Thursday, June 13, 2013

Will of Philip Blake, Gentleman of Landrake, Cornwall - The National Archives PROB 11/1477/16, probated 2 Apr 1808

Philip Blake is the testator and he lived at Penquite in Landrake. He names his sons John, Henry, Philip, Richard and Thomas and his daughters Grace (unmarried), Catherine (unmarried) and Elizabeth Denham. Philip’s daughter Thomasine was married to Nicholas Littleton and perhaps deceased at the time of writing the will as not mentioned. Another daughter Mary (baptism not found) was married to Samson Rendle; Mary died in 1795. Ursula the only other daughter not mentioned in the will was married to Jonathan Palmer and grandchildren Elizabeth and Ursula Palmer are mentioned (and Ursula is perhaps deceased).

Looking at the marriage records for Landrake

Philip Blake married Joan Palmer 14 Jul 1791 with witnesses C (senior) Blake and Jonathan Palmer. This Philip is the son of the testator. Philip is listed as a farmer. And his condition has not been inserted (the bride was a spinster).

Philip Blake married Mary Raw 5 May 1712

Mr Richard Blake married Mrs Elizabeth Blake 28 Sep 1732

Walter Blake married Mary Parsons 25 Jul 1743

Nicholas Littleton married Thomasin Blake 30 May 1782

Jonathan Palmer married Ursula Blake 1 Mar 1786

Samson Rundle married Mary Blake 2 Aug 1791

Thomas Blake married Maria Elizabeth Palmer 7 Aug 1800

Henry Blake married Emma Palmer 8 Jun 1831

There are 67 baptisms at Landrake between 1606 and 1872

Henry Blake and his wife Margery baptized seven children between 1606 and 1625 namely: Mary, Nicholas, Anne Urcilla, Dorathy, Bridgett, and Phillipp.

Then a Henry, John, Richard, Walter and John are shown with baptisms for one child each between 1689 and 1743 with two Philip Blake baptisms one the son of John and Thomazin and the second the son of Mr Richard and Mrs. Elizabeth (8 Jul 1733 and 1 Jan 1734 respectively).

Followed by eight baptisms for the children of Philip and Elizabeth Blake at Landrake with St Erney namely:

Ursula 29 Feb 1760

Elizabeth 16 Apr 1762

Henry 20 Jul 1767

Grace 7 Aug1769 (buried 17 Mar 1826 at the age of 56 living at Cutivet, spinster)

Richard 26 Jul 1771

Catharine 6 Aug 1773 (buried 24 Sep 1827 at the age of 54 living at Cutivet, spinster)

George 19 Nov 1775 (buried as an infant in 1776)

Thomas 1 Mar 1778

This accounts for all the sons mentioned in the will except for John and Philip.

This is then followed by the baptisms for the grandchildren of Philip and Elizabeth likely and they number nine for Philip and Joan/Jane, nine for Thomas and Maria, nine for Richard and Philadelphia.

The testator Mr Philip Blake was buried at Landrake (living at Penquite) 25 Feb 1808 at the age of 74 giving him a likely year of birth of 1734 but having two baptisms one in 1733 and one in 1734 that doesn’t help to decide his parents although he is perhaps the son of Mr. Richard and Elizabeth Blake given his subsequent status. The testator Philip’s wife Elizabeth was buried 30 Jan 1794 at the age of 59 giving her a year of birth of 1735.

Looking at the LDS I found a couple more baptisms for children of Philip and Elizabeth Blake:

Thomazin 10 Jan 1755 at St Erney
John 4 Dec 1757 at Landrake

On Find My Past there was a marriage celebrated at Plymouth, Devon 21 Mar 1754 between Philip Blake and Elizabeth Denstowe.

World Connect has a partial family tree with Philip Blake having a year of birth circa 1768. I suspect this is fairly accurate as he was likely born after Henry (born 1767) as he is named after him in the will. Grace was born in 1769.

From “A Complete Parochial History of the County of Cornwall: Compiled    Volume 2 by Joseph Poisue (on Google Books:\  and on page 400

The tombstone for Philip Blake: Near this place lie deposited the remains of Philip Blake, late of Penquite, in this parish, gent., who departed this life the 20th day of February, A.D., 1808; aged 74 years. Also the remains of Elizabeth his wife, who departed this life the 27th day of January, A.D. 1794; aged 60 years. And also the remains of George their son who departed this life the 4th day of November, 1776; aged 12 months.

