Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hilton Family of Cherry Burton. Poor Law Rates for Cherry Burton 1800, Holme on the Wolds 1787, and Lund 1813-1814

I last looked at the Hilton Family of Cherry Burton and Beverley in the East Riding of Yorkshire 11 May 2011 and other than a comment on the Roehampton University database on the Hearth Tax paid in the East Riding I have not particularly thought about them in the two years since. Life has been much too busy!

Jane Hilton married Robert Gray the younger 6 Jun 1771 at Cherry Burton and she was buried at Cherry Burton 13 Sep 1824 from her home in Etton. Jane was the mother of Robert Gray who was baptized at Holme on the Wolds and Robert Gray was my 3x great grandfather and the last of my Gray line to die in England.

In the earlier blog:

I mentioned that I had found a baptism for Jane Hilton 1 Aug 1739 in Beverley with parents Thomas Hilton and Mary Constable. Since Jane was 87 when she was buried 13 Sep 1824 and working my way back the baptism would have her 85 years and 1 month of age so in her 86th year. As well Thomas Hilton and Mary Constable were married in Beverley 20 Feb 1737.

The last research day I looked at the Constable family but the intention is to look further at the Hilton family.

Looking through my paid sites and google search does not add to my knowledge of the Hilton family.

I believe that I will transcribe some of the material I collected for Cherry Burton in 2008 from the Family History Library.

Poor Law Rate 1800 Cherry Burton

An Assessment laid upon the Township of Cherry Burton for the use of the Church at 8 pence per pounds for the year 1800

Freeman, Reverend Mr. G
Watts, Reverend Mr. J
Arden, Mr. Jno
Cocksworth, Jno
Dattry, Jno
Arden, Jethro
Levit, Robert
Emmerson, Mary
Willson, Thomas (senior)
Griffin, William
Watson, Stephen
Watson, Mary
Brigham, Thomas
Forristor, Jos
Witty, William
Sissons, William
Everingham, Benjamin
Johnson, William
Stickney, Matthew
Stephenson, Lew:
Willson, Thomas (junior)

Downes, Robert
Almack, Thomas (junior)
Constable, Robert
Grasby, Richard
Bilton, Jno
Gray, Roger
Stephenson, Ralph
Garland, Jos:
Gray, Robert
Ransom, Samuel
Sissons, Samuel
Richardson, Richard
Foster, Jos:
Brigham, William
Stephenson, Robert
Best, Francis
Baker, Jno
Shearsmith, Jno
Cook, William
Hesselwood, Jno

I have about twenty years worth and some of the people remain constant during this time period with a few disappearing and new ones arriving.

Poor Rate 1787 Holme on the Wolds

 Proprietors Names     Occupiers Names
William Leak                Himself
Mrs. Perrot                  John Swift
Mrs. Fern                     John Swift
William Ellat                   William Teal and John Weatherhill
Mrs. Clark                      Robert Willy
James Moat                    Himself
William Tranmire             Himself
John Harland                   William Longhorn
Duke of Devonshire         John Harland
John Buttle                      William Roantree
Robert Sherwood            Himself
Mrs. Clark                       William Stephenson
William Willson                Himself
William Heward               Himself
Nicolas Ellat                    Richard Tindal
Thomas Biggins                Himself

I collected about twenty years of Holme on the Wolds just to determine that my Robert Gray did leave Holme on the Wolds and move on to Etton.

Poor Rate 1813-1814 Lund

Thomas Richardson
John Walkington
Robert Appleton
William Chapman
William Bulmer
Robert Warde
Richard Wilson
William Wilkinson
Thomas Parker
William Smith
William Barker
Faith Metcalf
George Gray
William Witheringwick
George Walgate
John Reddy
George Witty
William Lowson
David Christie
John Broadley
William Taylor
Samuel Winter
John Waddington
Nicholas Lewison
Phil Hardbattle
Thomas Hornby
Richard Cross
William Etherington
Thomas Cross
Charles Walgate
William Hought
William Robson
Ann Orrat
Hugh Ridsdale
John Robson
Thomas Foster
John Robinson
Richard Stephenson
John Smith
Cathr Mease
Benjamin Cobb
M. Duke Foster
John Cobb
John Vary
John Whipp
George Biggins
T Grimston Esquire

At Lund I was interested in the Cobb family which remained at Lund into the 20th century as far as I can tell and I would have cousins who still live in this area.

I will continue extracting information from the images that I took at Salt Lake City with this research day. I do not think there is anything more I can do on the Hilton family until I order in the Registers from Salt Lake City or go there - whichever comes first!

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