Sunday, August 11, 2013

Will of The Reverend Richard Blake, Clerk, Farway, Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/1170/274, probated 24 Oct 1788

Richard Blake, the testator, has a memorial placed on Flicker:

“Near this place are deposited the Remains of the Reverend Richard Blake, A.M. Rector of this Parish, 31 Years, who Died much Lamented 22nd September 1788 Aged 66 Years. He was a liberal Benefactor to the poor. A sincere and Ready Friend. A vigilant and faithful Pastor. From his mind replete with Knowledge Flowed Instruction to all. And his Heart equally Benevolent Ever Expanded the Gate of his Hospitable Mansion. To whose memory this Monument is Erected By order of his affectionate Relative, Hannah Atkinson.”

The Parish Church at Farway is dedicated to St Michael and All Angels and the early Norman Church can still be seen (13th century).

This is a large wall plaque which can be found on Flickr (the sculptor was M. Eames and it is located in the parish church at Farway, Devon):

This is the third will mentioning John Stabback, Clerk. The other two were blogged earlier:

In both wills, John Stabback has been entrusted with trusteeship as is also the case in this will. In the will of Martha Blake she names her sister as Elizabeth Stabback. John Stabback who is named as a Clerk is nephew to Martha Blake. Neither of these women have living children at their deaths.

Richard names his aunt: Alice Williams and his cousins: Thomas Williams, Hannah Atkinson, Richard Blake, William Blake, and Thomas Dodge.

This Richard is possibly the son of Richard Blake baptized 22 Sep 1722 at Saint David, Exeter, Devon. His donations to Charities in Exeter tend to make me think that he was from Exeter. Later in 1795 his cousin Miss Hannah Atkinson endowed a charity school at Farway:

There are references on the National Archives to Land deals in which both Robert Tarrant, Clerk, rector of St. Petrock Exon and John Stabback, clerk, rector of St Edmund upon the Bridge, Exon are mentioned:

At St Davids Church in Exter there is a brass tablet remembering an earlier parishioner:

In memory of Richard Blake died 9th August 1746 aged 54. Hannah Blake his widow died 15th Aug 1673 aged 68.

Searching for this marriage of Richard Blake and Hannah in the Marriage Allegations and will report back later if I find it.I believe it to be the marriage of Richard Blake and Hannah Matthews celebrated in Exeter Cathedral in 1721 from the Boyd's Marriage Index but am searching the allegations by Vivian at the moment for all Blake entries and will watch for that particular entry if they had a license. The baptism of Richard does fit in as it was likely in 1722 according to the memorial.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 10 Aug 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1170/274
Testator: The Reverend Richard Blake, Clerk
Place: Farway, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 11 Nov 1769, probated 24 Oct 1788
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: The Reverend
[Margin]: Richard
[Margin]: Blake

