Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Will of Richardus Blayke of Enham 1522

I received a copy of the will of Richardus Blayke of Enham dated 1522 and I think also probated in 1522 but still working on that. Is this possibly the father of Robert, Nicholas and Elizabeth (married to Mr. Mylne) and husband of Jone who left her will as a widow in 1527 also at Enham? I am about 1/4 of the way through the will and it is slow going. Back to working on the will of Richardus Blayke of Enham. I would like to finish it today. Hence no new Blake will tomorrow from Devon, hopefully it will be this will of Richard Blake.

I filled in the copy form on the Family Search website about two weeks ago for this will and it arrived yesterday. Absolutely beautiful scan of it and included the wrapper, a close up scan and a full scan. Many many abbreviations though in the will and it is in Latin so very slow going for me.

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