Thursday, April 25, 2013

Will of William Pecke, Shepherd, Milston - Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office P2/8Reg/109B, probated 14 May 1610 and Peck family at Milston

Martha Peck married George Lywood 26 Oct 1817 at Milston. George had fought at the Battle of Waterloo 18 Jun 1815 and was discharged 6 Oct 1816 (his discharge was for a medical reason - he had asthma). One year later he is back in Milston and marrying Martha.

Martha was baptized 1 Jul 1792 at Milston the daughter of Elizabeth Peck and she was buried 17 Feb 1867 also at Milston. Their daughter Elizabeth Lywood was my 2x great grandmother.

Whilst we were at the WDYTYA Conference in London this past February, I purchased the Milston Baptisms and Burials from the Wiltshire Family History Society.

The earliest baptismal entry is for Anna Pecke in 1578 and the last entry is for Martha Peck in 1792. The earliest burial entry is for Mater Pecke in 1559 and the last entry is for Elizabeth Peck in 1830 (mother of Martha). The cutoff for the entries is 1837.

I do have a will for William Peck from 1610 and an Administration for Bridget Peck his wife in 1611. I did blog the will of William. William and Bridget Peck were my 12 x great grandparents.

I blogged on the Peck family when I first started my rotation through family surnames:

I still can not really add anything although the will of William Peck I will definitely proofread and update as I see at least one blank. My skill at reading old wills has improved steadily over the past two years. The will itself is probated in the Parochial Court at Fisherton Anger which is a bit of a surprise as Milston is ten miles north of Fisherton Anger. The administration of Bridget Peck will follow on the next research day.

Transcribed: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 23 Sep 2008
Source: Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office P2/8Reg/109B
Testator: William Peck
Place: Milston, Wiltshire, England
Type of record: Will
Dated: 14 Feb 1610, probated 14 May 1610
Condition: early 17th century, legible

[Margin]: Pecke      
[Margin]: 1098
[Margin]: Valor  I iiij
[Margin]: £ xxv  vij s  iij d

1    In the name of God Amen,
2    The fourteenth day of February in the yeare of our
3    Lord god one thousand six hundred and nine. I William
4    Peake of Mylston, in the Countie of Wilts Shephard
    [Page 2]
5    being sicke of bodie but of  p[er]fect mynde and memorie, doe ordayne
6    and make this my last will and testamente in manner and forme
7    followinge viz[ a v]it. First I bequeath my sowle into the hands of
8    Christ Jesus my saviour trustinge to have redemption through his
9    merits and my bodie to be buried in the p[ar]ish churchyard of
10    Milston aforesaid, and as touchinge my worldly goods I give
11    and bequeath them in manner and forme following viz[ a v]it Imprimis
12    I give unto the Cathedrall Church of New Sarum the some of
13    Fower pence. Then I give unto Cecely Worte, daughter of John
14    Worte of Amsburie in the Countie aforesaid wheeler, one chilner
15    sheepe. Then all the rest of my goods and chattels moveable
16    And not moveable not given and bequeathed, my debtes legacies,
17    And funeralls discharged I give and bequeath unto Brigett my
18    wife and William Pecke my sonne, whome I make my full
19    and whole executors ioyntly the one as forforth at the other
20    and further my Will is that my said wife shall have the use
21    of all towards the keepinge of my said sonne untill he shalbe
22    of the age of twentie and one yeares, and I request Roger
23    Pinckney of Milston and William Lawes of the same to be
24    my ov[er]seers to see this my last will and testament p[er]formed
25    accordingly Those being witnesses John Pecke, William
26    Lawes, Thomas Lawes, and Roger Pinckney
27    Probatum fuit testamentum supra scriptum
28    Coram veneli viro Mr Willimo Wilkinson Legum doctore
29    Offili dni Archini Sarum et c[etra] in dictia pa[ro]chiali de Fisherton
30    Anger ratione pisitationis dicti dni Archini Sarum et c[etra]
31    die veneris viz[ a v]it quarto die mensis Maij Anno d[omi]ni 1610
32    Co[m]missaq[u]e fuit et c[etra] Executrici et c[etra] iurait et c[etra] Salvo
33    iure Cuiuscumq[u]e

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