Monday, May 6, 2013

Will of Priscilla Blake, widow, Chesham, Buckinghamshire - The National Archives PROB 11/257/427, probated 7 Aug 1656

Returning from my break and eager to begin once again although my time has become somewhat curtailed with the garden needing a lot of time at the moment.

Priscilla Blake the testator is located at Chesham Buckinghamshire which is 4.1 ESE of Chenies and 8 miles S of Beaconsfield. No children are mentioned in her noncupative will nor is her husband's name mentioned.

The National Archives has a deed mentioned for a Thomas Birche of Charteridge, Chesham, yeoman 21 May 1627 (DE/B664/29131).

Searching on the LDS website, Ancestry and Find My Past did not supply any details on this Blake family at Chesham, Buckinghamshire.

An earlier blog for the will of Alexander Blake of Chesham Buckinghamshire may be this family at Chesham into which Priscilla has married. Alexander left his will in 1600 mentioning sons Samuel (died 1604), Joshua (baptized 1590), Thomas (baptized 1592). The question at hand may be was Alexander Blake the ancestor of the Blake families in Buckinghamshire?

An interesting marriage at Chesham in 1687 between Moses Blake and Elizabeth Birch. Again at Chesham in 1703 Moses Blake (clothier) married to Mary Willson. In 1703 also Job Blake married to Mary Skilton. In 1712 Moses Blake married to Mary Weston. Also in 1712 George Blake and Rebeckah Gate. In 1715 Moses Blake junior married to Sarah Goold (20 October).  in 1715 Moses Blake married Mary Gray (widow) (4 Jun). Then in 1732 George Blake and Elizabeth Wells. (source:

The British History on line site mentions a Moses Blake who held 155 acres at Beckley Oxfordshire in 1786 (on ancient maps Beckley was part of Buckinghamshire).

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 27 Apr 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/257/427
Testator:  Priscilla Blake, Widow
Place: Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document:  23 Sep 1652, probated 7 Aug 1656
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Top]: Memorandum
[Margin]: T[estator] Priscilla
[Margin]: Blake

1    memorandum
2    That upon the Three and Twentith day of Septem[be]r
3    one Thousand six hundred fiftie two Priscilla Blake late of
4    Chesham in the Countie of Bucks Widdowe deceased did wish
5    minde and resolution to make her noncupative Will and settle her
6    Estate voluntarilie declare and say That she did give and bequeath all her
7    Estate which she should die possessed of and which did or should of right belong
8    unto her att the tyme of her decease whatsoever and wheresoever the
9    same should be unto her loving Sister Susan Birch or she used words
10    to that or the verie like effect and substance And that the said Priscilla
11    Blake was att the tyme of the declareing of her minde and Will nun-
12    cupative aforesaid of perfect minde and memorie and understanding
13    and that the same said by her soe declared In the presence of Thomas
14    Birch and Elizabeth Butler and others Credible Witnesses
15    The Seaventh day of August In the Yeare of
16    our Lord God One thousand six hundred fiftie and Six by the
17    Judges for probate of Wills and granting Administrations lawfully autho-
18    rized A commission or Letters of Administration with this nuncupative
19    Will annext was granted onto Susan Birch the sister and Universall
20    Legaterie named therein To administer the Goods Chattells and debts
21    of the said deceased according to the Tenor and effect of the above written last Will
22    and Testament Noncupative of the said deceased There being no Execut[o]r
23    named in the same She the said Susan Birch being first Legallie
24    Sworne by vertue of a Commission truly and faythfully to administer
25    the same

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