Thursday, May 9, 2013

Will of William Blake Esquire of Fulmer Buckinghamshire - The Natiional Archives PROB 11/1280/183, probated 24 Oct 1796

The last will from Buckinghamshire for the Blake family and the next county will be Cambridgeshire where there is only one will for the Blake family.

William Blake (testator) names his wife Jane and his daughter Frances Thackthwaite. Frances was baptized 30 Sep 1775 at Fulmer, Buckingham. Frances appears to be their only child and this information from the Family Search website.

From The European Magazine and London Review, Volume 30 on Page 311, Obituary for Mr. William Blake, Fulmer, Bucks, aged 73 years  on the 12th of July 1796. He lived to see his first grandchild Jane born and baptized. William would have been born circa 1723. There is a William Blake baptized 18 Jan 1724 at Eton, Buckinghamshire and son of William Blake. Eton is six miles SSW of Fulmer, Buckinghamshire.

Michael Thackthwaite is the father of William Allen Thackthwaite. There is an apprenticeship for a William A Thackthwaite to Matthew Winter Citizen and Weave of London 4 Apr 1786. William Allen Thackthwaite was baptized 1770 at St James Westminster, Middlesex, England son of Michael and Penelope Thackthwaite. Michael Thackthwaite was married to Penelope Insley 10 Feb 1763 at Saint James, Westminster, London and he was buried 18 Jan 1822 at the age of 85 years. He is likely the Michael Thackthwait baptized 19 Dec 1736 (born 2 Dec 1736) at St James Westminster, Middlesex, England son of Dan Thackthwait and Mary Asbridge who were themselves married 4 Aug 1733 at Bromfield, Cumberland, England).

Children of William Allen Thackthwaite and Frances Blake from the Family Search website:

1. baptized at Fulmer, Buckinghamshire:

Jane baptized 1 Jun 1796 (born 3 May 1796)
William baptized 22 Aug 1798 (born 8 Aug 1798)
Michael baptized 30 Dec 1800 (born 30 Nov 1800)
Colchester baptized 12 Mar 1804 (born 11 Mar 1804)
Frances baptized 25 Jan 1818

2. baptized at Fawley, Hampshire

Robert baptized 28 Feb 1809

3. baptized at Dibden, Hampshire

Henry baptized May 1813
Thomas baptized 2 Nov 1814

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 8 May 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1280/183
Testator:  William Blake, Esquire
Place: Fulmer, Buckinghamshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document:  15 Apr 1796, probated 24 Oct 1796
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: William
[Margin]: Blake

1    This is the Last Will
2    and Testament of me William Blake of Fulmer in
3    the County of Buckingham Esquire First I desire that
4    all my just debts Funeral and Testamentary Charges
5    and Expences be fully paid and satisfied within Six
6    Months next after my decease and after payment and
7    Satisfaction thereof and Subject thereto I dispose of the
8    Temporal Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless
9    me in manner following whereas by the Settlement
10    made on my Marriage with my late dear Wife Jane
11    Blake certain Real Estates belonging to me were
12    limited and settled on myself and my said late Wife for
13    our joint Lives and the life of the Survivor of us and
14    after the decease of the Survivor of me and my said
15    wife upon such Children or Child as we might
16    happen to have in such Shares and proportions and
17    for such Estates and Interests as are particularly
18    mentioned and specified in the said Settlement and in
19    default of such children or there being such all of
20    them should happen to die under the age of Twenty
21    one years Then and in such case the Reversion of my
22    said Real Estates comprised and mentioned in the said
23    Settlement was and is limited to me and my heirs and
24    whereas I have one child only living by my said late
25    Wife namely Frances the Wife of William Thackthwaite
26    Esquire now of the age of Twenty years and an half or
27    thereabouts Now I do hereby Give and devise the said
28    Reversion of my said Estates after the death of my
30    said daughter in case of her dying under the age of
31    Twenty one years unto and amongst all and every the
32    Children of my said daughter that shall be living at
33    the time of her decease under that age To hold to
34    them and their heirs as Tenants in Common and
35    not as joint Tenants and if there shall be but one such
36    Child of my said daughter Then I give and devise the
37    said Reversion unto such one child his or her heirs
38    and assigns for ever and in case my said daughter shall
39    happen to die under the said age of Twenty one years
    [Page 2]
40    and without leaving any Children or Child living at
41    her death Then I Give and devise the said Reversion of
42    and in the said settled Estates unto my Son in Law the
43    said William Thackthwaite his heirs and assigns for
44    ever and I give and devise all and every other my Real
45    Estates both Freehold and copyhold whatsoever and
46    wheresoever and all Copyholds for life or lives and for
47    years with their and every of their Rights Members
48    and appurtenances unto my said daughter Frances
49    Thackthwaite and her Assigns for and during the Term
50    of her natural life and from and after her decease I
51    Give and devise the same and every part and parcel thereof
52    with the appurtenances unto all and every the Children
53    of my said daughter that shall be living at the time of
54    her decease To hold to them and their heirs as
55    Tenants in Common and not as joint Tenants and if
56    there shall be but one such child I give and devise
57    the same unto such only child of my said daughter his
58    or her heirs and assigns for ever and if there shall be
59    no child or Grandchild of my said daughter living at
60    the time of the decease of my said daughter Then I
61    Give and devise all my said Real Estates and Copyholds
62    for life or lives and for years and every part and parcel
63    thereof with their appurtenances unto my said Son in
64    Law the said William Thackthwaite his heirs and
65    Assigns for ever and I give and bequeath unto my said
66    daughter the said Frances Thackthwaite all my Manors
67    or Messuages Bonds and other Securities Monies in the
68    public Funds Ready Monies household Furniture and
69    Implements of household life and dead Stock of every
70    description plate Linen and China and all other my personal
71    Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of
72    what nature or quality soever To hold to her the said
73    Frances Thackthwaite her Executors administrators and
74    Assigns for her and their own absolute use and Benefit
75    Lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my good Friend
76    Michael Thackthwaite of Norwood in the County of
77    Middlesex Esquire and my said Son in Law the said
78    William Thackthwaite joint Executors of this my last
79    Will and Testament and revoking and making void all
80    former and other Wills and Testamentary disposition by
81    me at any time heretofore made do publish and declare
82    this alone to be my last Will and Testament In Witness
83    whereof I the said William Blake to the two first
84    sheets of this my will contained in three Sheets of
85    paper have set my hand and to this the third and last
86    Sheet my hand and Seal and also my Seal to the Tape
87    which affixed them together at the Top this fifteenth
88    day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
89    hundred and ninety six W Blake Signed Sealed
90    published and declared by the said William Blake the
91    Testator and for his last will and Testament in the
92    presence of us who in his presence and at his Request
    [Page 3]
93    and in the presence of each other have subscribed
94    our Names as Witnesses thereto Clarissa Thackthwaite
95    John Curtis Edward Bunce
96    This Will was proved at London the
97    twenty fourth day of October in the year of our Lord
98    One thousand seven hundred and ninety six before
99    the Worshipful John Sowell Doctor of Laws Surrogate
100    of the Right honorable Sir William Wynne Knight
101    also Doctor of Laws Master keeper or commissary of
102    the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
103    constituted by the oaths of Michael Thackthwaite
104    and William Allen Thackthwaite Esquires (by
105    Mistake in the Will called William Thackthwaite)
106    the Executors named in the said Will to whom
107    administration was granted of all and singular the
108    Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased they having
109    been first sworn duly to administer

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