20    shall think requisite Giveing and herby granting to my said Attorney my full
21    power and authority in the premisses to recover and receive All and singular
22    the sume and sumes of money matters and things aforesaid And upon
23    receipt of the same or any part thereof acquittances releases or other
24    receavable discharges for me and in my name to make seale and deliver
25    and one Attorney or more under her to substitute and the same other pleasure
26    to revoke And generally to doe execute and performe all such other lawfull Acts
27    matters and things whatsoever as shall be requisite to be done in or concerning
28    the premisses as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I my selfe
29    might or could doe in person Ratifieing and alloweing all and whatsoever mye
30    said Attorney shall lawfully doe or cause to be done in or about the execution of
31    the premisses by virtue of these presents And I the said John Lywood considering
32    the uncertainity of this life doe hereby make and declare this my last Will and
33    Testament in manner following That is to say All such sume and sumes of money
34    wages Lands tenements goods chattells and other Estate whatsoever both reall
35    and personall as I shall be possessed of or which shall any wise belong to mee
36    at the time of my decease (my debts and Funerall expences being first paid) I
37    fully and wholly give devise and bequeath unto my Wife Sarah Lywood aforesaid
38    and to her heires executors Administrators and assignes for ever To their owne
39    use and behoose And doe hereby nominate and appoint my said Wife Sarah
40    Lywood to be the Sole Executrix of this my last Will Revokeing all former Wills
41    Deeds of guift and bequests by me heretofore made and ordaine these presents
42    only to be and remaine as my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have
43    hereunto set my hand and seale dated the sixth day of July Anno d[o]mi[ni] one
44    thousand six hundred Ninety Five And in the seventh year of the raigne of our
45    Soveraigne Lord William of England etc King the marke of John Lywood signed
46    Sealed published and declared in the presence of us J Wishart J Jenkins
47    John Lanquack

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