Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Will of Anne Sophia Blake, widow of Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset - The National Archives PROB 11/2112/390, probated 25 May 1850

Anne Jane Blake (married to Lieutenant Colonel Edward Harwood) was the daughter of Michael Anthony Blake (Esquire of Belmont House, County Galway Ireland) and Anne Sophia Durrell (testator).

A little more about the family from The Bath Chronicle, Thursday, December 17, 1868:

Dec 7, at The Elms, Ringmer, Sussex, Anne Jane, the beloved wife of Edward Harwood, Esquire., Major in the 2nd Somerset Regiment of Militia, and daughter of the late Michael Anthony Blake, Esquire, of Belmont House, County Galway, Ireland, Captain in the 13th Foot, nephew of James Cuffe, Lord Tyrawley by Anne Sophia Durell, co-heiress of Thomas Philip Durell through whose maternal descent from the Welds, she inherited the illustrious lineage of Edrick Silvatius, alias Weld, a Saxon of great renown in the days of King Harold and William the Conqueror, whose father Alfrick was brother of Eldrick of Stratton, Duke of Mercia. On Monday her remains were conveyed from her residence in Sussex to Burnham, Somerset, for interment in the family vault.

This from The Bath Chronicle, Thursday, May 9 1850:

May 3, at Verandah House, Weston-super-Mare, in the 65th year of her age, deeply regretted by her family and friends, Mrs. Anne Sophia Blake relict of the late Michael Anthony Blake Captain 13th Light Infantry, and nephew of James Cuffe Lord Tyrawley of the County of Galway, Ireland.

My first will that links to the Blake family of Galway.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Sep 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2112/390
Testator: Anne Sophia or Ann Blake, widow
Place: Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 2 May 1850, probated 25 May 1850
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Ann
[Margin]: Sophia
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 4

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    or testamentary disposition and appointment of me Anne
3    Sophia Blake of Weston Super Mare in the County of Somerset
4    Widow I give devise and bequeath and also direct limit and appoint
5    all my messuages lands tenements and hereditaments and all other
6    my real and chattel real estate and all my monies and securities for
7    money goods chattels and Personal Estate and all other my Real
8    and Personal Estate of what nature sort or description soever and
9    wheresoever situate and whether in possession reversion remainder or
10    expectancy over which I have any power of disposition or appointment
11    unto my daughter Anne Jane Harwood the wife of Edward Harwood
12    Esquire to hold unto her the said Anne Jane Harwood her heirs executors
13    administrators and assigns according to the nature of such property
14    respectively absolutely and I appoint the said Edward Harwood and
15    Anne Jane Harwood Executor and Executrix of this my will I
16    authorize my executors to compound and compromise any debt or debts
17    owing to or from me or my estate at the time of my decease and to
18    prosecute and carry on and continue or discontinue any suit or other
19    proceeding either at law or in equity in which either myself or my estate
20    may be involved at the time of my decease and to manage and arrange
21    such suit or suits in any way they may think proper In witness where
22    of I have at the foot or end of this my last will and testament or testa-
23    mentary disposition and appointment at my hand this second day of
24    May one thousand eight hundred and fifty Ann S Blake
25    Signed and declared by the said Testatrix Anne Sophia Blake as and
26    for her last will and testament or testamentary disposition and appoint
27    ment in the presence of us present at the same time who in the pres-
28    ence at her request and in the presence of each other have hereunto
29    Subscribed our names as witnesses Joseph Stringfield Surgeon Weston
30    Super Mare  Patty Penrose Welles Guernsey Lucy Addams
31    Burslem
32    Proved at London 25 May 1850 before the Worshipful Thomas
33    Blake doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oaths Edward Harwood
34    Esquire and Anne Jane Harwood (wife of the said Edward Harwood)
35    the daughter the executors to whom admon was granted having been
36    first sworn duly to administer

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