Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blake Newsletter posted to The Blake Family Site

24 Jul 2013
The process of working on the Blake family one name study has been very slow this past six months. We have been traveling and although I have transcribed a great number of wills on my blog throughout this time period, I have not been adding to this Blake Family website. I hope to see more changes to the website over the next six months. Working on my own for the most part means that I do not get more than one project done at a time. If anyone is interested in being a co-researcher on the Blake family in particular a member who lives in Australia/New Zealand, the United States of America or South Africa would be most helpful. Although I live in Canada my father was born in England and my studies are primarily there for the moment although I hope to begin work on the Blake families in the Canadian Census but again if anyone is interested in being a Blake researcher for this particular project and is from Canada they would also be most welcomed.

Although our trips have been quite short, the preparation time has been lengthy. We visited a number of interesting archives including the Historical Society of Connecticut and the Connecticut Society of Genealogists. We have already visited the State Archives of Connecticut which is also a very good site for doing genealogy on your Connecticut ancestors of which my husband has a good many. We also were very lucky to find the gravestone for Doctor Benjamin Burt in Ridgefield which we had been unable to locate the last visit to this area. Earlier we visited Vermont for a family reunion of my husband's Foote family and the Connecticut visit was for the Rathbun Family Reunion which was held in Newport Rhode Island (the birthplace of my husband's furtherest back female ancestor born in the colonies in 1654 - Margaret Carr daughter of Robert Carr (brother to the Royal Governor) and his possible wife Hannah Hale. We have not yet been able to prove the name of his wife nor her place of birth but given the matches of his FGS she was likely British.

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