1    Be it remembered
2    That this is the last Will and Testament of me Richard
3    Blake of Farway in the County of Devon Clerk made this
4    eleventh day of November one thousand seven hundred and sixty
5    nine First I give and bequeath unto Robert Tarrant of the City of
6    Exon Clerk and John Stabback of the same City Clerk their
7    Executors and administrators all my Capital Stock of Moneys in
8    any of the Publick Companys or Funds of this kingdom and all my
9    right and Interest therein respectively upon the trust herein
10    after mentioned concerning the same that is to say upon trust that they
11    my said Trustees their Executors and administrators do and shall
    [Page 2]
12    by and out of the Yearly dividends Interest and produce
13    thereof in the first place pay unto my Aunt Alice Williams
14    widow the annual or clear yearly Sum of twenty five
15    pounds for and during her natural life free of all Rates
16    Taxes and other outgoings whatsoever and in the next place
17    do and shall by and out of the Yearly dividends Interest and
18    produce of my said Stocks pay unto Mary Davy my Servant
19    who now lives with me the annual or clear Yearly Sum of
20    Fifteen pounds for and during her natural life free of all rates
21    Taxes and other outgoings whatsoever and I do hereby
22    order and direct that both the said annuities shall be
23    paid and payable by two equal half yearly payments
24    and the First payment thereof respectively to begin and be
25    made at the End of six calendar Months next after my
26    decease and the residue of the clear and neat dividends
27    interest and produce of my said Stocks do and shall account
28    for and pay over unto my cousin Hannah Atkinson who
29    now lives with me to and for her own use and benefit and
30    upon this further trust that they my said trustees their
31    Executors and administrators do and shall by and out of my
32    said Capital Stock of Moneys in the Funds pay unto my
33    Cousin Thomas Williams Son of the said Alice Williams the
34    Sum of one hundred pounds of lawful British Money in six
35    months next after the death of his said Mother and also pay
36    unto my Cousin Richard Blake the Sum of two hundred
37    pounds of lawful British Money in six months next after the
38    deaths of both than the said Alice Williams and Mary Davy
39    and also do and shall pay unto the Treasurer or Treasurers
40    for the time being of a Society who now call themselves the
41    Governors of the Devon and Exeter hospital at Exeter the Sum
42    of thirty five pounds in six Calendar months next after the
43    deaths of both them the said Alice Williams and Mary Davy
44    which said Sum of thirty five pounds I desire may be applied
45    towards the carrying on the Charitable designs of the said
46    Society and also do and shall pay unto the Treasurer or
47    Treasurers for the time being of a Society who now call
48    themselves the trustees for the Charity Schools within the said
49    City of Exeter which were begun and established in the time when
50    Doctor Blackhall was Bishop of Exeter the like Sum of thirty
51    five pounds of lawful British Money in six Calendar months
52    next after the deaths of both of them the said Alice Williams
53    and Mary Davy which said last mentioned Sum of thirty five
54    pounds I desire may be applied towards the carrying on the
55    charitable designs of the said Society and also do and shall
56    pay unto the Treasurer or Treasurers for the time being of
57    a Society established for the support and maintenance of poor
58    Clergymens Widows and orphans within the archdeaconary
59    of Exeter the like Sum of thirty five pounds of lawful British
60    Money in six Calendar months next after the deaths of
61    both them the said Alice Williams and Mary Davy and my
62    express will and Meaning is that the said last mentioned
63    Sum of thirty five pounds shall be paid to and distributed
    [Page 3]
64    amongst such poor Clergymen’s widows and orphans only
65    who are not possessed of or entitled to more than two hundred
66    pounds in real or personal Estate or in both real and
67    personal or have not an income of more than ten pounds
68    a year such being the objects for whose benefit the said
69    Charity was originally begun and established and the
70    residue of my said Stocks or Moneys in the Funds after the
71    several payments and applications aforesaid do and shall
72    account for and pay over or otherwise transfer the same
73    unto my said cousin Hannah Atkinson her Executors and
74    administrators to and for her and their own use and benefit
75    and upon no other need and for no other intent or
76    purpose whatsoever also I give and bequeath unto my said
77    Cousin Richard Blake the further Sum of one hundred pounds
78    of lawful British Money to be paid to him by my Executrix
79    hereinafter named within one year next after my death if
80    he shall then have attained his age of twenty one years
81    but if not then to be paid to him when and so soon as he
82    shall attain that age also I give and bequeath unto my
83    Cousin Thomas Dodge the Sum of one hundred pounds of lawful
84    British Money to be paid to him by my Executrix herein after
85    named within one year next after my decease if he shall
86    then have attained his age of twenty one years but if not then
87    to be paid to him when and so soon as he shall have
88    attained that age and my will is that if any or either of them
89    the said Thomas Williams Richard Blake and Thomas Dodge
90    shall happen to die before his or their Legacy or Legacys
91    or any part thereof respectively shall become payable that
92    then the Legacy or Legacies of him or them so dying or such
93    part thereof as shall not be payable in his or their life time
94    shall sink for the benefit of my Executrix and not be paid or
95    payable also I give and bequeath unto my Cousin William
96    Blake Brother of the said Richard Blake the Sum of one
97    hundred pounds of lawful British money to be paid to him by my
98    Executrix hereinafter named within one year next after my
99    death also I give and bequeath unto the said Robert Tarrant
100    and John Stabback the Sum of Fifty pounds each of lawful British
101    Money to be paid to them respectively by my Executrix herein
102    after named in six months next after my death provided always
103    nevertheless and my Will is that they my said trustees or
104    either of them shall  not be answerable or accountable for the acts
104    Deeds Receipts of mismanagement of each other but each for
106    his own acts Deeds Receipts and mismanagements only nor for any
107    loss or losses that shall or may happen to the said trust Estate and
108    premises nor for any more money than shall come to their
109    hands respectively and my Will further is that it shall and
110    may be lawful to and for my said trustees respectively to
111    deduct retain and keep in his and their hands respectively out
112    of the said trust moneys and premises over and besides the
113    several Legacies herein before to them respectively Given all such
114    Costs charges damages and Expences as they or either of them shall
115    sustain be at or put into for or on account of the trusts hereby in
    [Page 3]
116    them reposed or their or either of their acting or intermeddling
117    therein or anything relating thereto together with so much
118    Money as they shall severally reasonably deserve for their labour
119    and trouble in and about the same also I give and bequeath
120    unto such poor people of the parish of Farway as have no
121    pay or relief from the said parish the Sum of ten pounds
122    of lawful British Money to be paid and distributed unto and
123    amongst such of them as my Executrix shall think proper
124    at the following times to wit one half hereof in two months next
125    after my death and the residue thereof within twelve months
126    next after my decease also all the rest residue and remainder
127    of my Goods Chattels Lands Tenements and hereditaments
128    Real and personal Estate whatsoever of mine hereinbefore
129    given devised or bequeathed my Debts Legacies and Funeral
130    Expences being first paid and discharged I give devise and
131    bequeath unto my said Cousin Hannah Atkinson her heirs Exors
132    administrators and assigns and her the said Hannah Atkinson
133    I make whole and sole Executrix of this my last Will and
134    Testament hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me
135    heretofore made and ratifying and confirming this to be my
136    last In Witness whereof I have to this my last Will and
137    Testament contained in two Sheets of paper to the first Sheet
138    thereof set my hand and to the last my hand and Seal the day
139    and year aforesaid Richd Blake Signed Sealed published
140    and declared by the said Richard Blake the Testator as and
141    for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have
142    subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto in the presence of
143    the said Testator and of each other Henry Venn Junr Jas
144    Townsend Jno Pratt
145    This Will was proved at London the twenty
146    fourth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand
147    seven hundred and eighty eight before the Right Worshipful
148    Sir William Wynne Knight doctor of Laws Master keeper
149    or Commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
150    constituted by the Oath of Hannah Atkinson Spinster the Sole
151    Executrix named in the said Will to whom administration was
152    granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of
153    the deceased having been first sworn duly to administer.

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