Sacred to the memory of Samson Rundle (late of this village (landrake) who departed this life March the 27 1821, aged 53 years. Also of Mary, his former wife, and daughter of Philip Blake, late of Penquite, in this parish. She departed this life in April, 1795; aged 30 years.

Sacred to the memory of Catherine Blake, late of Cutivett, who departed this life September the 20th, 1827; aged 54 years.

I did not find a baptism for Mary (daughter of Philip and Elizabeth) who was married to Samson Rundle/Rendle. They were married 2 Aug 1791 at Landrake and he was of St Mellion (witnesses C (Senior) Blake and Philip (junior) Blake and perhaps this is P (Senior)).

The Visitation of Cornwall provides some information on Thomazine in that her daughter Eleanor Littleton (grand daughter mentioned in the will below) was born 6 July 1791 and married 29 May 1816 to Philip Porter.

But the ancestry of this Blake line eludes me for the moment.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 5 Jun 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1477/16
Testator: Philip Blake, Gentleman
Place: Landrake, Cornwall, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 19 Feb 1808 , probated 2 Apr 1808
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Philip
[Margin]: Blake

1    This is the last Will
2    and Testament of me Philip Blake of penquite in the
3    parish of Landrake in the County of Cornwall
4    Gentleman which I make publish and ordain
5    in manner and form following that is to say
6    I direct all my just debts and Funeral Expences
7    to be paid as soon as may be after my decease
8    I give and devise to my Son John Blake his
9    heirs and assigns for ever the undivided Moiety
10    of and in all that Freehold Tenement called
11    North parks and yellow Torr with the appurt[enances]
12    I give and bequeath to my said Son John Blake
13    all that my Tenement called Trelugham situate
14    in the said parish of Landrake for and during
15    the Term of his natural life and after his
16    decease then I give the same Leasehold Tenement
17    to my Son Henry Blake for all my Estate and
18    Interest therein I give devise and bequeath unto my
19    Son Philip Blake his heirs Executors Admors and
20    assigns for ever all that my Freeehold Tenement
21    called Hodges Barah and also all that my
22    Leasehold Tenement called underway in Brightor
23    drews park and Brigham Steps respectively situate
24    in the parish of Landrake aforesaid I give to my
25    said Son Philip Blake the Legacy or Sum of Four
26    hundred pounds and direct the same to be paid to
27    him by my Son Henry Blake out of my Estate
28    of Saint Erney within one year after my decease
29    I give and devise to my said Son Henry Blake his
30    heirs and assigns for ever all that my Freehold
31    Estate called Saint Erney with its appurt[enance]s situate
32    in the said parish of Landrake subject nevertheless
33    to and I do hereby charge the same with the
34    payment of the said Sum of Four hundred pounds
35    to my said Son Philip Blake at the time and
36    in the manner aforesaid I give and devise to my
37    Son Richard Blake his heirs and assigns all
38    this my Freehold Tenements and Fields called
39    respectively Harards Tenement and the Cove and
40    Marsh and Wood all lying in the parish of
41    Landrake aforesaid I give and devise all that my
42    Freehold Estate called Vigurs’s perquite which I
43    purchased of Mr Carew and also all those my two
44    Freehold Fields called Broomball and West Park
45    respectively situate in the parish of Landrake
46    aforesaid unto Peter Palmer of the said parish of
47    Landrake Tanner and Solomon Brown of
48    Landrake aforesaid Farmer and their heirs to
49    upon
    [Page 2]
50    upon and for the uses interests and purposes and
51    with and subject to the powers provisiors and
52    limitations hereinafter mentioned and expressed
53    concerning the same (that is to say) to the use of
54    my Son Richard Blake for and during his life
55    and from and after the said end Expiration or other
56    soever determination of that Estate by Forfeiture
57    or otherwise in his lifetime then to the use of
58    the said Peter Palmer and Solomon Brown and
59    their heirs during the life of my said Son
60    Richard In Trust to support and preserve the
61    contingent uses and Estates hereinafter given or
62    limited from being defeated or destroyed and for
63    that purpose to make entries and bring actions
64    that purpose to make entire and bring actions
65    as occasion shall be or require but nevertheless
66    to permit and suffer my said Son Richard or his
