Monday, September 30, 2013

Will of Elizabeth Blake, widow of Crewkerne - The National Archives PROB 11/1847/396, probated 25 Jun 1835

Elizabeth Blake, the testatrix, was married to the Reverend William Blake of Crewkerne as mentioned in the will below. Elizabeth Jarman was married to William Blake in October 1812 he having been married first to Hannah Jarman May 1808 (Hannah having died in April 1810 leaving one daughter). This from the “Memoir of the late Reverend William Blake of Crewkerne” published in The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature, Volume 16 (Google Books; pages 262 - 268 ).

This book further notes that her husband was the great grandson of the Reverend Malachi Blake a noncomformist Minister who lived at Blagdon, a village near Taunton, and he had founded the Dissenting congregation at Wellington.

The will of the Reverend Malachi Blake (son of the Reverend Malachi Blake mentioned above who lived at Blagdon) was blogged:

I am still working on these lines in Somerset and will not do a descendant chart for a blog until I complete the Somerset wills.

Children of William and Elizabeth Blake baptized at Hermitage Street Presbyterian, Crewkerne

Malachi baptized 12 Jul 1815 (born 24 Jul 1813)
William baptized 4 Nov 1816 (born 19 Nov 1815)
Elizabeth baptized 17 Sep 1819 (born 14 Apr 1817)
Margaret baptized 17 Sep 1819 (born 9 Apr 1818)

Child of William and Hannah Blake baptized at Hermitage Street Presbyterian, Crewkerne

Hannah baptized 13 Sep 1810 (born 15 Mar 1810)

Malachi has died by the time of the writing of Elizabeth’s will. By the will it is known that by 26 May 1841 that William is 21 years of age as he then probated the will by himself and he was born 19 Nov 1815 so waited until he was 26 years of age to take on that responsibility. Since I find only two daughters born to Elizabeth and one daughter born to Hannah I assume these are the three daughters mentioned as such in the will but not named. I can not find information on the Jarman family so do not know if Hannah and Elizabeth were sisters.

Since my interest does not extend to properties held or entitled to I will not add any information on the land holdings which were to come to this family as a result of the will of Miss Elizabeth Eason. The property passed to John Weston Peters as mentioned and on his death in 1858 the dealings on this property are well recorded in legal works of the day.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 30 Sep 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1847/396
Testator: Elizabeth Blake, widow
Place: Crewkerne, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 7 Jul 1832, probated 25 June 1835
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Elizabeth
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 16

