Sunday, July 28, 2013

Will of John Blake, Seaman late belonging to His Majesty's Ship Malborough but now to His Majesty's Ship Temeraire, Blackawton, Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/892/618, probated 31 Oct 1763

John Blake is the Testator and he is a seaman with two daughters Ann and Elizabeth Blake.

Ann is possibly the Anne Blake who married Robert Leach 30 Sep 1783 at Blackawton. No marriage for an Elizabeth Blake.

His Majesty’s Ship Temeraire was cvaptured from the French Navy having been launched by them in 1749. It was a 74 gun ship of the line. HMS Warspite captured Temeraire at the Battle of Lagos on 18 Aug 1759 and she was taken into the Royal Navy as the Third Rate HSM Temeraire. This ship was then sold out of the navy in 1784.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 28 Jul 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/892/618
Testator: John Blake, Seaman late belonging to His Majesty’s Ship Malborough but now to His Majesty’s Ship Temeraire
Place: Blackawton, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 29 Oct 1760, probated 31 Oct 1763
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: John
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I John Blake of Blackawton in the County of Devon Seaman
3    late belonging to his Majesties Ship Marlborough but now to
4    his Majesty’s Ship Temaire being in good health of Body
5    and of a sound and disposing Mind and Memory (blessed be
6    God for the same) Do this twenty ninth day of October in the
7    year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and sixty
8    take this opportunity to make this my last Will and Testament
9    in manner and form following that is to say First and
10    principally I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty
11    God who gave and my Body to the Earth or Sea as it shall
12    please God and as touching all such worldly Estate as it
13    hath pleased Almighty God to bless me with I give and
14    dispose thereof as follows Imprimis I will and direct that
15    all my just debts and Funeral charges be first paid and
16    discharged Item all such salary wages Tickets Bounty
17    Money prize Money short allowances Money outstanding pensions and
18    all other Sum and Sums of Money whatsoever as now is
    [Page 2]
19    or at any time or times hereafter shall be due owing payable
20    and belonging unto me by any Ways or Means Right or
21    title whatsoever or howsoever And also all my Goods
22    Chattels personal and testamentary Estate and Effects
23    whatsoever and wheresoever I do hereby give and bequeath
24    unto my good friend Lewis Oldrieve of Street within the
25    Parish of Blackawton aforesaid Gentleman his Executors
26    and Administrators In Trust nevertheless and for the only
27    benefit and Advantage of my daughters Ann Blake and
28    Elizabeth Blake to be equally divided between them Share
29    and Share alike at their attaining their respective ages
30    of twenty one years or day or days of Marriage which shall
31    first happen and in the mean time and before that I will
32    and direct that the said Lewis Oldrieve his Executors and
33    Administrators shall put out the same or any part thereof
34    at Interest or pay apply and dispose thereof or any part
35    thereof to and for the use and Benefit of my said daughters
36    and the Survivor of them from time to time as he the
37    said Lewis Oldrieve his Executors and Administrators shall
38    think proper and in case either of my said daughters shall
39    dye before her said Share shall become due and payable
40    that then the Share of her so dying shall go and be paid to
41    the Survivor of them at the time such Survivors own
42    share becomes due and payable as aforesaid And
43    lastly I Will and direct that the said Lewis Oldrieve his
44    Executors and Administrators do and shall from time to time before
45    any such Division or Divisions as aforesaid shall be made
46    shall reimburse and satisfy him and themselves for all
47    reasonable Charges Trouble and Expences that may happen
48    or be occasioned in and about the Management and
49    execution of the said Trust And I do hereby constitute and
50    appoint the said Lewis Oldrieve whole and sole Executor
51    in Trust as aforesaid of this my last Will and Testament
52    in Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and Seal
53    the day and year first above written 1760 John Blake
54    Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named John
55    Blake the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament
56    in presence of us John Brown Wm Neal
57    This Will was proved at London before the Right
58    worshipful Sir Edward Simpson Knight Doctor of Laws Master
59    Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
60    lawfully constituted on the thirty first day of October in the
61    year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty three
62    by the Oath of Lewis Oldrieve the Executor named in the said
63    will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular
64    the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased he having
65    been first sworn by Commission duly to administer

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