67    assigns to receive and take the Rents and profits
68    of the said Estate Fields and premises for his own
69    use during his life and from and immediately
70    after the decease of my said Son Richard to the
71    use of my Grandson Philip Blake Son of my
72    said Son Richard and the heirs male of his
73    Body Issuing and for default of such Issue to the
74    use of the second third fourth and fifth Son and
75    Sons and all and every other the Son and Sons
76    of my said Son Richard lawfully to be begotten
77    severally successively and in remainder one after
78    another as they shall severally be in priority of
79    Birth and the heirs Male of the Body and Bodies
80    of all and every such Son and Sons Issuing The
81    Elder of such Sons and the heirs Male of his and
82    their Body and Bodies being always preferred and
83    to take before the younger of the said Sons and
84    the heirs Male of his and their Body and
85    Bodies Issuing and for want or in default of such
86    Issue to the use of my Son Thomas Blake and
87    his assigns for and during his life and from and
88    after the determination of that Estate by forfeiture
89    or otherwise in his lifetime to the use of the
90    said Peter Palmer and Solomon Brown and their
91    heirs during the life of my said Son Thomas In
92    Trust to support and preserve the contingent uses
93    and Estates hereinafter given or limited from
94    being defeated or destroyed and for that purpose
95    to make Entire and bring Action as occasion shall
96    be and require but nevertheless to suffer my said
97    Son Thomas and his assigns to receive and take
98    the Rents and profits of the said Estate Fields
99    and premises for his own use during his life and
100    from and immediately after the decease of my
101    said Son Thomas to the use of his first Son lawfully
102    begotten and the heirs Male of the Body of
103    such
    [Page 3]
104    such first Son Issuing and for default of such
105    Issue to the use of the second third fourth and
106    fifth Son and Sons all and every other the Son
107    and Sons of my Son Thomas lawfully to be
108    begotten severally successively and in remainder
109    one after another as they shall severally be
110    in priority of Birth and the heirs Male of the
111    Body and Bodies of all and every such Sons
112    and Sons Issuing the Elder of such Sons and
113    the heirs Male of his and their Body and
114    Bodies being always preferred and to take
115    before the younger of the said Sons and the
116    heirs Male of his and their Body and Bodies
117    issuing and for want or in default of such
118    Issue to my own right heirs for ever I give
119    and devise unto my Son Thomas Blake his
120    heirs and assigns for ever all those my several
121    Freehold Messuages or Tenements Fields or Closes
122    of Land and hereditaments respectively called
123    Smiths Star park Openheads high Park East
124    park and Little Penquite and Grissons Close
125    with their appurt[entance]s situate in the said parish
126    of Landrake The principal part of which I
127    purchased of Lord Viscount Edgecumb I give unto
128    the said Thomas Blake his heirs and assigns
129    all that my Freehold Tenement or dwelling
130    House and Garden being at Wootton Cross and also
131    all my reversionary Freehold Estate and situated
132    of and in all those three Fields called Wootton
133    Cross Grounds situate in the parish of Landrake
134    aforesaid and now held by William Steed I give
135    and devise all that Freehold Tenement called
136    Griggs House and Garden and also all those my
137    two Freehold Fields called Broad Park and
138    __adons respectively lying in Landrake aforesaid
139    to my daughter Grace Blake and her assigns for
140    and during the time of her natural life and
141    after her decease then I give and devise the same
142    to my Grandson Thomas Denham for his life
143    and from and after his decease then I give and
144    devise the said last mentioned Tenement and
145    fields to my said Son Philip Blake his heirs
146    and assigns for ever I give and devise unto my
147    Grandson Henry Blake his heirs and assigns for
148    ever all that my Freehold Tenement called Cross
149    Parks and West Parks situate in the parish of
150    Landrake aforesaid I give and bequeath unto
151    my Grandson Philip Son of the aforesaid
152    Philip Blake my Son his Executors admors
153    and assigns all my reversionary Estate and
154    Interest of and in all that Leasehold Tenement
155    Called Hurslade lying in Landrake aforesaid and on