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Elizabeth Blake of Crewkerne in the County of Somerset Widow and Relict
3    of The Reverend William Blake late of Crewkerne aforesaid deceased which I
4    make and publish for the disposal of all my Estate and Effects both Real and
5    Personal and of which I have any power of gift limitation or appointment
6    in manner following that is to say First I give to my Brother George Farewell
7    Jarman and Edward Jarman ten pounds apiece to Mary Denison of Nottingham
8    twenty pounds to my good Friends and Relatives Doctor Malachi Blake and
9    Mary his Wife Downing Blake and Mary his Wife and John Collins of Horton
10    and Mary his Wife and to every of them five pounds apiece And I give the
11    Minister of the Dissenting Meetinghouse in Crewkerne where I usually attend and
12    to the support of which I am a subscriber and who shall officiate there at the time
13    of my death the sum of thirty pounds And I give to the Treasurer or Manager
14    of the Infant Friends Society in Crewkerne the sum of ten pounds to be applied
15    and disposed in aid of the Funds of the said Society and for the benefit thereof
16    and I give to each of my Servants living with me at the time of my death
17    provided they shall have been in my service on year but not otherwise five pounds apiece and
18    to my Servant Ann Moore whether living with me or not the further sum of
19    twenty pounds all which Legacies I will shall be paid at the end of one year
20    after my death free of Legacy duty And I give and bequeath to my three
21    daughters all my Watches Jewels Trinkets Ornaments of my person Clothes and
22    wearing Apparel to be divided between them as equally as they can do it
23    themselves And I give all my plate to my Son William and my three daughters
24    equally to be divided between them And I give devise and bequeath limit and
25    appoint all that Messuage or dwellinghouse in which I reside in Crewkerne
26    and the Outhouses and Garden thereto belonging And also the houses
27    Outhouses and premises which I lately purchased adjoining my said Messuage
28    with the Appurtenances and also all my household Goods and Furniture unto
29    my three daughters their heirs Exors Admors and Assignes as tenants in common
30    and not as joint tenants but in case either of them should marry then it is
31    my will that she shall convey and assure her undivided third part or share
32    in the said houses and premises respectively to her other two unmarried Sisters
33    and their heirs Exors Admors and Assigns as tenants in common on
34    receiving and being paid the sum of three hundred pounds as a full
35    consideration for such undivided third part and in case another of my said
36    daughters should also marry Then it is my further will and desire that she
37    shall duly convey and assure her undivided third part of share in the said
38    houses and premises respectively to the duly unmarried Sister her heirs Exors
39    Admors and Assigns on receiving and being paid the like sum of three hundred
40    pounds as a full consideration for such last mentioned undivided third
41    part To the and that the last of my said unmarried daughters may be seized
42    of possess and enjoy the whole and entirety of the said houses and premises
43    Provided also that in case either of my said daughters shall happen to die
44    under the age of twenty one years and without having been married Then
45    I give devise and bequeath limit and appoint the share and part of her so
46    dying in the said Messuages and premises unto the Survivors of my said
47    three daughters their heirs Exors Admors and Assigns as tenants in common
48    and In exercise of the power and authority to me given limited and
49    reserved in and by the last Will and Testament of Miss Elizabeth Eason
50    deceased I hereby give and bequeath limit and appoint from and
51    after my death the sum of one thousand pounds the Interest of which
52    I am entitled to for my life unto and amongst my three daughters
53    equally to be divided between them share and share alike And I give
    [Page 2]
54    and bequeath limit and appoint unto each and every of my said three
55    daughters the sum of three thousand pounds apiece to be a bested Interest in
56    them respectively on attaining their several and respective ages of twenty
57    one years or days or days of marriage which shall first happen and in
58    case any of either of them shall happen to die under the age of twenty one
59    years and without having been married then I give and bequeath direct
60    and appoint the Legacy or sum of three thousand pounds of such of my
61    daughter or daughters so dying unto the Survivors or Survivor of my said
62    daughters and my Son William equally to be divided amongst or between
63    them share and share alike And I will and direct that the Interest
64    dividends and profits of my said daughters Legacies or a sufficient part
65    thereof from my death and during their respective minorities may be
66    paid applied and disposed for and towards their respective maintenance
67    and education and in case my said Son William shall come into
68    possession of and become legally entitled to the Messuages Land Tenements
69    and hereditaments given and devised to him and his Issue Male in
70    and by the last Will and Testament and Codicil or Codicils of the said
71    Elizabeth Eason in the event of Mr John Weston Peters dying without
72    Issue Male Then I give and bequeath limit and appoint unto each of
73    my said three daughters the further sum of two thousand pounds apiece
74    to be paid to them by my said Son William in one year after he shall
75    have come into possession of and become legally entitled to the said
76    Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments by virtue of the said Will
77    and Codicil or Codicils of the said Elizabeth Eason and in exercise of all
78    powers and authorities whatsoever enabling me in this behalf I give
79    devise bequeath limit and appoint unto my said Son William Blake
80    all other my Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever
81    and wheresoever and as well Freehold as Leasehold and Copyhold of which
82    I have any disposing power and all my Estate and Interest therein and
83    also all my Monies and Securities for money Goods Chattels personal
84    Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever not hereinbefore disposed of
85    to hold to him the said William Blake his heirs Exors Admors and
86    assigns for this and their own use and benefit but subject to and charged
87    and chargeable with the payment of the several Legacies and sums of
88    money by me hereinbefore given And I nominate constitute and
89    appoint my said Son William Blake to be the sole Executor of this my
90    last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former
91    Wills by me made But in case my said Son William shall not have
92    attained the age of twenty one years at my death then I nominate
93    constitute and appoint the said Doctor Malachi Blake and my said
94    Brother Edward Jarman and the Survivor of them to be the Executors
95    or Executor of this my Will during the minority of my said Son In trust
96    for him and for the purposes of my Will and I request them to assist my
97    Son in the management of his Affairs being full indemnified out of my
98    Effects all costs charges and expences whatsoever to be incurred by them in
99    anywise relating to the execution of my Will In Witness whereof I the said
100    Elizabeth Blake the Testatrix have to each sheet of this my last Will and
101    Testament which is written on three sheets of paper set my hand and seal
102    this seventh day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
103    and thirty two Eliz[abe]th Blake Signed Sealed published
104    and declared by the said Elizabeth Blake the Testatrix as and for her last
105    Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto in her presence
106    and at her request and in the presence of each other subscribed our names as
107    Witnesses Loveday L Sparks Isaac Sparks Geo: Moss
108    Proved at London 25th June 1835 before the Judge by the Oaths of
109    Malachi Blake Esquire and Edward Jarman Esquire the Brother the
110    Executors during the minority of William Blake now a Minor the Son And until
111    he shall attain the age of twenty one years having been first Sworn (to wit) the said
112    Malachi Blake by Commission and the said Edward Jarman before the
113    Worshipful Charles Coote Doctor of Laws and Surrogate duly to Administer
114    Proved at London 26th May 1841 before the Judge by the Oath
115    of William Blake the Son the Executor substituted in the said Will (he
116    having attained the age of Twenty one years) to whom Admon was granted
117    having been first sworn by Comm[issi]on duly to Administer. The Probate of the
118    said Will heretofore granted to Malachi Blake Esquire and Edward Jarman
119    Esquire the Brother the Executors named in the said Will during the Minority
120    of the said William Blake (then a Minor) and until he should attain the age of 21
121    years having come and expired by reason of his having attained that age (and by
122    Act of Court appoint)

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