Friday, July 26, 2013

Will of James Blake, Yeoman, Honiton Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/1817/22, probated 8 Jun 1833

James Blake is the testator living at Honiton and he mentions his daughter Mary married to William Allen and his daughter Betsy (deceased) married to Nathaniel Bishop. [Perhaps a return to normalcy on my part as I am back to transcribing wills!]

Marriage of Mary Blake and William Allin celebrated 19 Jan 1806 at Honiton on Otter, Devon.

Marriage of Betsy Blake and Nathaniel Bishop celebrated 12 Aug 1804 at Honiton on Otter, Devon. Children of Nathaniel and Betsy named in the will: Eliza married to John Husey, Nathaniel Bishop, Margaret married to John Barrett and James Blake Bishop. Marriages found in Family Search ((Family Search M05114-1).

Eliza Bishop married John Browne Hussey 13 May 1828 at Honiton on Otter
Margaret Bishop married John Barrett 17 Jan 1832 at Honiton on Otter
Nathaniel Bishop married Matilda Bustard 3 Jul 1834 at Honiton on Otter
James Blake Bishop married Elizabeth Notley 20 Oct 1835 at Honiton on Otter

I did find an online website (sources not listed unless you register) for the Nathaniel Bishop/Betsy Blake family providing a few details. Namely:

Betsy Blake is listed as the daughter of James Blake and Isabella Kitchen. She was baptized 25 Jan 1781 at Honiton. Her grandparents were listed as William and Elizabeth Blake and James and Aquila Kitchen. The children of William and Elizabeth Blake as listed as Mary Blake (b 6 May 1750), Elizabeth Blake (b 8 Sep 1751), James Blake (b 14 Oct 1753), Thomas Michel Blake (b 2 May 1756), William Blake (b 28 May 1758), Jane Blake (b 25 May 1760 and 13 Mar 1763). The children of Nathaniel Bishop and Betsy Blake are listed as Eliza (b 21 Aug 1804 at Honiton), Nathaniel Bishop (b 15 Dec 1807 at Honiton), Margaret (b 19 Jan 1810 at Honiton) and James Blake Bishop (b 25 Mar 1811 at Honiton with his marriage to Elizabeth Notley added 20 Oct 1835 at Honiton).

This information gives a possible age for James Blake (b 14 Oct 1753) and will probated 8 Jun 1833 with his last Codicil written (2)1 May 1833 giving him a likely age of 80 years of age. William his father would have likely been born by 1730 and is possibly the William Blake who married Elizabeth Michell and is especially given that one of the children of William and Elizabeth was named Thomas Michel Blake. The marriage took place 29 Jan 1748 at Ottery Saint Mary, Devon which is only six miles southwest of Honiton. Unfortunately there aren’t any wills for William Blake at the PCC for this area of Devon nor did I find one on the Devon Genuki Consolidated Wills.

Interesting information on this Blake line at Honiton and likely Ottery Saint Mary.

Page two of the will was blurred somewhat at the top and difficult to read. Perhaps in the future I will try to read once again but for the moment the gist of the will is sufficient and no names are missing.

Chopping Knife Inn is one of the lost pubs of Devon. It was built by 1774 and then known as The Rolling Pin with the name The Chopping Knife becoming the usual name by 1843 (and obviously by 1833 as James mentions it in his will). The website for Lost Pubs Project: . There is a coin depicted for this pub on the webpage which reads White (perhaps the White family were later occupying this inn).

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 9 Jul 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1817/22
Testator: James Blake
Place: Honiton, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 21 Aug 1832, probated 8 Jun 1833
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: James
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 18

