Sunday, July 7, 2013

Will of George Blake, Instow, Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/711/447, probated 24 Sep 1741

This is the third and last George Blake will from Devon that we collected in our trip of this year.

A search did not reveal this Blake family readily. His sister he identifies as Esther Lee (wife of Bartholomew Lee one of his executors) and they live at Instow. George gives his address as Instow.

Looking at the Protestation Returns for 1641/42 at Instow there is a John Gawen listed and is perhaps an ancestor of Edmund Gewan the other executor named in the will and a friend of the testator. No Blake or Lee family members appear on this protestation return.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 28 Jun 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/711/447
Testator: George Blake
Place: Instow, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 5 Jun 1741, probated 24 Sep 1741
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

 [Margin]: George
[Margin]: Blake

1    To all whom these may concern
2    I George Blake of Instow in Devensheire in Consideration of
3    Mortality either by sickness dangers of the Sea or being cut of by
4    An Enemy do constitute and appoint my good friend Edmund
5    Gewan or Berthelomew Lee to be jointly or severally in case
6    Of the abovesaid mortality my lawfull Executors or Executor to
7    Receive all Money due to me viz[ a vit] all pay due to me for his
8    Majesties Ship Chichester all bounty Money prize Money Short
9    Allowance Money all Cloaths Beding or whatsoever belongs to
10    Me on board the said Ship or Elsewhere Reposing a certain and
11    Undoubted friendship in the abovesaid Edm Gewan and Barthw
12    Lee
    [Page 2]
13    Lee I do further more Will and request that they or
14    Either of them if it should please Almighty God either of them should
15    Survive me should return or cause to be returned to my
16    Sister Esther Lee of the above said Town the Effects Money or
17    Wearing Aparell that belongs to me whereunto I have my
18    Hand and Seale this 5th day of June 1741 George Blake
19    Being present Dennis Donovan Humphery Gregory
20    This Will was proved at London before the Worshipfull
21    Robert Chapman Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right
22    Worshipfull John Bettesworth Doctor of Laws Master Keeper
23    Or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
24    Lawfully constituted on the Twenty Fourth day of September
25    In the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seaven hundred forty
26    One by the Oath of Bartholomew Lee one of the Executors
27    Named in the said Will to whom administration was
28    Granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of
29    The said deceased being first sworn duly to Administer power
30    Reserved of making the like grant to Edmund Gewan the
31    Other Executor when he shall apply for the same

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