156    which
    [Page 4]
157    which I have put in his life I give and bequeath
158    unto my daughters Catherine Blake and Grace
159    Blake the Legacy or Sum of Four hundred pounds
160    apiece and to my daughter Elizabeth Denham
161    the Sum of Two hundred pounds and which said
162    three Legacies of Four hundred pounds Four
163    hundred pounds and Two hundred pounds I direct to
164    be paid by my Executors within the space of
165    a year after my decease I give and bequeath
166    to my Grand daughters Thomasin Littleton and
167    Eleanor Littleton Mary Denham and Catherine
168    Denham Elizabeth Rundle Elizabeth Palmer
169    And Ursula Palmer Elizabeth Maria and Mary
170    Blake the three daughters of my said son
171    Thomas Blake Elizabeth and Thomasin Blake
172    daughters of my said Son Philip Blake and
173    Elizabeth Blake daughter of my said Son
174    Henry Blake the Legacy or Sum of Fifty pounds
175    apiece and I will and direct that the said
176    several Legacies shall be vested Interests in
177    them respectively and be transmissible to their
178    Several personal Representatives and my will
179    further is that the same shall be payable
181    and paid to them respectively when they
182    attain the ages of Twenty one years respectively
183    and I give all the rest and residue of my Goods
184    Chattels personal Estate and Effects whatsoever
185    which shall remain after payment of my debts
186    Funeral and Testamentary Expences and
187    the before said pecuniary Legacies except the said
188    Legacy or Sum of Four hundred pounds which
189    I have solely charged on the said Estate called
190    Saint Erney and made payable thereout by
191    my said Son Henry Blake to my said Son
192    Philip Blake as aforesaid unto my said Sons
193    Philip Blake Henry Blake Richard Blake and
194    Thomas Blake their Executors admors equally
195    to be divided between them share and share
196    alike and I Nominate and appoint therin my
197    said Sons Philip Blake Henry Blake Richard
198    Blake and Thomas Blake Executors of this my
199    Will and I do hereby revoke all other Wills
200    and declare this to be my last Will and
201    Testament provided always and my Will is
202    that they the said Philip Blake Henry Blake
203    Richard Blake and Thomas Blake or either of
204    them their or either of their Executors Admors
205    or assigns shall not be charged or chargeable
206    but only each of them for his own respective
207    receipts payments acts and wilful defaults and
208    Not otherwise nor with any Sum or Sums of
209    money other than such as shall actually
210    come
    [Page 5]
211    come to their or his own hands respectively by
212    virtue of this my Will In Witness whereof I the
213    said Testator Philip Blake have to this my
214    last Will and Testament contained in three Sheets
215    of paper set my hand and Seal (that is to say)
216    my hand to the two first Sheets thereof and my
217    hand and Seal to this Third and last Sheet thereof
218    this Nineteenth day of February in the year of
219    our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Eight
220    Philip Blake Signed Sealed published and
221    declared by the said Testator Philip Blake as
222    and for his last Will and Testament in the
223    presence of us who in his presence at his
224    request and in the presence of each other have
225    hereto Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto
226    the words “which I purchased of Mr Carew having
227    been first inserted between the Twentieth and
228    Twenty first lines of the first Sheet” and the
229    words daughter of my said Son Henry Blake
230    having been also first Inserted between the
231    Seventh and Eighth lines and the Erazure
232    first made on the Twenty fifth line of the third
233    Sheet Grezy Porter Matthew Anstis Francis Warring
234    This Will was proved at London the
235    second day of April in the year of our Lord One
236    thousand Eight hundred and eight before the Right
237    honorable Sir William Wynne Knight doctor of Laws
238    Master Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative Court
239    of Canterbury lawfully Constituted by the Oaths of
240    Philip Blake Henry Blake Richard Blake and
241    Thomas Blake the Sons of the said deceased and
242    the Executors named in the said Will to whom
243    administration was granted of all and Singular the
244    Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased
245    having been first sworn by Commission duly to ad[minister]r

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