1    This is the last Will and Testament of me
2    James Blake of Honiton in the County of Devon yeoman First I give and devise unto
3    Sarah the daughter of Nathaniel Bishop of Honiton aforesaid Innkeeper the sum of
4    thirty pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid by my Executors hereinafter
5    named when she shall attain the age of twenty one years I give and bequeath unto my
6    daughter Mary the wife of William Allen all my household goods and Furniture now in
7    my occupation and also I give devise and bequeath unto my said daughter Mary the
8    wife of the said William Allen all that Messuage or Tenement situate in Honiton
9    aforesaid called the Chopping knife Inn with the Garden Fields and appurtenances hereto
10    belonging now in the occupation of Hannah Oak as Tenant thereof and the said Field
11    called Bakers Plot in the occupation of Benjamin Trim as Tenant thereof To hold
12    the same with the appurtenances thereto belonging immediately after my decease unto
13    my said daughter Mary her executors administrators and assigns for and during all
14    my Estate and Interest therein to and for her own use and benefit I give devise and
15    bequeath unto the said Nathaniel Bishop and Henry Hawker of Buckewell in the
16    said County Feltmonger two hundred and seventy pounds Stock now three and half per
17    cent Consols Upon Trust that they the said Nathaniel Bishop and Henry Hawker or
18    the survivor of them his executors administrators and assigns do and shall pay and apply
19    the Interest dividends and produce thereof from time to time to the same shall
20    become due and payable unto the proper hands of my said daughter Mary the wife of
21    the said William Allen for her sole and separate use for and during the term of her
22    natural life, the same to be independent of her said husband and not to be subject or liable
    [Page 2]
23    to his debts control contracts engagements and the receipt and receipts of my said daughter
24    Mary shall be good and sufficient discharge and discharge to the person and persons who
25    shall pay the same ______________________
26    do ____ such receipt or receipts as shall be _______ be received
27    provided and I do hereby declare that ______ my said daughter Mary the wife of the
28    said William Allen shall ______ after my death ____ of any Monies to put
29    herself ______ in the said sum or _____ for her wants or necessities should so
30    require the same I do hereby authorize and empower my said Trustees or the survivor
31    of them his Executors or administrators should they think it right and necessary so to be
32    and they should consider it would be for her benefit notwithstanding my said limitation
33    to her for her natural life only to sell out and dispose of all or any part of the said two
34    hundred and seventy pounds stock third and half per cent consols and to pay the same to
35    my said daughter Mary the wife of the said William Allen to and for her own use and
36    benefit and after the decease of my said daughter Mary Upon trust that the said
37    Nathaniel Bishop and Henry Hawker or the survivor of them his executors or
38    administrators shall and do stand possessed of said interests in whatever should remain
39    of the said two hundred and seventy pounds Stock three and half per cent Consols In trust
40    for all and every the children of my said daughter Mary who shall be living at the
41    time of her decease and do and shall divide and pay the same equally between them
42    share and share alike at their respective ages of twenty one years if more than one
43    and if there shall be but one Child then to such only one his or their executors
44    administrators and assigns at the age aforesaid and as to for and concerning all the
45    Residue and Remainder of my Goods Chattels and other Monies and Securities
46    for Money personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and of what nature or kind soever the
47    same may be not by me hereinbefore given and bequeathed my debts legacy and funeral
48    expences being first paid thereout and I do hereby charge the same with the payment
49    thereof I give and bequeath the same unto the said Nathaniel Bishop and Henry Hawker their
50    executors administrators and assigns upon such trusts nevertheless as hereinafter
51    mentioned expressed and declared that is to say upon trust that they the said Nathaniel
52    Bishop and Henry Hawker or the survivor of them his executors or administrators
53    do and shall after payment of the before mentioned legacy and my debts and funeral
54    expences do and shall account for and pay and apply all such Monies equally between my
55    Grandchildren Eliza the wife of John Hussey Nathaniel Bishop Margaret the wife of
56    John Barrett and James Blake Bishop the children of my late deceased daughter Betsy
57    Bishop to and for his her and their own use and benefit his her and their executors
58    administrators and assigns as soon as convenient to my said Trustees after my decease
59    provided also and my will is and I do hereby direct that my said Trustees or the survivor
60    of them his executors or administrators shall not be answerable or accountable for the
61    receipts acts disbursements or default of the other of them or for any more of the
62    trust Monies then shall come to his or their hand or hands respectively but each of them for
63    his own receipts acts disbursements and defaults only and also that they my said trustees
64    and the survivor of them his executors or administrators shall by with and out of
65    my said trust estate and effects be reimbursed satisfied and paid all costs charges damages
66    and expences which they or either of them shall or may pay bear sustain be at or
67    put into in or about the execution of the trusts hereby in them reposed or of their
68    lawful acting therein and I do hereby make nominate constitute and appoint the said
69    Nathaniel Bishop and Henry Hawker Executors of this my will hereby revoking
70    all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this only to be my
71    last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament
72    contained in three sheets of paper to the first and second sheet thereof set my hand
73    and to the last my hand and seal this twenty first day of August in the year of our Lord
74    one thousand eight hundred and thirty two James Blake Signed
75    Sealed published and declared by the said James Blake the Testator as and for and to
76    be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed
77    our names as witnesses thereto in the presence of the said Testator and of each other
78    Thos Maunder Sophia Maunder
79    This
    [Page 3]
80    This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament of me James Blake of
81    Honiton in the County of Devon Yeoman bearing date the twenty first day of May one
82    thousand eight hundred and thirty three and which I desire may be annexed to and
83    considered and taken as part thereof whereas I have in and by my said will given and
84    bequeathed unto Nathaniel Bishop Henry Hawker two hundred and seventy pounds
85    stock now three and half per cent consols Upon trust as therein mentioned for my daughter
86    Mary the wife of William Allen Now I do hereby revoke the said bequest as given as
87    aforesaid and instead thereof I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto the said
88    Nathaniel Bishop and Henry Hawker two hundred pounds Stock now three and half
89    per cent consols upon the same trusts to and for my said daughter Mary the wife of
90    William Allen and to and for the same purposes as declared in and by my said will
91    respecting the said sum of two hundred and seventy pounds Stock now three and half
92    per cent consols hereby by this codicil revoked and I do hereby confirm in every other
93    respect my said will In witness whereof I the said James Blake have to this Codicil
94    set my hand and seal the day and year first above written James Blake
95    Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator James Blake as and for a
96    Codicil to be annexed to this last Will and Testament and to be taken as part thereof in
97    the presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto in the presence
98    of the said Testator and of each other Thos Maunder Sophia Maunder
99    Proved at London with a Codicil 8th June 1833 before the Judges by the
100    oaths of Nathaniel Bishop and Henry Hawker the Executors to whom admon was
101    granted being first sworn by Commission duly to adm[inister]

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