Monday, May 20, 2013

Will of Catharine Blake, widow, Launceston, Cornwall - The National Archives PROB 11/1583/135, probated 9 Aug 1816

Catharine Blake widow is the testator and lists her abode as Launceston, Cornwall. There is a marriage of Richard Blake and Catherine Gerry in 1761 in the Cornwall Parish Registers found on  A researcher forum lists this marriage as 17 Feb 1762 (probably new style of dating) at St Mary Magdalene (Launceston). I also found this marriage on the OPC Launceston website Richard Blake and Catherine Gerry 17 Feb 1762.

I found the marriage of Catharine Blake to William Legg 24 Jan 1788 at Saint David, Exeter, Devon. There was a Cathrine Blake baptized 2 Feb 1766 at St Thomas the Apostle, Cornwall with parents Richard Blake and Cathrine.

There was an Ann Blake baptized 16 Oct 1771 at Launceston daughter of Richard Blake. There was an Ann Blake married to Joseph Street 25 Sep 1793 at Boyton, Cornwall (M006200-2 Family Search). Joseph Street is listed on the 1841 census in Boyton, Cornwall with a birth date of 1801.

Discovering the name of the first grandchild listed in the will was somewhat of a challenge. But it would appear to be Romulus. Romulus Strike was baptized 4 Jan 1795 at Launceston, St Mary Magdalene son of Joseph and Ann. At some point I shall write and check to see if this was a possible transcription error. Higher up on the page for the will the forename Richard uses the same R for the initial letter of these two entries. Then the R is followed by an o possibly an m then a likely ulus.

This is possibly the Blake family at North Molton with Richard being a son of James  and Elizabeth Blake baptized 23 Aug 1726 at North Molton. There were a number of Blake families at North Molton and a John Blake son of William and Elizabeth Blake did live at Launceston in the latter part of his life. He would have been a similar age to this Richard. At some point I need to purchase the Devon Parish Registers for North Molton after the early 1700s as I have transcribed these records from the beginning of the parish registers there to that time period and I discuss the Blake families at North Molton in my blog:

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 19 May 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1583/135
Testator:  Catharine Blake, Widow
Place: Launceston, Cornwall, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document:  26 Jun 1804, probated 9 Aug 1816
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Catharine
[Margin]: Blake

By Gods Permission I
Catharine Blake of Launceston in the County of Cornwall
widow do make publish and declare this as and for my last Will and
Testament in manner following I give unto my daughter Catharine
the Wife of William Leg the sum of fifty pounds and I hereby
expressly declare that the same sum of fifty pounds or any part
thereof shall not be subject or liable to the control debts or Engagements
of her said husband but that her receipt alone shall from time to
time be a sufficient discharge for as much thereof as shall be therein
expressed to be received  I give to my daughter Ann one shilling
the rest residue and remainder of my goods chattels rights and
credits personal and testamentary estate and effects whatsoever and
wheresoever after paying all my just debts the legacies hereinbefore
given the expences of my funeral and the proving this my will
I give and bequeath unto Thomas Pearse gentleman and Richard Derrant
Moorman both of Launceston aforesaid and to the Survivor of them his heirs
and Admors In Trust to pay and equally divide the same to and between
my two Grand Children Romulus Street and Joseph Street share and share
alike when and as they shall respectively attain the age of twenty one
years and until my said Grandchildren shall have attained the
age of twenty one years In trust to pay and apply the Interest and
dividends of his share thereof to and for his own use and benefit in
such manner as they my said Trustees or the Survivor of them his
executors or Admors shall think most proper and if but one of my
said Grandchildren shall live to attain that age then in trust to pay
the whole of the Residium of my said personal Estate and Effects
with the Interest and dividends thereof that shall be then due for the
same to and for the sole use and benefit of the Survivor of my said Grand
children when he shall attain that age his Exors Admors and Assigns
and I hereby nominate constitute and appoint them the said Thomas Pearse
and Richard Derrant Executors In Trust of this my last Will and Testament
hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time made In Witness
whereof I the said Catharine Blake the Testatrix have to this my
last will and Testament set my name and seal this twenty sixth day of
June one thousand eight hundred and four. The mark of X Catharine
Blake Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testatrix
Catharine Blake as and for her last Will and Testament in the
presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the
presence of each other of us have subscribed our names as witnesses
thereto Hy Cornish Clerk to Mr Pearse John Higgs of Launceston
Peruke Maker

[Page 2]
Proved at London 9 August 1816 before the Judge by the
Oaths of Thomas pearse and Richard Derrant the Executor to whom
Admon was granted being first sworn by Commission duly to administer

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