Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Will of Ann Blake, widow, Truro, Cornwall - The National Archives PROB 11/1273/256, probated 27 Apr 1796

Ann Blake of Truro, Cornwall is the testatrix for this Blake will in Cornwall. Her nephew she names as Mr. Peter Tippet and he is perhaps the Peter Tippet married to Elizabeth Collyne 17 Sep 1758 at Truro. His parents appear to be Stephen Tippet and Mary and he was baptized 9 Sep 1733 at Truro. In 1722 Stephen Tippet married Mary Robberts at St Allen. St. Allen is north of Truro above five miles. I did not find a marriage for an Ann Robberts however to a Blake.

Peter and Elizabeth Tippet baptized the following children at St Mary Truro:

John baptized 19 Jun 1760
Mary baptized 25 Jun 1761
Edward Collins baptized 12 Aug 1762
Elizabeth Collins baptized 28 Dec 1764; buried 1 Jun 1765
Elizabeth Collins baptized 3 Mar 1768
Edward baptized 10 Aug 1769
Mary Ann baptized 13 Jun 1771
James Bridges baptized 18 Sep 1772

In Ann's will she mentions her nephew Peter and his children: John, James, Edward, Elizabeth and possibly a Jane.

She is likely the Mrs. Anne Blake buried at St Clement (residence Truro) 9 Apr 1796. She mentions dear James on line 22,23 below and I suspect her husband is James Blake but I did not find any entries that would fit this couple in the OPC Cornwall site. 

No information on James Blake thus far but perhaps the other wills will be helpful in Cornwall. There is a lot of information on the Tippet family in this will.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 14 May 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1273/256
Testator:  Ann Blake, Widow
Place: Truro, Cornwall, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document:  24 Oct 1795, probated 27 Apr 1796
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

 [Margin]: Ann
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Ann Blake of the Borough of Truro in the County
3    of Cornwall Widow do make this my last Will and
4    Testament in form and manner following Imprimis
5    I recommend my Soul to Almighty God humbly hoping
6    through the Merits of Christ my ever blessed Saviour
7    and Redeemer to find Mercy and Acceptance with him
8    my Body to the Earth to be plainly and decently
9    interred Item I Give to Mr. Wm Dickerson Son of the
10    late Mr. Legh Dickerson the Sum of Fifty pounds as
11    a Recompence in full that I voluntarily make (not
12    being obliged so to do) him for the Loss his Father
13    sustained by being one of the my late husbands Bondsmen
14    for holding the Post Office to be paid within Six Months
15    after my decease by my Executor hereafter mentioned
16    Item I Give to my Bondsman Mr. John Tippet Son of
17    Mr. Peter Tippet the Sum of Two hundred pounds to
18    be paid within three Months after my decease Item
19    I give to Mr. James Tippet Mariner Son of Mr. P. T.
20    the sum of one hundred Guineas his father to be Trustee
21    for him and to lay it out to the best advantage for
22    him N.B. The Money above bequeathed is my dear
23    James's property immediately by my decease Item
24    I Give to Mr. Edw[ar]d Tippet Son the Sum of Twenty
25    Guineas to be paid within Three Months after my
26    decease Item I Give to my Niece Mrs Eliz[abe]th Simpson
27    the Sum of Twenty Guineas to be paid within Six
28    Months after my decease Item I Give to Mrs. Jane
30    Henshaw my Niece the Sum of Ten Guineas to be
31    paid within Six Months after my decease Item I Give
32    to the Rev[eren]d Edw[ar]d Tippet the Sum of Twenty Guineas to
33    be paid within three Months after my decease Item
34    I Give to Mrs. Ann Tippet Wife to Mr. John Tippet Miss
35    Tippet and Miss Mary Ann Tippet five Guineas each
36    to be paid immediately after my decease Item I Give to
37    Mr. Alexander Allen and his three sisters viz[ a vi]t Mrs. Perder
38    Mrs. Marshall and Miss Allen the Sum of Five Guineas
39    to be paid within three Months after my decease Item
40    I give to Mrs. Tippet widow of the late Captain Jas Tippet
41    the Sum of Ten Guineas to be paid within Six Months
    [Page 2]
42    after my decease Item I Give to Simon Polkinghorne
43    my Clerk the Sum of Twenty Guineas together with
44    all my household furniture exclusive of the articles
45    given (Mrs. Tippet Wife to Mr. P Tippet) and likewise
46    all the little Stores of every Sort that may be in the
47    house at the time of my decease For him the above
48    as a Reward for his honesty care and attention to
49    me and my Business and over and above any Sallary
50    that may be due to him at the time of delivering up
51    the Post Office and at which time the above Sum of
52    £21 together with what Sallary may be due to
53    him is to be paid to him by my Executor Item I
54    Give to my Servant Maid Mary Swaine (if living
55    with me at the time of my decease) the Sum of Ten
56    Guineas over and above any wages that may be due
57    to her at the time of giving up the house that I
58    now live in I likewise Give her all my wearing
59    apparel of every sort for her own use But she is
60    not to give away any part thereof to any person
61    whatever Nor to sell them the above Sum to be paid
62    by my Executor at the time of giving up the house
63    Lastly the Residue of my Effects not otherwise disposed
64    of I Give and Bequeath to my Nephew Mr Peter
65    Tippet and do hereby appoint and constitute him to
66    be the lawful Executor of this my last Will Testament
67    and I do hereby bid him his Heirs Executor and
68    administrator justly and truly to pay or raise to be
69    paid the several Legacies herein mentioned together
70    with all my lawful debts the Expences of my Funeral
71    and the Costs and Charges attending the Execution of
72    this my Will I do hereby revoke all wills made by me
73    heretofore and do declare this to be my last Will and
74    Testament In Witness whereof I have herewith set
75    my hand and Seal this twenty fourth day of October in
76    the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and
77    ninety five N.B. my Executor above mentioned is
78    to pay Ann Wislad Two Guines per year for her
79    natural life and if Jane May sho[ul]d survive her the
80    above Sum to be paid to the above Jane May
81    Ann Blake Witness Simon Polkinghorne Mary Swaine
82    This Will was proved at London the twenty
83    seventh day of April in the Year of our Lord One
84    thousand seven hundred and ninety six before the
85    Right honorable Sir William Wynne Knight
86    doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the
87    Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted
88    by the Oath of Peter Tippet Esquire the Sole Executor named
89    in the said Will to whom Administration was granted
90    of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the
91    deceased having been first sworn by Commission duly to
92    administer

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